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Everything posted by Nestlé

  1. I bought the Boromir/Merry & Pippin/Uruk'hai sets for for under 2 bucks a piece there a month ago. Just keep your eyes peeled.
  2. ... Or the same Kryptonian Batsuit...
  3. Ummm... This is a little unprecedented but my wife wants to enter this contest. Do we have to register her an account or can she do one through me?
  4. Thanks. Are we not supposed to see these anymore?
  5. Ummm... The pics don't seem to be working for me anymore. Anyone have Booster Gold saved?
  6. That's prefectly okay RB! None of them are THAT hard to come by, I'll pick him up through EBAY sometime. If you're looking for the last couple I suggest holding out for a deal. Merry & Boromir are the 2 hardest to get ahold of, but even still you can get ahold of them for a couple of bucks.
  7. Aunt May is taking over every part of these boards!!!!
  8. I thought Speedy became Arsenal...
  9. Amon Hen Aragorn? If he's not, I am. Yeah, I remember the talk of a Cave Troll, that's why I brought it up. The evn talked about making Ents... So much potential...
  10. Ummmm... Am I missing something? Does (did) Magnus have some type of relationship with Booster that he WOULD "revive" his consciousness? Keep in mind I haven't been reading DC for a long time with the exception of the last few months.
  11. As for the line up... I dunno... I'm not huge on Black Lightning. Plus, how did Speedy get in there? It's nice to see Canary & Vixen, Hal was a given... But I dunno about Red Tornado. He was one of my fav. characters growing up but he always sacrifices himself and they rebuild him... BYW, how DID they rebuild him this time? TOMorrow didn't, so who did?
  12. You just watch Jason, "Batman" is gonna take off his mask and surprise everyone when HE'S BOOSTER. Bruce Wayne will have been the one who died with the submarine accident thing... That or he's HawkGril...
  13. LOL. Aunt May was the ORIGINAL party girl. Actually... This whole conversation is disturbing close to one of my minimate movies plotlines...
  14. Bwa Ha Ha Ha!!!!! Ugly Aunt May is the first mate you have to look at!!!
  15. Hm. Didn't know that. Crisis sure did a lot for DC. No wonder they did it again.
  16. Wha? No Booster Gold!?!?!?!
  17. Well, I know he's getting a Mate, I'm just saying I would like to keep reading comics about him, that's all.
  18. Yeah, for my Minimate stop motiton series I early on struggled with perspectives to make the LOTR characters smaller, but eventually it just isn't worth it. I think all of their molds were great, with some awesome detail, but come on... Where was the Cave Troll?
  19. I know this will probably make you hate me but... There was a Booster Golld before JLI? :o Seriously, that was the first I heard of him.
  20. Yeah, I actually figured SuperNova was Booster, but still... Who wants a SERIOUS Booster?
  21. I'm not super excited about Croc either... Or I wouldn't be except he looks great!!!
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