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The Scarlet Spider

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Posts posted by The Scarlet Spider

  1. 10 minutes ago, Chigarillo said:

    So we are looking at this for 74?

    Old man Logan / Ashley Barton Spidey

    Red King / Hulk (planet or gladiator)

    Surtur / some variation of Thor

    Hydra Cap / Ironheart

    But isn't Surtur getting released in ragnarok? I wish we could get Anya or someone else for the Spiderverser. Big 90s Kaine would be a nice dream that'll never happen. Or recent Ben jackal. 

    If only Chuck could make this a set  


    Edit: also maybe it's just cause he's my favorite but I think classic Scarlet Spider Ben could use a redo. Minimates have come a long way since the FYE exclusive. I mean if they made red suit jackal Ben all they'd need is a different chest block and mask head for Scarlet Spider...

    but alas I think Barton is probably right :/

  2. Dang it now I want Skurge, Spider head guy, red/silver helmet guy, AND new Heimdall. That design is sick. Hopefully with DST finding another place to have exclusives we can fit all these in :D

  3. 9 hours ago, Onyx_6 said:

    Anyone have any good ideas to make the Academic Decathlon jacket?

    That, IMO, would have made the SDCC set almost perfect.

    Decathalon Jacket would have gone a long way in making it a set that doesn't feel like a cheaper version of the Walgreens set 

  4. Spoilers but this is about the Spider sense and how I see it @winkerbean @Gmonkey2k @stack32



    So the way I see it is is that his Spider sense registers THREATS. Ned (as of this movie) and Aunt May are two people in his life that would NEVER cause him harm so his spidey sense didn't go off. Also he could still be getting used to his Spider sense feeling, low level threats may not feel the same way and so he doesn't know the feeling. Obviously he has it because we have seen him dodge stuff from behind. 

    Im more upset that they didn't just call Michelle Mj. Like just call a rose a rose. 

  5. I definitely understand reasony. I wait for trades since you basically get 3 or so issues for free at about $15 a trade and 7-8? Issues in a trade usually. 

    i mean marvel charges more per comic don't they? Most likely because they're pedaling a subpar product nowadays and need to charge more for every issue they're able to unload to try to make up for all the money they're losing printing and distributing. Unless it's the comic stores taking the hit for stocking em. 

  6. Just now, Kostisfire said:

     Yeah, same here. I'm 20 but I can't stand them. Nor the recent of mentally deaging their older characters. Current "lolsorandomXD" Strange is painful to read.

    Yeah it's clearly aimed at our demographic or younger but I can't stand it. Like just write the characters as people not as generic millennial stereotypes or stereotypes of quirky kids from when my age group was in middle school it's just sad. It's like if Steve Buscemi was an author  


  7. 10 minutes ago, Kostisfire said:

     It's just that they're all the same. Teen characters who are totes better than the originals. Same personalities, same quirks, same everything.

    Believe me I know >.< 

    I'm a teenager and I'm totally smarter/a better archer/stronger/faster than (insert who they're replacing). 

    Like a whole universe of Wally West's to their respective flash's. Except without the character development. 

  8. 21 minutes ago, Kostisfire said:

     Eh, those happened across a period of time. The kid went from throwing molotovs at banks to being decked out in super-armor in 2 months, tops. It's less the origin and more of the fact that nobody talks about it. As if we're supposed to sympathize with him torching places. It's a recent trend with all of these new characters to never point out their flaws. They're all treated as the best thing since sliced bread. Everything is rushed to chalk up one more new character on the board.

    Not to mention they're continually pushed even after the interest is shown not to be there. I don't understand how the people at marvel still have jobs. It's like hmmm maybe you could take some time to really sit down and plan a character, think of some character flaws, and map out their story and focus on building them slowly and piquing interest instead of a 1 shot origin, miniseries or "look who's taking over!"

  9. This was just about as perfect a Spider-Man movie as could be for me. Holland IS Spider-Man to me. We got a whole movie of a very realistic young Spidey. So much of what gets glossed over in the last two origin stories gets expanded on here. You get to see him develop as Spider-Man and it's glorious. 

    A few questions for others who have seen this and my ONLY Criticism(s) spoilers

    I thought Keaton was great as Toomes but how'd you feel about them completely changing characters like Liz and Ned? Ned seems like a replacement to Harry kinda? Maybe they'll have Harry come and actually be kinda eh with Peter and then as their relationship grows it'll make Ned estranged with Pete and he'll become Hobs after Norman becomes The regular goblin?

    and what about "Michelle" MJ like what the heck? If they're gonna have it be MJ why not keep her regular name and have her hair red? Like MJ was smart as heck in the ultimate comics but why not just give her the name it seems dumb and it's the only thing I really dislike about this movie. Legacy MJ now? Lol

  10. Jeez :/ X-23 was one of the legacy characters I actually thought had... character lol. It's bad enough replacing all the A-listers at once but to replace them with more than one person at a time Is just silly. 

    1 hour ago, stack32 said:

    Hey, it "works" for Captain America and Spider-Man. :sick:

    Who are the multiple replacements for Cap? Sam Wilson is the only one I know of and I think that's one that actually fits. I dig Sam Cap, Jane Thor, and X-23 but the others not so much. 

  11. I'd rather have it based on the actors than the comics for AoS but I agree I'd rather have that than a Spider-Man with kinda more accessories than the Walgreens counterpart. Cause that's what this set feels like. 

  12. I'd rather have it based on the actors than the comics for AoS but I agree I'd rather have that than a Spider-Man with kinda more accessories than the Walgreens counterpart. Cause that's what this set feels like. 


    48 minutes ago, Lobsterman said:

    So wait, you're worried we won't see obscure stuff like Defenders or Midnight Sons because Marvel is taking chances on... obscure stuff like Inhumans?

    I feel like, by and large, Marvel doesn't really "take chances" any more; they are part of the Disney marketing juggernaut and are able to compel things through sheer force of corporate will to be exactly as successful as they need to be to recoup cost. Other than the Iron Fist critical grumbling, I can't think of any MCU projects that have made people ask "wow, do they have their head on straight with this?"  They tease stuff, people ask "is the magic going to work this time," then of course the magic works, because Disney is like a black hole that bends the laws of entertainment to itself. 

    It'll be fine. Black Bold will blow some stuff up with his voice, Karnak will do some awesome kung fu shit, and everyone will be memeing Lockjaw and his non-tuning-fork tuning fork.  

    Like I said, a lot of other comic fans I know, around my age group, have their gripes about inhumans already. So not only is there no support from casual fans, there are comic book fans that don't care for the inhumans already because they're perceived as trying to replace the x-men. 

    Im not complaining at all about them trying to make the inhumans into a show or movie, I guess I could why you thought that though. Of course them making b-c list movies is what I want, obviously. I was talking more so about the cheap looking special effects, bad costuming choices, just overall low budget look from a corporate juggernaut.

    I want to see more comic related stuff on the TV but the shows look like their budget is not up to par. One of the main complaints of Iron Fist was that the budget couldn't even support showing Shou Lao. The Cloak and Dagger trailer looks like it'll focus on them becoming Cloak and Dagger, possibly to get out of using special effects as much as possible. Agents of Shield is about the only network show I can think of where it fits because they don't NEED as much of a budget. 

    My main point was that it looks cheap and like not enough work went into it. I definitely get what you mean about Disney being "too big to fail" and of course I think they'll try to milk the superhero genre as much as they can or as long as it's profitable. The thing is that They're obviously skipping out on putting the money needed for this show and I think it'll bite them in the ass. 

  14. I think the problem with Marvel trying to push properties like Inhumans that already doesn't have a big casual fan base or is divisive within the comic community because of the whole "replacing mutants" thing, is that for one it  looks like they just don't know what they're doing. (At least in my opinion). The effects are cheap- LockJaw doesn't even look like he has a tuning fork on his head it just looks like some flat piece of metal stuck on him. 

    Trying to push these properties and then playing fast and loose might be what finally kills the whole superhero franchise. Marvel/Disney is probably gonna take a hit on this and it might cause them to reevaluate their whole strategy with these movies. Especially with Downey and Evans hanging it up soon. I'm a huge fan of Carol Danvers but even in the comics she struggles to hold a solo series, do any of us really see her leading the movies? Holland could but there's already immense support for "kill him after 3 movies, kill him, kill him" not to mention the whole Sony thing. Boseman could help lead it but he's already 40 so he might have another 10 years or so.

    I don't know. Just worrisome cause I want more good comic entertainment and this just doesn't look good. I'm looking forward to series that could never happen otherwise like the defenders or even a midnight sons show and that won't happen if stuff like this tanks. 

  15. I definitely get the argument against redos and if I could get the Hellfire Club in one wave with Jean instead of Selene I'd take it because I think that Jean face would be a lot better nowadays and since one was a variant.

    I'm always up for remakes though. The portraits are ALWAYS getting better and I know what it's like to see minimates of 90s era X-Man and the like that you grew up with going for more than it'd cost to buy 2 marvel legends. (Like seriously $40 for 2 inches of plastic?). I was really saddened that the best of and greatest hits was killed off before they rereleased everyone on that poster. 

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