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Posts posted by Liney

  1. Another nice set. I like the updated Dr Strange, still going to be a bit of a pain to get hold of in the UK I fear.

    Aside from the facial expression and my incorrect coloring of his cape/wings(?) on Morbius its pretty close to my design I did earlier this year. ;)

  2. Does anyone have any suggestions for some sentinels that looks good with minimates?

    As good as the official ones are, I am trying to find something taller and more imposing.

    The ML is huge, and pretty costly, but came across the Super Hero Squad one, does anyone have a picture of him with any mates?

    Have there been any other sentinel figures that anyone knows of?

  3. Heyho peeps!

    I was just wondering where do people find their reference images for stuff?

    I do a lot of minimate designs but am struggling to find pictures to look at when doing them. For example, The Wizard or Alkhema. I can't seem to find many decent images of either of them, let along things like a image showing their backs.

    Any help in regards to those two characters, or just in general, would be most appreciated.

    Over and out.

  4. Been working on various designs inbetween work, this is the only one I managed to get finished, sort of...
    Line art for a Frightful Four Medusa, without the hair as you can see, will be drawing it seperately so as to not cover most the minimate design.


    I think this one is much better than my initial attempt on the first page. Though I would like to point out I did suggest back then the same solution to her hair as the new Nova mate... :whistling:

    As always coloured version to follow, and her hair too.


  5. I used Liney's kick ass Jocosta art work to make some decals. I didnt try them yet but I think the res held up during resizing. For the head piece I think Val from the Defenders set would be a good base. I was going to take on Plastic Man too but you guys did such a great job, I'll just use one of yours.

    Thank you so much sir!

  6. I'm not experienced at making decals, but can do the line art for some if anyone wants.

    Also a few people mentioned they would like to turn a few of my design into decals, which I'm not against if anyone would be kind enough, especially these two :P



    Im sorry if I have put this in the wrong place.

  7. Question: do the new cape pieces for Storm limit her arm articulation? Just curious.

    They do prevent the elbow joint from bending.

    I was worried about that too, I would just try and cut off the band at her wrist. That way she can bend her arms, plus her cape isn't always attached to her wrists anyway.

    On a side note, I think her hair, especially her widows peak is too puffy. Otherwise she looks great to me!

  8. Another piece of control art completed: Luke Cage/Power Man.

    I tried to be more economic with this design and re-use the old Power Man pieces and try to bulk him up with a Professor Hulk chest piece, as I thought the design was close enough to work. When drawing it I realised too much chest was on show, so I modified it to work better.

    I have doubts whether the chain belt and chest piece will work together, so if anyone has all these pieces and would like to see how it would look,fel free to share :P

    As always feedback is appreciated.



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