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Posts posted by fwoosheyman

  1. Hopefully House of M Spiderman comes packaged with the Vault Guard and Spider-Girl is the variant. That would leave the other spots for some Spiderman related allies like Puma, Prowler, updated Black Cat or updated Mary Jane.

  2. Not a bad set, not great but not bad.

    Iron patriot and Marvel boy will be nice additions. The Daken as Wolverine (brown costume) hopefully will an upgrade over the original. Minimate details and parts have improved a lot since the original brown costume wolverine. However, Venom as spiderman is a letdown. It will probably just be a black costume spiderman with a power chest....Yawn <_< .

  3. I definitely could go for a second series of the heroes/villains multi-packs. Since DST seems to be going for redos of big name characters for these packs here are my picks:


    1) Juggernaut (w power chest and boots (not duck feet!!!))

    2) Doc Ock (really needs be redone)

    3) Bullseye

    4) Mystique or Carnage


    1) Cyclops

    2) Daredevil

    3) Storm

    4) Black Cat or Rogue

  4. Found a case at TRU in PA at lunch today. :biggrin: Thankfully this wave got here a lot quicker than the last wave.

    There's two Union Jack/Wonderman sets per case, one Punisher/Jigsaw and three of Goblin/Spidey, Doom/Hulk & Magneto/Wolverine in a case.

    I was suprised there wasn't more Union Jack/Wonderman per case but since these are more for casual buyers/kids I can see why.

  5. So now Star Trek & BSG are being added to the pile of minimate lines that ended early (DC, LOTR, Street Fighter, Rocky & 24) while Marvel Minimates is still going strong and approaching wave 30.

    what is it about marvel minimates that allows it to succeed while the other lines fizzle out quickly.

    Is it the popularity of the marvel universe itself? good character selection by DST/AA? Are the minimates themselves just better than the other lines? Is it a combination of these reasons or something else?

    what do you think???

  6. :verymad:

    Something coming back from hold is rare at best. If sales have dropped enough to put the line on hold then it's not looking good. The only chance is if the new Trek movie is a big hit and reignites interest in all trek shows and increases trek minimate sales.

    I know DST says kirk/spock are good for sales but I still believe that if the trek minimates had more aliens and other more visually interesting characters they would have sold a lot better. A lot of the figures were very dull. Seems to be the samething that killed BSG as well.

    I'd buy up a lot of picard, sisko and movie kirk/scottie to make customs for the remaining bridge crews but I don't know where to begin in trying to make custom heads for all those characters.


  7. The latest blog at art asylum's website hints at new minimates for the summer and gives the hint "the truth is out there", which is the tag line from the X-Files. They aren't really going to make X-Files minimates are they? Didn't they already make X-Files PALZ which didn't sell very well and X-Files interest isn't exactly high at this time.

    so what do you think? X-Files minimates or does the hint mean something else?

    Latest Art Asylum Blog

  8. Did anyone else notice there are two faces on the Gul Dukat head? If you remove the hairpiece the original Gul Dukat face (the one shown on the back of the package) is on the back of the head. The face on the front is kind of generic is this DST's way of letting you army build Cardassians? Or do the two faces represent two different appearances Dukat had during the show?

  9. Well I always buy the a full set each wave and sometimes extras as well even if I don't find the choices all that exciting. Hopefully the line will continue but minimates have a history of great things being planned but then never released (Batman Begins C3, DC wave 9/10, LOTR wave 3, SFII wave 2, Rocky 3, Apollo Uncle Sam 2pack, etc.

    Yes I realize I'm being a complete and total downer :lol:

  10. Yeah I gotta agree this unfortunately is the end of Trek mates. :(

    Nothing new has been announced and some of the choices in wave 3-5 have really been poor. Decker, Ilia, McCoy with rolled up sleeves and too many lame kirk/spock variants. I sure hope they continue since TNG & DS9 are my favorite Trek shows and to only have 2 characters from each is very disappointing.

    I understand not wanted to put all of the main characters out first in order to keep sales strong but I think the choices they made for lineups really hurt sales.

    Come on trek mates!! I still need a Q, Borg Queen, movie versions of the rest of Kirk's deck crew, DS9 deck crew, TNG deck crew and about 20 different aliens.

  11. so many wants, so little shelf space

    - blackbolt

    - black widow

    - black panther

    - black knight

    - moon knight

    - ares

    - avalanche

    - pyro

    - toad

    - juggernaut (updated)

    - mr sinister

    - doc ock (updated)

    - green goblin (updated)

    - scorpion

    - beetle

    - electro

    - vulture

    - mephisto

    - hydra agent

    - shield agent

    - hand ninja

    - falcon

    - crossbones

    - winter soldier

    - yellowjacket

    - wasp (modern yellow/black costume)

    - jim lee style bishop, cyclops, jean grey and storm

    - jubilee

    - forge

    - banshee

    - silver samurai

    - 1st appearance xmen set

    - rachel summers

    - crimson dynamo

    - titanium man

    - mandarin

    - kang

    - captain britain

    - union jack

    - hercules

    - tigra

    - baron zemo (both)

    - wrecking crew

    only a few characters on my list :P


  12. Julius Marx just confirmed they are almost dead.

    :angry: No plans to solict wave 9 or 10 at this time. Which probably means work was at least done on them.

    He suggest that we "rally" and change DC Direct's mind but how??

    Send emails (but to who?), Actual letters (again send them to who?), online petitions (they never seem to work), spend my entire tax rebate on DC minimates and hope it spikes sales and DC Direct will then solict wave 9 & 10??

    so now we know the situation what do we do???

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