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Posts posted by maxcarnage

  1. Don't forget to check you local TRU to see if they have those 4 packs some of the avengers are in their. But I guess if you were looking to complete the line you would be getting doubles of most of the figures. So that might not be the best rout.

  2. I'll just quit my gym membership since I'm buff enough as it is. :rolleyes:

    I'm going with the "not eating" method myself. I figure I've acquired enough reserves over the past fifteen years to last a few weeks.

    I have stop collecting all toy BUT minimates. I don't even go to places that might have action figures I would be tempted to buy. this makes it very hard to shop for... well anything.

    What are you giving up?

  3. I for one think that the Spiderman 3 line will be nothing but awesome. As long as it contains two things;

    1) It MUST come with a black Spiderman! I do not havea black Spiderman, and I have come to terms that if I ever got one, I would never be able to open it. But finally we have a chance to get one. Heck maybe even more then one.

    2) We must see another Marry Jane. On a past minimates forum she was voted the ugliest minimate. That makes me very sad. I think Peter deserves better than to have the ugliest minimate as a wife, don't you? It is so rare that a nerd would ever marry such a pretty girl, and it is a shame that the minimate does not express this great dream.

    Now, I am usually not for remaking figures but in this case, Spiderman 3 would be the exception. Really if only they made these two figures and all the rest were remakes of past comic inspired minimates, I would hail this as a great line. True I would only buy these two figures but whatever.

  4. except sometimes if u go to like a comic shop to look for something (maybe this is just me) but sometimes they have old things especially if they buy products they may have boughten an unopened set cause i found the 4 pack of wolvie gamma hulk silver surfer and iron man by going to a place called shinders ( i dont know if its a local shop or like country shop?????)

    That happend to me. My dog ate my flash, but I was able to find one at a comicbook store by ASU. So fear not there is still hope.

  5. As of late I have been really into Stephen King, especially his Dark Tower series. And with the coming of the Gunslinger Comic Book, I was just wondering if anyone else out there was excited for it. Also if there is any King fans out there that also have room in their heart for minimates. Personaly I think Dark Tower Minimates would be the coolest think, it will never happen but I can still dream.

  6. Head over to DC Direct for some great pictures of all the up coming release dates for the DC minimates.

    Too lazy to follow the link here is are the dates, mark your calendars

    Wave 1 Feburary 28

    Wave 2 March 7 (the next week!)

    Wave 3 April 25 (would make great gifts for Administrative Professionals Day)

    Wave 4 July 4 (Independence [for Americans] minimates style)

    Wave 5 September 28






  7. I come for the news that I can use. This is where I always find out when the mates are arriving. This way I can always show up at my LCS and buy the first packs of new mates. Also since I don’t know of anyone collects minimates I can talk to others who share my similar interests.

  8. I do agree the Question would be totally cool. But what about Jonah Hex. Remember that one Batman the Animated Series episode where Ra’s Al Ghul tells Batman about his adventures in the Wild West with his son? Well the deformed bounty hunter who is after them was Jonah Hex.

    Also it would be cool the get Ragman, he made his own series in the mid 70’s but was brought back in the 90’s. In this later story he was Gotham and met up with both the Mythical Golem (who would also make a sweet mate) and Batman.

  9. Don't forget the redheaded step-children of the DC movies two pack: Halle Berry Catwoman/Shaquille O'Steel

    Nope did not forget those. ;)

    But really the C3 Catwomen was prrrrrrefect, and steel is in the 4th wave (wha who)!

  10. I put up an article about this Pandor custom and the Bearriors over at the HQ yesterday and the customizer who made it just contacted me. Our very own MINI-MYTE was commissioned by Toyfare to make Pandor for a "hoax" article. Great work, MM!

    Hoax does that mean they were never made? They looked and sounded pretty cool.

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