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Everything posted by Bizklimkit

  1. ok, that's cool. anyone else you need done while i'm at it?
  2. that link doesn't work? i can see it...
  3. Hey guys. A guy named Dan messaged me and asked for a Giant Man design. SO I did it. Nothing amazing, but it's what he wanted. Feel free to comment anyway.
  4. That's my Gambit design, right? Looks like mine. Ragardless, that's def. the best Gambit custom I've seen so far. I love it. Lemme know if you want any more designs drawn up. I'm not doing much over here anyway.
  5. I had drawn up a design a while ago, but it's gone now. I can't find it anywhere.
  6. looks like the next concept design contest is gonna be pretty hard to win this year. good job on all of these. especially in paint.
  7. A lot of those are SO old. The Squall was done in a much more detailed style. I like it, but it was so time consuming and hard to do. I like the ones with the thick borders a lot better. I had even older ones at one point, but they're completely gone. No history of them at all. It's sad really. At one point I had every single one I've ever done. Stupid computers.
  8. haha. i've actually got a deviantart page, but i posted them here because I figured if I just posted a devart link, that I'd get less feedback here. anyways. there's TONS.
  9. I do have a template.. But I drew it from scratch (I do all of these from scratch, for those who don't know) so I don't think I'll be posting it. However, my Iceman will probably be all the template you need.
  10. I thought about doing Thor the other day. I'm off tomorrow so I probably will. I did Hulk, 2 Quicksilvers, and 3 Angels. I'll post them all tomorrow.
  11. I agree that normal sized characters (Magneto, Spider-man, Iron Man, Gambit) should be in the 2" scale. But for huge people like Juggernaut, Hulk or Strong Guy, I think 2.5 would be cool. But on that note, I think people like Giant Man should be made Maximate style. I don't care if they're articulated or not. As long as they're sculpted with their arms in some sort of pose, them I'm fine. I don't need Giant Man to be in kneeling down or doing ballet style poses. I don't need the articulation for him. But that's just my opinion. Also, I'm not really feeling the sculpted chest on apocalypse. Someone mentioned, it looks to much like a kubrick, and less like a minimate. I hope this isn't something that happens on the regular.
  12. Oh yeah, I've drawn all of these. I've got tons of them already drawn in the style that I did Deadpool in. It's a more elaborate and detailed style, but I like the ones with the thick border better. They're more fun and now quite as hard.
  13. I draw them in Macromedia Flash.
  14. Here's a few Wolverine's for you guys. I'm thinking of doing Omega Red. Then Maybe some Spiderman badguys. Or Weapon X Wolvie.
  15. ok, well... Now, if only getting minimates was that quick and easy...
  16. In the pictures of the new DC mates, there's Hawkman. So we can easily take his wings, swap them for Archangel' wings. And voila. Angel wings. Swap out the blue face for maybe Capt. America's face, keep the blonde hair and, again, Angel.
  17. Thanks, bud. I notice I had Ben in there twice, so I switched him out with Spider Carnage, like it should've been originally.
  18. I decided to do it the minimate way and do an overload of Spidermans (Spidermen?).
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