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Posts posted by xVashx

  1. These guys have been super hard to find. I have been to every TRU in my area and still no luck on that Chameleon set. If anyone has an extra or two at retail, I would be very appreciative. I also have a bunch to trade. Thanks! This is such a great wave and it's a shame that so few are going to make it out into the wild. 

  2. Hi everyone, I just have a quick question about all of the boxed sets that were either announced or came out over this past summer. I'm trying to figure out which will come out in my LCS, which were solely convention exclusives and which were AFX exclusives (which always end up in my LCS after awhile). I would just go ahead and order these online, but I like to give my LCS business whenever I can. So I'd love to know which of these I can expect to see in my LCS. Thanks!


    New Mutants

    90's X-Men

    Age of Apocalypse #1

    Age of Apocalypse #2

    Uncanny X-Force

  3. I love these guys. I have all of the marvel and star wars ones so far. I am also looking forward to the indiana jones ones that will be coming out. They are a bit big, but they are way to sweet looking to pass up.

  4. Rumor is that the Rocky 3 boxed set is in danger of not seeing release. To me, it is by far the most exciting of the three sets because of both Mr. T and Hulk Hogan. If the set it not released as is, do you think it would be likely that a Hogan & Mr T two pack could be released? I think it would be a good seller as people who don't even care about Rocky would probably still pick it up.

  5. Ok, SPAM isn't my greatest of ideas.. lol.. But I do think that helping to get the word out is the only chance of keeping minimates around for a long time to come.

    I wish more retailers carried them. I know here on the East Coast, Suncoast video was a major minimate carrier. But recently, all the Suncoasts near me have been closing shop with malls favoring FYE. FYE offers some minimate support, but they don't seem to carry them the way Suncoast did.

  6. The recent news about the future of the DC mates and the death of the Lord of the Rings and Street Fighter lines got me thinking.

    Minimates collecting definitely appears to be a niche collecting area. Even with the explosion of new lines in the last year. I think emailing DC and buying a few extra sets may help delay the minimate line’s death, but I am not sure it will stop it.

    It seems to me, while we are hardcore in our minimate love, we are a small community. At least as far as sales figures go. It may be that our hobby would be better served by doing what we can to expand the fan base.

    Buying minimates as gifts. Letting fans of certain licenses know about minimates. Giving away some of our extras to friends and potential minimate lovers. Basically doing whatever we can to increase interest. I think we need to become a Street Team for minimates. I have never been a fan of SPAM. But we may need to SPAM the crap out of everyone and everything to keep minimates alive. Essentially, trying to do a better job of promoting minimates than DST or DC.

    I know my love of minimates got sparked when I actually saw them displayed at my friend's house. I saw and passed over them at the store. It wasn't until they were in my hands that I recognized their coolness. Maybe we need to give more people that "ah ha!" experience.

    Today it is DC. Who will it be tomorrow? I for one do not want to see an end to these awesome figures. I’ve stopped collecting most other figures in favor of minimates if minimates are available for a particular license.

    The DC news really worried me. And it makes me concerned for other existing licenses and the ability of DST to acquire larger licenses for minimate production.

  7. I have to say that i love these mates. I also love that I didn't have to end up with extra mates from the variant sets. The unmasked spider-man makes it's own variant with the hairpiece & flipped up mask. The Peter Parker minimate made for a really sweet quick custom. I took a chest piece from an extra regular spidey I had. So now I have a version with the red suit under his clothes and one with the black suit. It's sweet! Then I was able to use the extra black suit chest piece to fix the bulky chested black suit spiderman. The big chested version just looked wrong. The custom makes him much more like the previews version, but I think I'd rather have two of those. Plus the lines are different between the two (silver for the previews and gray for this one). I hope we see more of these where the "extra" in the variant sets make for their own variant customs as with unmasked spidey or are really easy to make a variant quick custom as with peter parker.

  8. Yeah, I definitely have a love for block figures. I get my hands on every minimate that i can. I really like palz and it is a shame we won't see any more of those. I only grab the kubricks related to animes that i like. Otherwise I am not really a fan of kubricks.

  9. wow.. i didn't realize these guys had been in the cooker for so long. In any case, they are supposed to hit next month. While I'm not a Tekken fan, I'll get any block figure that looks cool. I'll put these right next to my street fighter mates.

  10. I got mine as well! I wonder if this could be for those who had quality issues with mates and this is their way of saying sorry. I recently contacted them because of the missing Rocky hairpiece. And considering how recent that was, the timing of the free gift is interesting. Whatever the reason, I'm happy :D Did anyone get the free mates who didn't contact them at some point bc of a quality control issue?

  11. Done! This contest was definitely fun. I hope everyone else had as good a time. Oh, and it made my brain hurt. Some of those challenges were definitely not easy and required some creative flair.. I can't wait until after midnight so we can talk in more detail and start posting pics. Good luck to everyone still clicking pics today!

  12. I just got the 80gig ipod a few months ago and couldn't be happier. I'd go for the bigger space. I had a 20gig ipod for awhile but eventually filled the thing up. I never thought I would, but you'd be surprised by how quickly it happens. I definitely like the video option. I download tv show episodes all the time using bittorrent and then use the videora converter to make them ipod compatible. So now i watch tv at work during lunch. So if you wan to do something like that, video takes up a lot of room. I also find myself downloading a lot of podcasts and episodes of the howard stern show and those all take up a decent amount of space. Also, I've found the battery life to be pretty good, even when using video. Hope this helps.

  13. rx78jj: The sense that i get from how you described your situation is that you are unsure of both women. In my experience, doubts and problems early in a relationship do not bode well for the life of the relationship. The question you need to ask yourself is what you need in a relationship to be happy. I don't think anyone can find the "perfect" mate. But we can find someone who meets certain individual needs (e.g. big breasts :lol: ) and can ultimately make a person happy. For myself, I learned what I wanted and didn't want in a relationship through the relationships I've had. And I was in positions similiar to yours where I was ambivalent about ceratin women. But I can tell you now that leaving them was the right choice. It's hard to leave a relationship when the other person fills some of your essential needs, but not all of them. However, more complete happiness is out there.

    Deadpool: If you both like each other, can you see yourselves going back to a normal friendship? My guess is that you will dance around this do-we-or-don't-we thing for awhile until you finally just do it. I've found myself in similiar circumstances. Too many times have I fallen for a friend. And too many times I had to hear about their boyfriends, guys they like, ect while I sercetly liked them. Let me say that just sucks. If you think you will be ok hearing about other guys, then leave things as they are. If you think it will be like eating broken glass, then go for it. I know for me, once I fell for a girl I couldn't go back to feeling for her just as a friend. So if you ask me, the friendship is already doomed, but the romatic posibilities could be great.

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