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Trekker 42

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Posts posted by Trekker 42

  1. 4 hours ago, thereasonsy said:

    Welllllll… if you did buy a second set you could make a Val and Franklin…. 

    And Johnny could be Spider-Man if I gave him a black suit head.…

    shitballs you’re right. 

  2. Price increases happen. Eventually there’s gonna be a set I skip. It was almost YA but ya got in the pizza dog and my girl Kate, so I had to. 
    But for now the representation of the characters have been spot on, the accessories continue to be pretty baller, and the most annoying thing about the FF set was that I couldn’t just buy another Reed two pack to make him even longer. 
    Make good stuff, I’ll give you money. I’m still in a place I can indulge this and my Lego hobby. Hopefully will be for a while. 

  3. To quote the voice of my generation, SpongeBob SquarePants, 



    I haves perfect place for the Gotham skyline but I’d have to make some room for the X-Mansion. 
    But I will. I will find the place. 

  4. I will say if we go back to the Greatest Hits model, I want to request that no team remain unfinished. The Mr Fantastic made in that Greatest Hits wave was my favorite version of that character ever, but he was also the only member of the FF in that style. You could make a Johnny with a second Reed but drawing titties on him wouldn’t exactly work with the printing they used. 

    so yeah I like that the box sets don’t let them do that dumb shit again at least. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Padrino said:

    You made it further into Picard season 2 than I did. I kind of liked season 1 for the nostalgia bits but S2 was just bad. Season 3 looks promising

    I watch Discovery in drips and drabs. The story doesn't make much sense anyway so I don't really lose anything. (The replicator conversation almost made me vomit).

    Both of these series has me leery of SNW but I may give it a chance.

    Lower Decks is excellent!

    Strange New Worlds is a proper Star Trek. 
    Like they Trek to planets, solve a problem, and then the Enterprise goes to the next thing. 
    There are season long character arcs (M’Benga in particular made me cry a lot) but very few episodes end unresolved. And honestly, though there are teases for exciting things to come, I’m satisfied with this finale as a finale. It really wraps up Pike’s arc gloriously and shows an unexpected and thoroughly exciting alternate future. 

    If it’s been a while since you’ve seen the Original Series, the most important episodes that SNW calls forward to are The Menagerie, Arena, Amok Time, and Balance of Terror. Rewatch those before going into this.

  6. Picard season one I finished. Bad. 
    I got four episodes into season 2 and bailed. 

    three seasons of Discovery and it’s… adequate. 

    every single episode of Lower Decks and it’s a fucking GEM. I laugh as hard at this as I do at Rick and Morty. 

    Strange New Worlds if it keeps up will be my favorite Trek series of all time. Dazzling return to TOS form. 

    Prodigy is there. 

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