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Everything posted by Gillbob316

  1. I know this was a WHILE back in the discussion but just for the record... They sold TRU Minimates at C2E2 this year too. I was there. I guess we just never saw pictures and no one ever thought to bring it up before now (self included). Same wave, the Warlock/Magik, Shatterstar/Cannonball one. The exclusives sold out pretty early in the con. In fact I'm pretty positive that I still needed Magik/Warlock at the time and didn't get one, because I got there too late (I have one now though, so no worries). You may be asking, "Then how did you know they had them?" Because they still had some other sets from that wave on the hook, like Wolverine and Magneto, and when I asked Chuck he said they had the exclusives earlier, but they were gone fast.
  2. My Capcom wants consist largely of Mega Man (ORIGINAL, NOT X or Legends), Proto Man, BB Hood, Cammy, Frank West and any other Resident Evil characters they wish to add... My Marvel wants consist largely of Marrow (And please GOD make a minimate), Blink, Jubilee, Cable & Juggernaut (Don't necessarily need minimates for them... but I'd like them in game)
  3. After I saw that Lemonade panel, this was straight where my mind went... I used to buy comics from the quarter bins at my local store... as such I had lots of lame worthless comics from the 70s in my earlier childhood. I swear, those Hostess ads were the only thing that made alot of them worth buying, lolz...
  4. What I never liked about the 2.5 inchers, and I'm suprised no one has brought this up... is the actual physical incompatability... I dunno about ya'll... but I have on occassion been known to play with my minimates. I did it more back in the day, when I only had like... 12, and removed parts were much easier to keep track of, and less now that I have several hundred... but still do occassionally. That said, Croc and Bane and... The entire Lord of the Rings line... annoyed me, because they didn't lend themselves to creative play. You couldn't take parts off Croc and add them to a smaller minimate. Likewise, you couldn't take smaller parts and put them on Croc. And I couldn't put Legolas' hair on Gollum... or Sauron's pants on Frodo. AND I COULD NEVER PUT MY GANDALF'S IAN McKELLAN FACE ON MAGNETO! WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN AWESOME! *Shakes Fist!* And all that bugged me. Now... say what you will about the more complex sculpted Marvel characters (I like some, I don't like some, like everyone) But at least the vast majority of their parts, if not all of their parts, can be removed and re-attached to any other Marvel Minimate figure I might desire to attach them to, for whatever reason. Which I've always loved about the Marvel line. All using the same base figure, Damn near ANY part, from damn near ANY figure, can go on any other figure. (With the rare and occasional exception of a pegged hair-piece on a head without a hole.) I can dress Croc up half Bane. I can dress Bane up half Croc. After that they get real boring... So, chalk me up as one more "good riddance to 2.5"
  5. (I'm gonna preface this by saying I skimmed some of the above posts. Didn't read them all. So take that into consideration here...) I know Kang has something to do with Iron Lad... and Apocalypse's Powers... but I've never been completely clear on what, in either case. I'm an X-Men fan, so I don't know a whole lot of extra detail about Kang beyond... he's a confusing time-traveling Avengers villain. And Kang IS one confusing ass character, continuity wise. He's like... the DC Universe in general. I mean is there even ONE Kang? Or are there several? Like most other multiverse characters? I feel like that's usually the problem. I never know if things Kang was reported to be responsible for actually had anything to do with Kang Kang, or some other Kang. Iron Lad being a prime example. As far as I'm aware he IS Kang... but he's not a big evil jerk for some reason... and wears Tony Stark clothes... and I don't know why it makes sense that both Iron Lad and Kang can both be Kang. I mean X-Man and Cable are the same guy, but at least they're different guys! Know what I mean? They even had the good sense to take different last names.
  6. Anyone else notice that Red Hulk's profile on the back of the box is actually a Green Hulk bio that they didn't bother to change? Since... ya'know... Red Hulk isn't Bruce Banner, nor did he get his powers from a Gamma Bomb...
  7. I noticed in the most recent Q&A Blog chuck said MVC3 minimates would debut at SDCC with TWO exclusive box sets...? First I'm hearing of two. I know about the Deadpool/Phoenix/Dante/Arthur set... did they announce the other one? Did I miss it? Is this news to anyone besides me? Though now as I think about it more... I'm less excited, because I would assume it wouldn't be a great stretch for the second boxed set to be Player 2 versions of the other 4 Wave 1 characters... Dangit... Another Iron Man variant incoming...
  8. I sure that's their third restock of wave 10, at least, so... all the local folk probably got it out of their system by now.
  9. If there's one thing this article does for me... It makes me glad I'm a Marvel fan. *Phew* Don't get me wrong, I feel for my minimate collecting brethren who'd like some more DC mates... and I whole-heartedly hope the line comes back for you some day. I really do. But as for me. Eh. Other than Batman, I'm not nuts about the DC Universe on the whole... And the mates we already have covered Batman fairly well. Got my Batman, Robin, & a couple Batgirls. Got my Nightwing. Got my Riddler, got my Joker(s), Got my Catwoman, got my Penguin. Got a few extra villains, Harley, Bane, Croc, Man-Bat, Clayface. And even picked up a few extra characters 'cause they were Iconic, or I just liked the look of them. Super Man, Super Girl, Power Girl, Green Lantern. But in general, I'm all set with -most- of what I'd ever want from DC. Only thing I'd really like to have is a few more Batman villains (Two-Face, Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Scarecrow, Ras) But I've got some good ones, so I'll live. Got my faves. Wheras Marvel, I have bought and will continue buying every single minimate they've ever produced. No matter how insignificant or repetative. Because I luvs the Marvel universe. So if the situation were reversed and the shoe was on the other foot, yeah, I'd be totally pissed about it. So I feel for you guys.
  10. I wouldn't think too hard about how they're shelved. At the Toys R Us stores in my area, they don't seem very strict with where/how these are shelved. In fact, the Melrose Park Toys R Us has marvel minimates in 3 different aisles... on no less than 3 hooks and 2 shelves. X-Men First Class minimates are in the misc. aisle with the Halo and Sony mates, robot chicken toys, ghostbuster stuff, various 1-off movie and video game action figures, and a whole bunch of other random stuff. Captain America minimates are on a shelf in the middle aisle, with all the Marvel Movie Thor, Cap & Iron Man toys. As well as a hook with some left over Iron Man 2 & Thor minimates Marvel waves 9 and 10 are in yet a third aisle, with the Marvel Universe and Super Hero Squad toys, on both a hook, and the shelf underneith. The Schaumburg Toys R Us has them all in that Misc aisle I mentioned earlier, all mixed up and sharing 5 or 6 hooks. The Golf Mill Toys R Us has one Thor hook in the Marvel Movie aisle that's empty, and then the same as Schaumburg, 5 or 6 hooks in the misc aisle, which include but are not limited too: Thor mates, Old Marvel waves such as Fantastic Four & others as well as common sets from Wave 9 and Wave 10. The upside here is, these hooks are all labeled "Marvel Minimates" $4.98 clearance. They don't all ring up that way, since that price is only SUPPOSED to be on the Thor & Lady Loki set... but since they're stupid and shelf them all that way, all you have to do is point it out at the service desk for a price adjustment. Unfortunately golf Mill is way out of my way, so I haven't been able to do that nearly as much as I'd like to. But did get a few sets on the cheap that way.
  11. Retreads or no... Everyone better freakin' BUY these guys... because Capcom and Diamond have come together to take a second shot at this video game minimate thing, after the Street Fighter thing didn't work out, and I want them to make some money this time so they stick with it! This works out and it could lead to lots of things I've wanted for years including: More Street Fighter Minimates, MEGA MAN Minimates, RESIDENT EVIL Minimates and MOST importantly... I believe Diamond has said their liscense extends to Marvel vs Capcom 2, which may be the best chance I EVER get at having them actually consider a Marrow Minimate! (Note the first of my want list in my sig) SO DON'T SCREW THIS UP FOR ME! *Shakes Fist* (lol)
  12. Yeah - i think he did wear something similar on a couple of occassions . . . WHERE did you find that? lol I as trying to find a pic of him in that costume for like a half hour this morning and all I kept turning up were pics of his other two X-Men uniforms.
  13. I feel like some of these are too specific. Like, The Reavers, and the Acolytes and the Yancy Street Gang aren't really "cookie cutter" characters... where you could get away with buying 20 of the same figure to build an army. I thought about saying Morlocks, but I didn't because well... same problem. *Shrug* They're large factions of thugs who don't speak much, but the members are still unique characters. Not nameless faceless armies so much. I certainly wouldn't say no to Fabian Cortez, Exodus, Frenzy, Unuscione, Senyaka, Vought... But a "generic acolyte" appeals to me not at all. Of course one could argue "well if you swap parts..." but that's a slippery slope. Suddenly I'm buying 10 more figures to get different heads/hair for my generic acolytes now? No. Don't wanna do that. I'd prefer to stick to army builders which require no additional work on my part, lol...
  14. It amazes me that such a simple idea never occured to me... lol... Good one, hehe... Oh, and I have another Multiple Man idea... just because the Age of Apocalypse figs still seem to have a little life in them, between AoA Sinister in the new wave and the recent TRU sets... I wouldn't say no to some Age of Apocalypse Madri... Not saying it's the BEST idea for an army builder, especially before 90s Madrox, just saying I wouldn't say no to it. If they wanted to keep fleshing out the Age of Apocalypse figs.
  15. Stepford Cuckoos... I know there are 5, and five is not an "army", but I think they might actually sell better than most army builders, because there's a finite number of them. By that I mean, many people, like myself, don't go out of their way to collect alot of army builders. Between the one I get with the normal fig, and the one I get with the variant, I'm fine, so I don't buy extras. Diamond hasn't been getting extra buys from me with the army builders, I just stopped selling the 8th figure loose. Hehe... The cuckoos would be the first one I actually went out of my way to buy three extras of... because I'd want all five. Capping the maximum number actually encourages me to buy 3 more sets. PS. Oh, and also, a Doombot that actually looks like Doom, and 90s Multiple Man.
  16. What really bugs me here is... they seem to be showing alot of love at this con... T-Shirts, Posters, EIGHT free promo minimates... exclusives. Pulling out all the stops as it were. And they didn't do squat at C2E2 this year. I get that San Diego is the big con, so I'm not suprised they'd do so much there, what bugs me though, is the NOTHING they did at Chicago. I mean one exclusive. A promo. SOMETHING would have been nice, but nada. Being a Chicago native, without money to get out to California, this vexes me. They used to do Wizard World Chicago exclusives. Then they stopped. At the very least I could usually get left over San Diego exclusives from them at Wizard World, but the last year or two they haven't even attended Wizard World Chicago. Last year they did a C2E2 exclusive, and since C2E2 seems to be supplanting Wizard World as Chicago's main con, that makes sense to me, but then they didn't follow through with an exclusive THIS year... furthermore, C2E2 is BEFORE San Diego, so I can't get any of the damn San Diego exclusives from them there either, because they don't exist yet. (Wheras when they used to attened Wizard World in August, after San Diego, I could.) The minimate situation for Chicago cons has gone all to hell, and it angers me. PS. On a lighter note, all considered, on the Marvel side, I think they made the right choices for wave 1 Player 2 variants. Dormammu, eh, player 1 colors are fine. Iron Man could have been good as silver or stealth I guess... but eh, not like we don't have 300 Iron Men already. White Phoenix and Deadpool in an X-Men uniform are decent variant choices. frankly i have very little interest in the capcom mates, but oh well. I'll buy it anyway. And lets not forget there's probably very likely to be more exclusives for San Diego through AFX.
  17. I noticed that too... We're at... Street Fighter (and Darkstalkers for that matter) Marvel vs Capcom 3 Jak & Daxter Ratchet & Clank Uncharted Resistance Any number of Halo games And now Alice And Street Fighter is the only one of those that was produced earlier than a year ago. I think? Someone throw this in Chuck's face in the next AskDST. I want friggin' Mortal Kombat minimates! And Mortal Kombat is a hot property again right now for the first time in years, so no time better to strike than now!
  18. Found a full case of these at the Melrose Park, IL Toys R Us today... Bought one set of all four. Took them out to my car for a "Make sure none of these are f'ed up" examination. Magneto failed. Lol. Went back in and exchanged him. The paint tampos on his helmet were only half done, so half his helmet was trimmed in silver, and the other half was just unpainted black. Looked really stupid. Didn't notice before I got him out of the package, 'cause his helmet is mostly concealed. So anyway, for anyone that lives nearby, there should be one full set still at that TRU right now, and one additional pack of every set but Magneto and Mystique. (Unless of course they just sealed the one I returned back up and re-shelved it. In which case, if you see two Magnetos on the shelf, be wary.) So just friendly advice to everyone. Try to give your Magneto's helmets a look before you buy them. You can see them pretty well if you tilt the package. I just didn't think to do that before I bought mine.
  19. Hey, if someone out there has both of them, I wonder if they could clarify something for me... In regard to the HYDRA mates... First of all, ignore Pilot and Flamethrower, this isn't about them, but the other two HYDRA mates, lol... Nowthen... The one that comes in wave 40 is listed as "HYDRA Soldier" on most, if not all websites selling it. "Howard Stark & HYDRA Soldier" they all say. This is, if I'm to believe the pictures, the one with his mouth closed in a scowl, and a helmet piece over the top of his head. However, in the single pack dumps, "HYDRA Soldier" seems to instead be the one unique to the single packs (no helmet, teeth bared) wheras the one from wave 40 (mouth closed, helmet) is called "HYDRA Infantry"... This seems to be the case on some websites that have them available, as well as the ebay listings I've looked at. So basically I'm just a little confused as to which one is "Soldier" and which one is "Infantry" and therefore, which single pack I need to order to complete my set. (I'm not an army building kinda guy, so I'm really only looking for one of each.) It seems that in wave 40, Soldier is Soldier, but in the single packs, Soldier is Infantry and the new mate (presumably what should have been Infantry) is Soldier. Names reversed maybe? I dunno. Anyway... So I think HYDRA Soldier is the single pack I need to order but I'd just like to know if someone could confirm that for me. So I don't end up with three of one HYDRA mate and none of the other. Thanks!
  20. I'm debating whether or not I want to order these from or just wait for them to show up in the store... moviemates usually don't seem all that hard to come by at my toys r us (They still have the Iron Man 2 Wave 2 exclusives)... and the fact that these are packed evenly makes me think it'll probably be even easier... Anyone got any good coupon codes? That might potentially sway me.
  21. I'd say you're lucky, my first Volstagg didn't even have feet. O.O
  22. Followup post... As I just said in the X-Men: First Class thread, I went out looking for the X-Men mates at the Melrose Park and Schaumburg IL Toys R Us'es again. Found no X-Men, but did find other new stuff. Melrose Park had one of the Blink set and one of the Morph set (still lots of Omega Reds) I bought both, Blink and Sabretooth for me. The extra Morph set I'm throwing up in my trade thread if anyone is interested. Schaumburg had full restocks of the Cap mates. I bought one Dum Dum set and one Gabe set, again, for me. Left the other two if anyone wants to go try to grab'em. It also looks like they had a restock of wave 10, because they had about a dozen Iron Fist sets (more than would be in one case) but the exclusives were picked clean already. They also had empty hooks labeled for the X-Men wave, so either they already had them and someone bought them ALL, or they're getting them soon, and they just put the hooks up pre-emptively. Dunno... but I'll probably check again in the next 48 hours...
  23. I went to the Melrose Park, IL TRU and the Schaumburg, IL TRU tonight after I heard these were hitting shelves. Didn't find them at either, HOWEVER... I did find both the Morph and Blink sets from wave 10 at Melrose Park (bought both so... they're gone now) and a full restock of Captain America movie mates at Schaumburg (I bought one set of Gabe and Dum Dum and left the other, so... they're still theoretically there if anyone is looking). Schaumburg also looked to have a few leavings from a picked over set of Sony mates. like... one or two of the human sets, neither of the cartoon sets. They also had empty hooks labeled for the X-Men minimates, so either the had them already and someone bought ALL of them before I got there, or they're getting them soon, and the hooks were just there pre-emptively waiting. In any event... I got my Cap mates and Blink set I'd been looking for so... the trip still worked out. /highfive Oh and PS. Frankly I'm glad they used Nightcrawler's spiky hair on Azazel. It makes him look more like comic book Azazel. I prefer comic book mates to movie ones, so I like the ones that can make the transition more easily. (Not like Blob or Shaw, who look absolutely nothing like their comic counterparts. Which is also the case for... almost every other mate in this wave.)
  24. Frankly I feel like Galactus, Terrax & Nova are shoe-ins for this set, and the only real vote here will be to determine whether Firelord, Morg or Airwalker fills the last spot. (And personally I'm thinking Firelord is the favorite, but I could be wrong) But who really cares at the end of the day, 'cause the remaining two will just end up in a TRU two pack anyway... lol... Oh and PS. I voted for Terrax... just because he's the character I'd want most after Galactus... but Galactus is small and I already have the Maximate anyway. If Galactus were big, I'd be all over him, but as just another tiny mate I'm kinda... "eh"
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