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Everything posted by magicmilner

  1. I remember coming home from work and my mum said she found these nice Marvel figures that I would like and she gave me the box with Cap and absorbing man and I just fell in love with the line
  2. Anyone else collect these? I have them all except Trunks and Gohan they are really nice figures and there were supposed to be more but the line seems to have died
  3. I also went to see this last night and loved every minute of it I agree it's not as good as the first but it's not far off i'm planing on going again Also in case you haven't heard STAY BEHIND AFTER THE CREDITS
  4. Hmmm so theres a good mix of peeps collections on here which is good to hear As I mentioned I only buy what I like (when I can get my hands on them) theres just some characters that just don't interest me I will however aim to have a complete spider-man minimate collection
  5. I was interested in finding out if everyone of you who collect minimates are completists and try to get hold of every single mate imaginable or if you chosse to collect a certain area? Me personally I collect all the Spider-man related mates plus alot of the other marvel characters that i like the look of, I also collect the ghostbuster mates
  6. Sorry for the double post I've managad to hunt down most of the minimates I've missed that I wanted (i've been out of the loop for a good 6-7 months) but I'm finding it very difficult to find the Wolverine/Deadpool 2-pack (the comic version figures not the movie ones) I've heard now that there kind of rare but does anyone know where I can possibly get them? also have I missed much in the time I've been out?
  7. Just ordered $50 worth of mates from Luke's store can't wait to get them How are action figure xpress? are they ok when it comes to shipping charges?
  8. Cool thanks for the replys peeps I'll have a look at lukes toystore and see how it goes
  9. I used to buy them off the place that used to be advertisted on this site (the one alot of UK fans used) but now it seems to be gone I'm try to get hold of some of the latest waves that have been released but having alot of trouble tracking them down so just wanted to know where other UK peeps are buying there minimates from now?
  10. Are all those GB Minimates out now? I know series 2 boxset isn't out yet but what about the libarian ghost and others?
  11. buy mine , I'm selling all bar my Iron Man and Captain america stuff Yeah i'm currently bidding on some of yours Is Limited Edition still going? theres nout on there Ebay shop and there website won't work
  12. Villan wise I would love to see minimates of Electro Morbius Scorpian lizard(not to mention a dr.conners mini) jackel
  13. Thanks guys! So far i'm collecting the Marvel Minimates as I've been a big Marvel fan for years as for Kubricks I have only gotten the Halo 3 figures so far
  14. I'm new here so thought I would introduce myself I'm magicmilner i'm from the United Kingdom (Essex area) and I've just started to get into Minimates/kubick figures (by 'just started' I mean about a week ) I just found this site and thought I'd sign up to discuss all things mini I've just ordered a few more figures so once i've got them I will post a pic of my collection
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