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Fo Shizzle

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Posts posted by Fo Shizzle

  1. Also, is Emma a prisoner?

    It appears so, she is wearing the same red jumpsuit some others are wearing in the background and the guy chained up to Wolverine's right in another scene that's in there for a breif second.

    And Dan it looks more like it's pulled into a ponytail. To me at least...

  2. To recap on an earlier comment I made if you pause it 1:53 the guy in the ice or whatever is actually a small kid and he has one green eye and one blue eye, I dunno who that is anyone know?? Also right after that with the counter at 1:53 still (it took me like 26 times to do this) the little girl with white hair appears to be a very young Ororo...pretty cool

  3. Ok, what the f**k is up with Wolvie's claws??

    the first thing is that if they are going to do a Logan they need to resculpt the claws so they are smooth at the base. And who positioned them on on his arm that.... looks awful? Realisticaly they won't resculpt his claws, but if the position isn't fixed, they will ruin an otherwise awesome looking Mugg. I love the look on his face! I was thinking of passing on Cyclops at first then I realized I can't display Phoenix without him

  4. There is a minimate at the base of Iron Man's flame which does not look like any of the IM mates from the wave or the mystery picture on the website. It looks like it may be a Cylon. BSG people, any idea?

    That's what I got.

    It's at the top of this page.

    That is pretty cool; i'm kinda mad none of us actually noticed or questioned it. ;)

    I think Trekker was the only one to throw out a guess. But the thing was is we didn't even have the Iron Man Mates yet to compare to so we had no idea what the back of the Iron Man Mates looked like. Plus if you told me to guess which version would they revamp I would have never guessed Stealth IM. Glad they did though, easily in my new top favorites!!

  5. I wasn't. I have a cool Mexican friend, and we mock each other all the time. I'm Italian AND German; he gives me loads of Nazi crap, and i give him lawnmower crap.

    Not going to continue this for the sake of not getting into another big fight. Moving on:

    Wow, i spelled custom wrong. That's sad. Any word on ANYTHING else i said??

    Yes, one last point I want you to actually read and not get defensive:

    I am not "fighting" with you. I simply said that it was 'not cool' hoping you would get the hint that not everyone enjoys that type of humor and you may actually offend someone that doesn't know you don't mean any harm. Just because you and your friend may enjoy hurling racial slurs at each other for kicks as you seem to put it does not give you a free pass. I may be known to repeat questionable humor myself on occasion but there is a time and a place. Plus I think it's against the rules or something.....I dunno. :blink:

  6. Anyone see that face and hair on Tarantula?? Golly, that is great; Spanish finest at its best. ;) I smell a lawnmower suctom a-brewing.

    Okay, enough Mexi-jokes.

    Dude if you were trying to make a joke based on someones ethnicity, not cool even if it doesn't make any sense at all....... <_<

    Doesn't matter what you are

  7. I'm pondering a swap of the shield to make it further out front and move Ms Marvel back some.



    Honestly looks great, BUT if you want to be really anal, you can stagger some of them and move maybe SM & MM back it could give the display a bit of depth.

  8. well lets just say that the CENSORED is much better then my first idea which was for a "Pon Far" Spock figure

    WARNING!! this picture might be considered Rude!!! :biggrin:

    Suddenly the true meaning to "Live LONG and prosper is revealed"

    Is that what you call long?

    Umm yeah, in proportion to a Minimate......It's about as long as his forearm, if it were to scale in real life it'd be like a foot and a half long at least!

  9. The JLU figures don't have any real articulation to speak of, but at least they look good. These look lame, in my opinion. If you remind me next time I send you something Jeff, I'll throw Reverse Flash in there for you.

    Errrm...Have you picked up Hawkman or Stargirl yet? These are warming up the pegs like crazy in my area. It took me about twenty minutes one day to pick out the best Hawkman at a Target one day. I had them all laid out in a row comparing an eliminating them one by one. (Think JLU's Next Top Model :lol: ) And I have avoided buying Stargirl because all of the ones I have seen around the eyes the paint either gets lighter or is flat out sloppy. Oddly enough though all the multipacks like Grodd and the Apokolips ones seem to be pretty decent. Oh and sorry bout going off topic!

  10. ok I did some searching and found this thread and figured I would necro it instead of starting a new one....on to the point, does anyone have any of these? what are they like? I need the GL/GA/BC 3-pack due to my Ollie collection but if they are cool I might add the Flash figures and maybe others for random playing. let me know and picks would be cool too!

    Jeff of the Miniacs

    While I don't have any pics I'll let you know I have yet to see any with a good paint application. All the ones I have seen are horrible! And when it comes to the three packs there may be one that looks okay and then one or the other two are really jacked up looking. The other thing is too is that they are not articulated enough so if you were planning on posing them in a diorama or something forget it.

  11. well the line maybe dead but the mates are still available. i found waves 5 and 6 at suncoast, and bonuse they were on sale only $5! i already had both waves and did not feel the need to get doubles but thought i should let everyone know.

    they also have the 24 FYE exclusive there too.

    Okay at the risk of realizing what you are talking about and then smacking myself :blink: ....wave 5 & 6 of what? Can't be BSG...


    Crap....DC *smacks himself* I'm tired maybe I should go to bed......

  12. I thought since he hadn't posted the names it was "Secret" or something weird, but since everyone else is singing like a canary, I' d like to announce that I too have won and would like to thank Shanester :buttrock: and Limited Edition :buttrock: even though we have no idea what we are getting! I have never been this excited to get a strange package with no clue on what awesomeness it could possibly contain! GAAARGH......the suspense!! :woot:

  13. [quote name='TM2 Dinobot' post='89104' date='Dec 8 2008, 05:43 PM'

    Um, something like the majority of active posters are from the UK.

    My bad I meant to add from the ones I've noticed that have it listed underneath their avatar :blink:

  14. Woohoo, my present did already arrive here today! But of course, it won't be touched till christmas eve. (In Germany, we use to get our presents in the evening of 24th, not in the morning!)

    Thanks a lot Secret Santa, who ever you are!

    That's it ??? You are not going to try and guess who it's from? You have an amazing amount of self control not to open it!! :lol:

  15. Oh yeah he sent me a pm a couple days ago and this is what he said, just for anyone who was wondering.

    In response to your question about Minimate Adventures...

    I'm working on the problem... I had some issues with the site host, so Im in the process of switching over to a new server. It's taking a while, esp since this is a busy time of year for me. But Im working on it... when it's back up and running, I'll post something on here to let everyone know.

    is minmate adventures running now? if so where is it?

    Ummm the answer lies within your own post post..... ;)

  16. Joker: Crazy. Again Obvious.

    Iron Man: I can think of two here, onemore Tony, one more for both. The Tony one is Rock and Roll All Night. Iron Man is Sharp Dressed Man.

    And Finally: The X-Men: Youth Gone Wild by Skid Row :lol:

    So What've you got? There are rules though: The song can't have been associated with the character before like Spider-Man Theme is NOT allowed for Spider-Man. Neither is Iron Man by Black Sabbath for Iron Man. Be more creative, guys. I know you have it in you.

    Have fun

    Joker: Insane In The Membrane- Cypress Hill. Trekker were you refering to Britney Spears or Aerosmith 'Crazy'? :lol:

    Iron Man: Rehab- Amy Whinehouse

    X-men: School's Out- Alice Cooper

    Skrulls: Sabotage- Beastie Boys

    Shanna the She-Devil: Wild Thing- The Troggs

    Storm: Dreams- Fleetwood Mac just because of the chorus "Thunder only happens when it rains..."

    Scarlett Witch: Blood Sugar Sex Magik- Red Hot Chili Peppers

    Blade: Bullet with Butterfly Wings- Smashing Pumkins

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