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Posts posted by fwoosheyman

  1. I’m not surprised there’s no minimates for any other DST lines because they don’t have any other licenses, except Castlevania, that could make even one boxset that has a chance of being produced. Rocketeer? Black Hole? No chance too niche.

    After TMNT, Bruce Lee, Kingdom Hearts and Sonic all died I’m sure they are reluctant to try anything else. Although I believe the Sonic set didn’t do well due to really bad designs (except Robotnik they were ugly) Horrible character selection, along w an ugly Mickey design and the numerous quality issues w Wave 1 doomed Kingdom Hearts. 

    The only positive is Walgreens is still getting new product (that’s a lot of sales) though the animated waves have become weaker (10 & 11) and since they are based on shows which aren’t very popular I wonder how much longer they will last.

    The lack of product worries me because people will move on without a steady stream. If we are down to 3-4 waves (only 6 plus a BAF) and a couple Walgreens waves per yr how many people will loose interest and what are the chances of bringing in new customers?

    There’s a Scorpion and Sub-zero bust in the DST display so they have MK in some manner but I wouldn’t bet on minimates being made. Although I’d sure like to be wrong.


  2. Almost every Marvel character has been requested by multiple people here so I’ve got no idea what the wave could be. I’d like a break from spidey/X-men for awhile. 

    If 3 packs per wave means a move to more smaller waves per yr then that’s good in my opinion but if it’s still just 3-4 waves per yr, no comic box sets, etc I can’t see it as anything but bad. 

  3. On 7/7/2019 at 9:26 AM, Turtle said:

    What are the chances that we would want Minimates for Marvel's Avengers?  

    The costumes are slight variations on the MCU-look so I’ve got no desire for them.

    I’d still buy minimates from the PS4 game. Lots of good villain designs and a bunch of spidey suits that haven’t been made.

  4. Ehhhh I don’t mind the lack of legs for hydro-man since all kinds of spare legs can be used. 

    I’ll take a BAF figure over some legs and other bits.

    Now the Miles figure is just straight trash and never should have been made. It’s one of those “WTF DST”decisions they make from time to time.

  5. Found these in NJ today. It was not a store that had 0 movie mates but a store that actually had a lot and they got 2 sets.

    The two stores that had 0 movie mates instead each got in a case of captain marvel that was 2x marvel/korath & 2x fury/Ronan. ? huh??

    These definitely suffer from being based on promo materials with hulk’s suit being lavender, the quantum suits being silver and weird decisions by DST such as making Ronin’s sword so tiny (it’s like the tiny katana mold from long ago), Thanos’ sword being really stubby, his helmet missing gold paint on the top and Rocket not having pupils again. 

    If DST hadn’t stubbornly/stupidly decided to not make anymore Endgame minimates (as it keeps raking in the $$$ headed toward being the biggest movie ever) then these wouldn’t be so disappointing since we’d get 2nd versions of characters that would be more accurate. Instead I’ve got an Endgame collection made up mostly of inaccurate Quantum suit figures. Whoop de do. ?

  6. 4 hours ago, MJtheJuiceman26 said:

    If this is true then out of the 10 Walgreens around me only 2  have any chance of ever getting new minimates.

    This is due to Walgreens never clearencing out old product or having any meaningful sales. They have sales on items such as marvel legends and good ones at that all the time. It’s their own mismanagement that has created this situation and is keeping them from selling new product.

  7. 6 hours ago, mc2109 said:

    Anyone finding the Walgreens wave? 

    Nope and after checking the 10 Walgreens around me the past 3 wks this sure feels like IW wave 2 again. 

    By this time after first sighting Cap Marvel wave was widespread. Stores have plenty of room w most having 0-2 movie mates. I’ve see plenty of Hawkeye Pop, Infamous Iron Man ML and Fortnite exclusives so the stores are getting in new stuff.

    This along w no new eBay listings in almost 2 wks is not encouraging. Although given how things have been going for minimates this seems appropriate. ?


  8. There’s no point in trying to argue w @DSTZach he’s a DST employee and it’s his job to represent the company and defend them. He’s not going to say publicly his boss/co-workers made bad decisions or are wrong even if he personally felt that way. 

    Although he should probably stop getting into arguments w people here on a fan forum. I know he’s just passionate and cares but the “Chuck-like” responses he’s allowed to give won’t satisfy most people. Unless he’s willing to take people’s concerns/ideas to @DSTchuck it’s just best to stick w telling us news/info/hints.

    As for a custom Endgame Cap there’s nothing out there that can be used to make it. The AOU uniform is close by overall design but along w the scaled chest, there’s difference w the arms/legs and the shade of blue isn’t close. Civil War is closer by design/color but still off. The IW Cap is the right shade of blue but the uniform design doesn’t match and there’s no helmet. I might try painting a Civil War Cap I think that’s the best that can be done.

  9. I understand that DST had only concept art to work with and could only make what they knew. It seems all the licenses did, if you look at what companies like Funko/Hasbro released it’s all the same.

    The problem is the other companies will keep going and will make the rest eventually, DST just moves on.

    However, they only move on when it comes to minimates, which makes it even more frustrating. Look at what/when DST releases for statues, Select, diorama, etc. They release stuff way after the movie and currently they are still making items from BP, Ragnorak, Infinity War, etc.

    Different licenses may end at different times but if there’s any movie worth sticking with it’s Endgame, especially with how much could be made. Maybe it’s time for DST try something new, they might find they’ve been wrong and there’s still money to be made. 

  10. If this is true then minimates are essentially dead. 

    The Castlevania minimates aren’t gonna happen and if Bruce Lee/KH are both dead there’s nothing but a John Wick boxset and Marvel. Walgreens, the only retail seller, has nothing the rest of the year after only one Endgame wave. 

  11. 6 hours ago, ampirius said:

    Maybe we’ll be getting a SDCC exclusive of a Cap and Thor in their Endgame costumes? Or maybe one with Rocket in his OG comic costume? Those would be cool. 

    While something like a Thor/Cap/Rocket/bulky war machine would be a great multipack, DST had been steadily decreasing minimate con exclusives until we got to the point of none last year. I seriously doubt we’ll get any this year either. 

  12. 40 minutes ago, hellpop said:


    1. Okay, a diorama scene. First, this assumes that such a scene would be allowed under the Marvel license. Second, this will require a new mold, more plastic, and new packaging, all of which pushes the price point up. Would you pay an extra $5 or $10 for such a piece? I wouldn't. There's a reason dioramas disappeared from Marvel Legends after like two waves.

    2. How is this any different than DST making a wave of a team? It's the same number of figures, just a difference in packaging. And now the price point has gone up. Maybe I don't want to pay $30 for one set; maybe I want to pay $10 spread out over a couple of weeks. More to the point, maybe I'm a retailer that doesn't want to invest the money in a set at that price point. DST has tried big sets like this before, and I'm sure there's a reason they don't do them more often.

    3. You assume that DST had the rights to make Minimates from the Spider-Man video game, or that they didn't try to get it.

    4. Vinimates are very obviously an attempt to reach the vinyl figure market. Considering that they've managed to get figures made for licensees that are obviously not interested in Minimates, it's at least a partial success. I agree, every time I see a DC Vinimate it makes me sad. But we are a very small part of the overall market, and frankly DST caters to us more than they probably should.

    1) yea not the best idea of a pack-in piece. I’m thinking of something that’s like Funko Pop’s Scenes series but for minimates.

    2) The last large pack was the 2013 SDCC Hall of Armor that was not a good set and came in that ridiculously designed long package ?.

    The other large sets were from Art Asylum and they were repacked mates that were still available in others packs on the same shelf. 

    I know my shops dropped minimates cause they don’t want to be stuck w leftover 2packs anymore and others have said the same. Why not try a larger set and see if there’s a market?

    3) Do I know if they tried? Nope, but if they didn’t it was a missed opportunity and they are making statues from it so they must still believe there’s a market for items based on the game. 

    I’m sticking to my belief DST needs to go beyond their basic 2-pack/4pack and offer minimates in different formats. 

    Honestly, if I were them I’d try blind boxes. That’s what I see in all kinds of stores in various cardboard displays. Blind bags don’t seem as prevalent as before but maybe offering them again as a mass market item would get them in stores.

  13. 39 minutes ago, DSTZach said:

    I was going to talk about distribution, and had even started to type a response, but Fwoosheyman's last statement made my head explode (which is not an emoji, apparently). I imagine if we HADN'T finished the suited team, then we would ALSO have been accused of not trying?

    No I’d say that was a smart decision and they are easy quick customs by using minimates main & best feature which is parts swapping. You can’t make a Cap or Thor in their Endgame costumes. We never got Thor in this outfit in the Inifnity War waves so this is twice it’s missed. 

    If there was a second wave/more releases sure go for it and make both versions. But if we only get one make the more interesting versions not the quick custom versions as a regulat release. 

    As @Minimate said I’d prefer to have to buy another boxset then to not have to buy another boxset and not get Cap/Thor in street gear. DST exists to sell product make people want to buy more product. Advertise in the two packs  “hey kids! want Cap and Thor in their quantum suits check out this boxset and use minimates swapping feature to create them”. Encourage more sales not less.

    32 minutes ago, DSTZach said:

    I think we have evolved Minimates, but what do you think they should evolve to? We added the BAF, we've developed the advanced head-swap technology we used on the Strike Force wave and the Endgame sets... do we think adding articulation or more accessories is going to affect sales? If by evolve you mean animated series or movie deal, those are obviously very nice forms of evolution indeed. 

    I personally think Vinimates are kind of an evolution of Minimates, in their own way, but I can see how that might not be everyone's favorite route. 

    No that’s not what I meant, the product is fine. Offer them in different more creative forms than just standard two packs and 4-packs. Something that makes them stand out on the shelves wether it be something like versus/battle scene packs or team packs.

    How about a wolverine/Sabertooth 2pack w a little snowy cliff/ground piece they can be posed on and used to create your own little scene. Perfect for a single purchase for a desk but can be combined w others to create something larger. 

    You want Jim Lee X-men here’s a team pack of something like Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean, Gambit, Rogue & Storm. Stick to we’ll known groupings and one buy packs that gives the buyer a complete team. Think of it as a new form of the “best of” minimates if stores want multipacks and not waves of 2packs.

    Go beyond movies, not making product for the Spiderman PS4 game was a missed opportunity. It’s was HUGE and sold over 9 million copies. Having merchandise for it when it released could have gotten minimates back into stores like GameStop, etc.

    Vinimates designs are great but they just make me want them in minimate form (DC movies especially ?).  I’m not a statue guy, I want to be able to move the collectible into a pose I want. Also I don’t have the room for them. 

  14. 1 hour ago, hellpop said:

    At this point it's pretty clear that Minimates aren't a big priority for DST any more. I don't think it has anything to do with "doing things right" or not, but with the realities that: the figure line has been around for more than a decade; has never been more than a niche of a niche of a niche; and lost a major retail outlet with only minimal replacement. I don't want to say that we're lucky we're still getting Minimates at all, but....I don't know how else to finish that sentence.

    Unfortunately I’m well aware DST is now a bust/statue company who just happens to make marvel minimates and Select figures. If Walgreens or Disney store didn’t want them anymore I’m sure they’d be dead.

    I’m just not happy about and will go on voicing my opinion on it until the bitter end. 

    If DST was making any sort of attempt to evolve minimates or be creative I’d be more understanding but things like@DSTZach just confirming that 2 of the 8 Walgreens mates are just Quantum suit Cap & Thor shows that DST isn’t even trying. 

  15. 3 hours ago, MisterPL said:

    However, I don't believe a 4-pack of the crew needs a villain. So much of Star Trek is perfectly compatible with the Minimates play pattern, it'd be a shame not to take full advantage of it and sell sets by themes.

    Offer sets with TNG uniforms and multiple heads to swap out. Give them phasers and tricorders but make sure it's designed to encourage consumers to purchase multiple sets to create as many different characters as possible from one SKU.

    Same with DS9 uniforms and movie uniforms and adversaries like Klingons and Romulans and Borg (whose looks are more unique but with by simply exchanging, removing, or spinning around parts, you've got a new Borg).


    But yes, where collectors might buy one John Wick and one Jackie Chan Bruce Lee 4-pack, they'd buy many more Trek 4-packs that allow them to build their own crews.

    As much as I love this idea it seems too creative and forward thinking for conservative DST to even consider.

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