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Fo Shizzle

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Everything posted by Fo Shizzle

  1. No problem. Good luck getting him. He is worth hunting down, in my opinion. Going to a few Targets now to hunt my Cap down. The only other one I want is Thor. And does anyone else see the similarity between that Peter Parker Mighty Mugg and Peter from Family Guy??
  2. I didn't see the time that this video will be shown, does anybody know? I'll admit I am curious to at least see it. But if it were to actually be real, I'm surprised the "men in black " haven't scooped him up yet...
  3. It looks like you might have to shave down the handles a bit if you want him to actually grip the handlebars but, yeah it does kinda look like it will work.
  4. I agree, if you can pull that off the full costume shouldn't be a problem? It looks awesome!!
  5. nothing came up when I click on series one, two, or three....
  6. As cool as it is I agree the price of it will make me think twice about it. As far as the rider's face being a mask or actually....a face, I believe it is actually his face although I do not remember the where I have seen him before. I am liking your reviews because you are not doing reviews on toys that everyone else is doing and it's refreshing! Keep it up!
  7. We already got one of them, don't we? Yup!
  8. Glad to see the DS being represented finally, I thought I was the only person over 14 that had one!!
  9. Are you talking about the double bladed axes that you are taking from enemies?
  10. My bad guys, thought it was okay since it wasn't listed as a don't.
  11. Have you guys given thought to a boxset from X-men Messiah Complex or Divided We Stand series? Something like the new X-Force(there are four of them! ) And thanks alot for all the Mates we have gotten and are getting, these things have pretty much been the focus of my toy collecting ever since I saw them about a year ago. So keep making them and I'll keep buying them!
  12. Good point, I wondered why they didn't give us Jean before him, so I agree with you on that. But I don't we ever would have gotten him if it weren't for this set even though he's in my opinion a "classic" member.
  13. If they were to released a "Skrullified" (nice word by the way) set, I would still get them but they'd sit in the box. I'd have no real valid reason for getting them other than I enjoy the Secret Invasion serires so far, but these aren't versions we are all dying for if you know what i mean. And Ramses could you please elaborate on how Thunderbird was a lesser wanted member of the X-Men boxset? I mean although he died fairly soon I think he was a pretty important member of the team. Was it because they should have included a Jean Grey first?
  14. Wow I love all of them but the Young Avengers are just striaght up bad ass!! I wish there was a way to get Wiccan's head band thingy with the little wings on there but besides that he looks awesome! Hawkeye and Stature can't be far behind?
  15. I'm just getting one FA Avengers set since all I really need is Ant-man, Wasp, and Iron Man. As for the Iron Man set I am going to get two although like you I will need help getting all of the armor combinations right *cough* TBT *cough* . As far as the Invaders I think I will be getting just one. I don't really feel the need for all of the versions of Cap to be displayed since they look so similar, and I have the option of switching it up.
  16. It's funny the first thing most people ask is "you know all their names?" The only thing I hate is having to pat down people's kids when they come to visit "the guy with all toys". I dunno what it is, their eyes light up and they get this weird little mischevious look on the their faces, kinda they're up to something. And then I get the jokers that think it's ok to place some of them in situations that are unbecoming of a minimate.
  17. Ok, really stupid question, but when you say retail that includes online right?
  18. No more than $16 bucks I think.
  19. Yeah neither one is showing up yet at like the Civil War set was a few weeks before....That would really suck. The only thing wrong is that they missed a trident for Namor. It looks like Bucky's. I've never seen Bucky have a shield from what I remember, I like it though. I always thought he should have one.
  20. I thought the Avengers set was available at the retail level from your LCS. Right?
  21. I think I am going to pass out........These are sooooo f$%^ing sick!!!
  22. Found these backdrops that look kinda cool and I don't remember seeing them anywhere:
  23. The Mates are very cool, and the packaging really seals the deal!!
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