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Anybody want the domain name?


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Before I settled on Minimate Labs for my Minimate related project website, it was going to be named Minimate Arts. I purchased the domain, designed the site, setup the backend. It was pretty much ready to go, until I drove by a local business seeking experimentation subjects volunteers. I can't recall the name of the business exactly, Apiculture Labs, Topiary Labs, Magnetohydrodynamic Labs, regardless it ended in 'Labs' and that seemed more attractive to me than 'Arts'.

At the end of the year will expire. I don't see a compelling reason to renew it apart from that I'd rather not have it fall into the hands of spammers, domain squatters, or various other scum of the Internet.

Anyone want it? I'm not offering hosting or anything like that, just the domain name. I'll transfer it to you if you want it, gratis. I've never transferred a domain, but from what I understand it takes about a week to complete the process. So sooner is better, it has to be complete before expiration. You'll probably have to pay to renew the subscription (with your registrar) after the transfer to keep it from expiring on Jan 1, 2011.

Post or PM if you're interested or have questions.

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