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Everything posted by tommyfarr

  1. I'm 19, im 6'3", and unfortunatly i weigh around 17/18 stone, (i prefer not to know my exact weight, that way i dont get too paranoid). The problem I get is going through stages, il put on a load then lose a bit. My worst attempt has been in the last month, I bought a protein suppliment, and was too busy to commit to the exercise everyday. The result? A balloon! Ive gotten massive, its all bulk and muscle, and people are saying I look better, but i just feel a bit silly, that and my clothes dont fit. I've come to the conclusion the best way to lose weight is to cut out all the crappy food an exercise a bit more, i try now to do about an hours hard running or an hour on the punch bag every other night. Its working. Slowly but surely. If anyones got some advice feel free to help me become iron man.
  2. Fallout 3 and Oblivion..... The mutts nuts. Ive spent around 20 hours on each and only done 4 story missions on oblivion, and only just met the brotherhood of steel. Its more addictive then crack.... probably....
  3. Ha! this is classic. and BHM wins my personal award for best post ever! but what a tease. its not fair. why not just release every awsome marvel character ever as a minimate. then all this anguish would be spared! yes. i am impatient.
  4. its not that theres two more venoms (admitidly, theres not many directions to be taken with them), its that out of all the amazing characters from dark reign, we get two basicly the same. I think maybe they should stick with the scorpian tailed one and give us a real ares! and the two norman osborns cant really be counted in that cos its a bit more of a variant, what with iron patriot being completly different.
  5. @ DST matt Sorry to be ignorant, i havnt been on these forums much, but do i take it you actually work for DST? If so. Thats awsome. Like anchorman levels of awsomage!
  6. Dont get me wrong! I love iron man and wolverine, iv got pretty much every one of each, but the are milking it a bit, i mean nova was awsome for me, and i think maybe they could/should do a war of kings/guardians of the galaxy minimates. Or even a full proper thunderbolts line-up, i mean normans the leader! he dont get his hands dirty!
  7. Ok, maybe 1.2 million was a slight exageration, but theres another venom in the dark avengers set unless im mistaken?
  8. With all the amazing Characters to choose from dark reign, they choose venom (theres roughly 1.2 million venom minimates already available) and even worse, there doing TWO!! How does that make any sense whatsoever, give me ares any day!
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