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Posts posted by HellfireSamurai

  1. 1) Snake Eyes

    2) "Kaine Parker" Scarlet Spider (box & show may call him Ben Reilly but none of us are fooled)

    3) Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider

    4) Nightwing

    5) Captain America (Age of Ultron- best MCU Cap to me since I like the white on his biceps compared to his other suits)

    6) Lobo

    7) Nightstorm Predator

    8 ) my kitbash Dan Ketch Ghost Rider

  2. 1 hour ago, MisterPL said:

    I have no love for the X-Men animated series but for those who do, I'm hoping you already read about this.

    I'm guessing the Minimates (and hopefully future assortments) will be more successful thanks to this news.

    You glorious person. I had not heard of this until I saw your post. You have brought a smile to my crappy day. 

  3. Well if you want to try that route; the Series 1 & 2 figures are in fact different & new as they have different paint applications than the box set figures. Also for all we know they may get some additional accessories the original release did not have included. Same as numerous other toys that get released as new when it is a minor change. Also Hasbro has released new product with old product numerous times over the years. Just go look through the GI Joe 2 pack sets or a bunch of the various Star Wars multipacks & you'll see that. 

    Hell the even the original GI Joe line in the 80's released the original straight arm versions for purchase before shortly releasing the "same" figures again with the retooled swivel arms. 

    Also as has been stated, by releasing characters again it gives other people a chance to get them that may not have been able to get the original release without having to go to secondary scalper prices. That alone is more than enough reason to justify it given that it is also some of the characters that rank as the most popular in the Joe franchise.

  4. 2 hours ago, DSTZach said:

    I am not sure what our position is on army builders YET. Or animal sidekicks, for that matter. 

    Alas my hunt begins for the Hand then for stand-ins until further notice. Also; if by chance Shipwreck is on the slate at some point;**nudge**nudge** maybe just repaint Redwing in parrot colors **nudge**nudge**

    Loving what we got so far & looking forward to seeing what we end up getting. Thank you & everyone else at DST for the work that goes into getting us these products.

  5. While I'm still waiting on my Joe sets I pre-ordered to arrive (should be here Monday); I visited my LCBS & they had the Joes & Transformers in shop so bought a set of Transformers that I didn't order another Joe set out of guilt for not trusting in my LCBS to get them. Lol.

    Was glad to find out that Snake Eyes base is in fact molded in black so no white ball problems. Also for those who wanted an uzi for him; the Sin City Big Fat Kill set comes with one & some sellers on eBay have that set down to $10 with free shipping.

    The loops on Storm Shadow's quiver & Snake Eyes bandolier are a bit small (at least on this partiular set) for the blades so be careful inserting & removing the swords so as not to break anything.

  6. This isn't anything new to minimates or gi joe toys or numerous other toy lines. Variants, re-paints & re-releases are always gonna be something to deal with in collecting. Not everyone is gonna like it but it is part of the collecting game. In the end it is up to the individual to decide what they are willing to purchase or pass on.

    Personally, I'll be buying the new ones if they make it to market since I like the darker colors on the Joes & the redo of Storm Shadow is how I would have preferred him first time & Cobra Commander is looking nice in the redo (hoping we get an alternate hooded mask). That said; I'm glad I bought the FBCD set just in case something happens & we don't get the future waves (really hope that doesn't happen but no one knows what the future holds).

  7. I gotta quit checking these forums. Every time I do; I find out my wallet is gonna be getting lighter again. Lol

    I get the feeling Snake-Eyes redco might be in purple & grays like the od cartoon. Although kinda hoping it is a V1 Commando but that would likely be a new figure versus a redco


  8. Only minor gripe I have with the wave 2 is with Duke & Roadblock's belts & harness. Always hate when the waist articulation is lost due to the chest belts but honestly it is better than not getting the characters at all. So with that said; I'm going to need to know when these are going up for preorder so I can order 3 sets just like wave 1.

  9. 40 minutes ago, nandoninny said:

    as much diversity as there were with the joes i don't think we need an army builder.

    maybe something like aliens where almost each human came with an alien -- each joe 2 pack can come with a cobra trooper and the trooper just gets repeated a bunch.  not sure how walgreens (if that will be the only place to get 2 packs) will feel about army builders though - they may see it as an inferior product but at the same time it could keep overhead costs down.

    but what do i know -- i'm just envisioning what i want to see.....

    in my head that would be firefly with a bunch of alley vipers

    I could deal with that as long as the joe in each pack is different. I just don't want ta situation where I have get 10  Chuckles, Quickkick, Alpine etc. just so I can have 10 Cobra Troopers. I can deal with 10 Greenshirts to get those 10 Cobra Troopers. 

  10. Damn it. I go without checking the site for some time & I come back to this news. Needless to say I have now sent my money to Luke's store for 3 sets. 

    Easiest army builder for this would be the Red Ninjas since all they gotta due is just re-use the tampos from the Hand Ninjas we got already. If we don't Red Ninjas the I gotta scrounge me up some Hand Ninjas.


  11. 4 hours ago, Padrino said:

    Shi'ar soldiers

    Skrull Soldiers

    Shield Soldiers

    Amazons (generic figures to not antagonize DC)

    Brotherhood of Raptors (in different colors)

    The list goes on..., I would be on board for all of them

    I'll take those & a quick easy way for army builders would be a re-release of previously made characters. No new tampos or tooling needed. AIM, Hydra, Hellfire Club, Vault Guards etc.

  12. 23 hours ago, MisterPL said:

    I'll admit to getting repeated use out of the amount of lube that came out of Quill's helmet and leave it at that.

    DST may need to change its marketing strategy. I know a search for "minimates" in the search engine once lead to personal massagers. 

    Well those could be considered mini & could be used during mating.....

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