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Everything posted by Zombieboyfiend

  1. I know this is kinda off subject but when I saw this thread I got an interesting brainstorm. I'm working on a minimates board game (if you could call it that) and I blame neolego. With this link being in the realm of what i'm interested in doing for the board top.
  2. Alot of excellent work! Makes my stuff look like a 3rd grader made it.
  3. A Home in the hills. It reminds me of my halfling in EQ when it comes to Barbarian females.
  4. I was begging in a pm and have no clue when I did it. Add me to the list.
  5. Darn it Webhead who the heck is that fine woman? I find myself lingering on your posts.
  6. I won't be updating for a little while my oldest decided to pull the metal slider off of a disk and place in the drive.
  7. I walked by it no less than 3 times before I spotted it at Toys R Us. Then I saw it again later at Target. I bought an extra copy of the movie from Stuckakid.
  8. TBT don't you think that would work better? You have me drooling and I haven't even seen the pics yet.
  9. I haven't been keeping up with the BSG minimates. What sizes are they going to be?
  10. When I did the first batch I saved them in a crappy format which made them look crapptastic so i'm working through what I have to make them look much better. Don't you agree they look better? He is being worked on currently.
  11. I'd quit when they decide its more cost effective to have waves 14-? all be Ultimate SpiderMan/Ultimate SpiderMan 2 packs.
  12. Added a finished Night Thrasher, Nova, and Marvel Boy of the New Warriors. Enjoy all.
  13. Not to have you give away any trade secrets but how are you doing all of your scratch built helmets?
  14. And I was hoping they would be packaging up some of the cool customs from the gang to put in the packs.
  15. I don't think i've meet a minimate that I didn't like. Welcome to the zoo.
  16. Unmasked Spiderman was such a quiet and polite guy. One day he was there and then next gone. He may of slipped into Canada to avoid the draft.
  17. I'm really digging everything you got here especially the videos.
  18. Now for some comedy.... Spider Jane Vs. Doc Petey Danny Ketch Ghost Rider of the 90's Dr. Strange pre assembled Night Thrasher, Nova, and Marvel Boy finished! Ok, ok Speedball and Namorita (Mini Myte's Namorita is a much better version) Variant Marvel Boy Vance Astro! Night Thrasher, Nova, and Marvel Boy with accessories Wild Animals I made these characters up in 1990 I figured they could use the Minimate touch. Grifter Don and Raph Mik and Leo Mighty Avengers Iron Man Iron Man's accessories in action Sentinel Marvel Girl Void Typhoid Mary The Bellvue Patient Conan the Barbarian Deadgirl as seen in Wizard HHH Vs. Mankind Infra-Man with Thunderball Fists!! Werewolf by Night Zombieboyfiend and Battle Damage Zombieboyfiend Me at Holloween...sorta 3 costumes of Ms. Kitten Enjoy Danny =) Ms. Kitten 2 costumes and Bellvue Patients costume in game screen shots. My version of Usagi Yojimbo Usagi Yojimbo with Stan Sakai artwork on the face Speed Demon Mr. Miracle High Evolutionary Batman Beyond Elseworld Something I've toyed with Captain America's shield backpack which months too late and not even done HA!Captain America's shield backpack which is months too late and not even complete lol.
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