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Posts posted by Jad

  1. Godfather Minimates..... I'm excited, but nervous. First of all, I love love LOVE the first two movies. Absolutely classic films, and I'll buy any GF 'mates they make. But, I'm a little concerned we're going to have a 24 rehash here. Are there really that many iconic looking characters? Mostly a bunch of guys in suits, which we've seen before in Minimate form, and that makes me nervous. Hopefully they'll be able to get all the core characters out in the first few box sets.

    Finally, a horse head accessory would be the bees knees!

  2. I appreciate your enthusiasm, groundhog7s, but this just isn't going to happen. AA have been asked, repeatedly, about any scenario you can think of for finishing off LOTR. All this happened years ago. They don't even own the license anymore to make figures.

    LOTR, like Street Fighter, is dead. Period.

  3. i dont normally get movie mates even the marvel ones but these look awsome just a great licence ive shown these pics to a few friends of mine who dont collect mates many hadn't even heard of them till i started collecting and even they said they would get them although i think a boxed set may grab the casual collector than two packs :D

    Jeez gledzee, ever hear of punctuation? :biggrin:

    Count me among those who would be happy with one wave, very pleased with a wave and the singles, and ecstatic to see two waves. That would be plenty.

  4. ...

    The T-1000 looks nice. That's got to be that unique sculpt that was hinted at in the AA blog. (I would have preferred X-files.)

    Yep, I called it. I love how it turned out, especially Robert Patrick's WTF face. Still, there is definitely a need for them to do a non-melty T-1000, perhaps with swappable silvery hook and blade hands.

    Looks like Kyle Reese is based on his appearance in the T2 deleted scene, but that's virtually identical to his T1 costume. I hope they can work in other T1 characters, like the trenchcoat-wearing T-800. Waitress Sarah would also be cool, and colorful.

    What I REALLY hope DST will pursue is mates based on Sarah Connor Chronicles. I love that show!

  5. Damn, this sucks. One time I went to a screening of Wrath of Khan with director Nicholas Meyer in attendance. Afterward he took questions from the audience. One guy asked what it was like working with, and I quote, "two of the biggest hams in acting - Shatner and Montalban". Well I wish I had Meyer's response on tape, because he tore the guy a new one. He staunchly defended Montalban's acting chops, and listed off a bunch of movies/ random TV episodes in which he had kicked ass - Fantasy Island not included, naturally.

    He will be missed.

  6. I was not that shocked to hear that they wouldn't pursue Trek Movie Mates. They have already done all the core classic 60's characters, and since the new costumes look fairly similar to the originals, they would have been basically repeating themselves.

    As we have seen time and again with AA/DST, doing merchandise for a big summer film is a dicey proposition. The film may be huge, or it may flop, and then they would be stuck with large quantities of unwanted toys, probably arriving months after the film anyway. If it were up to me, I would not have pursued New Movie Trek Mates.

    Since the demise of BSG, many have assumed the worst for Trek Minimates, but I think this may be premature. BSG's moment is now, but Trek, a four-decade-old property, can probably weather out this economic downturn. What AA/DST need to do is to put out a new wave of essential, fan favorite characters, most likely from Next Generation era: Worf, Geordi, Data, Q, Riker, maybe even a Quark and a Janeway for good measure. That would give Star Trek fans a reason to get back into Minimates. Then the following wave could polish off the TNG crew, and flesh out the Voyager crew. Trek has room to grow.

  7. I've got to agree, this is a hint about the upcoming T2 figures. I just can't see them announcing X-Files mates this late in the game, especially since the last movie didn't do so hot.

    As far as the unique design, if it is T-1000 melting up out of the floor, wouldn't that be similar to the Spider-Man 3 all-sand Sandman figure? My guess is it's going to be the T-1000 after the grenade blew up in his gut. Oh, by the way, SPOILER ALERT for a 16 year old movie that even my grandmother saw.

  8. You said it, Captain. A dozen or so figures away from completion. That's the real kick in the teeth - if we had just gotten these final mates, the line would have felt finished, and I would have understood and accepted that those would be the last.

    I'm holding onto hope that the final skinjob Cylons could appear in a box set, as many of them use existing parts - Aaron Doral's jacket is from 24's Andre Drazen, for example. It would sure please a lot of fans, myself included.

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