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Everything posted by Jad

  1. Very nice. I can't wait for my Mickey to encourage Spider-Man to get the frak up and start wailing on those Centurions! I'd like to see the next box have one beat-up Rocky and three opponents.
  2. All the buzz on these boards seems to be for Hawkeye. But my official vote goes for Gambit, just because I'm an X-junkie.
  3. I think it's rather clever to not give us Hawkeye just yet. With the DC packs, most of the parts will be out there, so the customizers can have a crack at doing their own Hawkeye. Then later on they can put out an official one. There's been so much talk of Hawkeye lately (is he the new Thor, in terms of most-wanted Marvel mate?) that AA will most definitely be doing Hawkeye at some point.
  4. Top priority for me is all the principal characters (including villains) in Wrath of Khan-era uniforms (or I'm gonna do some head-swappin' to make it so!) Next on the list would be TNG dudes, TOS aliens, & then anyone else they want to throw out there, I'll buy. In fact, I'd love to see a Cylon-type exclusive 12 pack of various army-building aliens - not just 12 Borg, please!
  5. Alright, I'm ready to order this wave! Chalk up two more fantastic Marvel characters to the tally. What comes tomorrow, I wonder...
  6. Bearded Thor as the variant? Perfect! I don't need to get him. But a standard Thor packed with Loki? Double Perfect! Gotta get that set.
  7. I think the fan rancor (pardon the pun) towards Lucas' digital changes is that for a loooooooong time the unaltered original versions were not officially available. Now that they have come out on DVD, there's still plenty of grief because they aren't anamorphic transfers or in surround sound. Whereas with Star Trek, fans can easily watch the originals, all cleaned up in a very nice DVD set, or they can watch the newer versions on TV (they'll surely be on high def DVD sooner or later). Giving a consumer more control over the product they buy results in a happier consumer!
  8. RE: "I'm excited about Trek again!, (and sober!)" I'm also excited that you're sober! Seriously, though, while I love all minimates, I will only order them by the case for two lines: modern Battlestar, and Star Trek. I picked up all three seasons of the classic series on DVD and have been slowly going through them, loving every digital minute of it. Trek rules! I haven't seen any of the revamped episodes yet (they're on at 1:00 AM and I don't have a VCR). I bet they would be interesting, but I'd probably prefer the originals.
  9. And tomorrow's minimate: Thor-verine!
  10. 1. Modern Bloody Cylon (the pic of this guy got me into collecting minimates) 2. Kitty Pryde (probably my favorite of all the X-characters) 3. John Stewart (and I'm not much of a DC fan, but this was a cool 'mate)
  11. So, the big announcement isn't a new license. No LOST or Star Wars or POTC minimates on the horizon... Still, I'm thrilled to be getting more Marvel characters, and I'm sure each and every one of these minimates will make it to my collection. Now, just bring on the zombies...
  12. I'm here for one reason only: to see Webhead's signature line at least once a day. Sigh... Also to get the latest news on the best toy line out there, have a chat, & do a few trades. The free stuff & contest are icing on the cake.
  13. Ah, but if the variant Bones figure is packed with Scotty, then there's an extra Scotty for ya. A simple head swap and you've got yourself some Gorn food! (Gorn not included)
  14. So far this week we've had announcements of: Star Trek minimates rebooted (YES! I love the preview pic) 24 minimates (very cool, I'll finally start watching) ... and one more announcement on Monday? I'll throw my wishful-thinking vote in for LOST minimates!
  15. Alright, I'm ready to preorder a case. I'm surprised (and glad!) that Capt. Pike will be in a regular pack; I assumed he would be a variant of Kirk. All the accessories look great, especially the shoulder-strap tricorder.
  16. Wow, all those PF statues are phenomenal. I've seen the Star Wars PF statues, but was never all that impressed, but those Marvel ones... amazing. I don't have the space or funds, but I can dream!
  17. I haven't watched a minute of 24, but I will definitely get all of these mates. What a perfect excuse to start watching!
  18. Trek mates... 2 inch Trek mates.... And all this on the same day they announce the iTV and iPhone... all my money is already spent!
  19. I've found them in Coralville, Iowa. I picked up the Beast/Kitty Pryde, the only one I wanted. Has anyone seen a DOFP Wolvie & Colossus pack in their Target?
  20. I'm only getting the modern figs. My mother told me that I used to love the old show, but I don't hardly remember any of it. I traded one of my Centurions for a classic Centurion, since we see one in a glass case early in the miniseries.
  21. My Stuckakid preorder (one modern case) came in, and apparently I got a free gift! A DVD of BSG: The Story So Far, the episode that encapsulated the show up to the season 2 finale. Many thanks to Stuckakid for this cool bonus!
  22. How about albums? 1. London Calling by The Clash - a perfect song for every mood, as long as it's 'pissed off' 2. Aloha from Hawaii by Elvis - a powerful voice at the top of his career 3. Siamese Dream by Smashing Pumpkins - redefined music for a decade 4. Nebraska by Bruce Springsteen - the demo tapes were so good, they just became the album 5. Blacklisted by Neko Case - the vocal on Deep Red Bells just rips me in half
  23. PM has been sent, but I put my vote in for Thor. Not very original, I guess. Hope I can win one, though I'm just thrilled to see a nice large pic of a Centurion! My case can't come fast enough!
  24. FRAK YEAH! I wonder when Stuckakid will get mine to me in Iowa. They'll probably be waiting for me when I get back to work after the holidays. Hoooray!
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