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Everything posted by Shanester

  1. I hate when I miss these. No, I didn't catch it. I was shuffled out by my sons who needed to hit the men's room. I liked it. I'm a little stunned over the whole Cyclops & Prof. X thing, but figured the "cure" would not last. X4? Whatcha think?
  2. I have NO problems with it at all, but my youngest son gets real bad stomach problems from it. I have learned much about the stuff over the last few years.
  3. TBT! Its good to see your name here pal.
  4. Yeah, the registration page does have color/background issues, but functionally it performs great.
  5. I had to stop in Target last night to look for a Kingdom Hearts II game for my son. I took a look at the toy aisle and there were lots of Dark Tide DVD sets and a bunch of late series minis. I picked up a few sets of Blade/Punisher. Its good to see these in mainstream stores.
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