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Posts posted by TENIME_art

  1. Now, I have no idea what actually happened, but Hasbro is usually at Walmart's mercy. If Walmart doesn't want something done, Hasbro can't force them to do it.

    So I don't know why we should get our anti-Hasbro pitch forks ready, when it may not be their fault.

    Does WalMart have the power to say "you're not going to release that figure unless it's soley through us!!"? Why can't we buy this at Target or TRU? Why can't Canada or the UK get it? WalMart may choose what stores to ship it to, but it was Hasbro's decision to sell it only through them.

    Besides, Hasbro's done plenty of d!ckworthy things, so nothing will make me like them any better.

    of course, now I'm going to have to shell out 100+ bucks for MP Skywarp :(

    Does anyone know if he has the same QC problems that Takara Greenscream had (stress points)?

    Also, I'm going to need to demand larger pictures of your Krypto... ;)

  2. Yeah I'm a little p' oed that these aren't coming out I actually liked the movie and although they weren't the most dynamic minimates out there I thought they were pretty cool.

    Same here.

    Also, I needed Caretaker's hat for my Indiana Jones custom which as been finished except for the fedora for a good year, year and a half, now...<_<

  3. I'm waiting to hear back from a member of TFW2005, who supposedly already has one in hand for me. As soon as he sends me pics, I'll be paying him.

    Thank you for the offer, TM2, I really appreciate your willingness to help out! :thumbsup: Barring any unforseen calamities, someone else may have my place in line.

    And, $70 is fair, for those that are second-guessing his price, though I'd imagine the shipping could drop if anyone wanted it loose (not me, though - this is one I want MIB!!).

    Thanks for the info Karamazov NO thanks to Walmart Not cool man.. Not cool :angry:

    I'd blame WalMart and Hasbro. <_<

  4. You could always do a ship direct to store. I wouldn't worry too much. I was freaking out about the Robot Heroes box set when I could find them. I ended up seeing hundreds.

    It's not on the website. ;)

    Yeah, the UPC doesn't seem to mean much of anything.

    I've heard. Still disheartening. If the UPC isn't in the store's system, there's no way for them to receive it into the inventory, let alone sell it. D@mn my 9 years of retail work.

  5. No, I'd rather have the old prototype, the show accurate, the non-"Honorable Samari Starscrem" version. As it is, we got a version designed by a guy who knows nothing about transformer designs cause he makes gundams, painted a seafome green starscream with hip swords, and then turned into a white mockery of what he could have been.

    Now I understand. You scared me there, for a second, TM2!! :P

    Well, I'm getting scared, anyways. I did a search of the UPC code at a couple WalMarts in my area, and they searched the surrounding stores inventory in their computers as well...none of them even have the item in their systems.

    I want this f***ing figure. :wallbash:

  6. I'll scream it until I'm blue in the face:

    No. More. Characters. That. We. Already. Have.

    The variants are bad enough.

    Exceptions have to be made for Giant Man and Black Panther, though. How wacky is it for the first releases of these characters to be zombie variants?

    Fair enough. But we just got those. We don't need any more Venoms or Carnages. Rereleasing Black Suit Spidey is a great idea because of how rare he is, but there are exceptions to the rule, and lines that shouldn't be crossed. I'm sick of buying the same d@mn thing over and over again. Just give me one, definitive version, and leave it at that.

  7. Man, what a time to have no home computer, no drill/dremel, and only five days to come up with something, even though if I pulled it off, I'd have no way to submit it (posting from work right now).

    Oh, well. :(

    Scourge, how did you do the splatter on your Amish?

    Luke, I love that movie, and you'd better follow through with Lionel and the mower strapped to his chest!! You should also make the Peter Jackson zombie, too!!

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