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New Marvel Deck Building Game from Upper Deck


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Coming in November from Upper Deck, Marvel Legendary- a deck building game with 600 cards (with all new artwork so you know they aren't churning this out quick to make a buck) and game board/mat. Retailing for about $50/60. The best part? You don't have to buy starters, boosters, or hunt down rare cards to play. It's all here. FINALLY. :rolleyes:

More on gameplay and card art here:

And over on board game geek, just search for 'Marvel Legendary' for more card art and a high res pic of the board.

My initial thoughts? I dig it. Having grown up with Fleer Marvel Overpower- then a long hiatus of nothing and finally the less than great, but still fun Upper Deck Marvel Ultimate Battles- this looks like it finally hit the nail on the head in terms of superheroes doing what they do best in various locations slugging it out with villains and rescuing civilians.

Anyone else exicted for this? Thought I'd pass this along.

Edited by Jeff
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I forgot about VS. I tried liking that game to fill the Overpower void, but it never quite scratched that itch. Saved me a bunch of money though as I only picked up the Fantastic Four set and a few boosters.

The other game I remember was TSR's Marvel Super Heroes- not the books, but a book that came with similar game cards as well that you would play from your hand in addition to the RPG elments. Goes for big buck on ebay right now- and there were a ton of follow up supplement books including Reed Richards Guide to Everything or something like that.

Oh memories....still upset though after completing my entire Overpower collection only to have them relaunch the entire set with intellect stats and specials making my set irrelevent and unplayable. Luckily, I discovered Marvel Heroclix- a whole new obession that I just now cut myself off of completey. Too many expansions, blind boxes, rares, super rares---plus storage of all those figures. ENOUGH! I sold them all back to my comic store and put it towards board games. Best decision I made.

On that note- I tried the new Heroclix app and I hate it- way too kiddie. What kid has an Ipad? Saves me the money of having to buy the 3 figure 'x-baby' looking figure packs needed to play.

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I initally loved the concept of having stats in the dials with a 3D figure on top. All my previous gaming experience was with cardboard cutouts on standees with various charts and separate cards.

I got into making 3D buildings on foamcore, but then my weekends/nights started to fill up with doing that. It was getting out of control....the first sign of its decline for addtion to playing every Wednesday until possibly twelve in the morning didn't help either- along with some sort of comic movie playing in the background made it hard to focus on gameplay. Too much going on at once.

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Scratch wanting the dc game.....from what I've read, it stinks. :sick:

Essentially you ‘buy’ cards from the various decks to strengthen your own. Cards have bonuses and power values- whoever has the most power at the end of the game wins. BUT…cards aren’t specific to each hero so you could have wonder woman using x-ray vision and buying Clayface to add to her/your deck. There’s also vulnerable cards that offer up no points or serve any purpose what so ever. WHAT? I love the art and theme obviously, but this looks like another tacked on attempt using a great property (WALKING DEAD) and dragging it thru the mud. The marvel one looks so much better now- at least it has a theme and purpose, not just adding up numbers on cards with no consequences, short of losing the game. FAIL.

Reminds me of that Eaten by Zombies game I had….looks great plays like garbage.

A reviewer’s negative take:

I played the demo at GenCon and that was one of my problems with the game. The game text refers to your opponents as "foes". But since when are Wonder Woman, Flash, and Batman all foes of each other? That bothered me.

Another thing that bothered me was that there wasn't any thematic restriction about which cards could be in your deck. So, playing Flash, my deck had things like X-Ray Vision, Super Strength, and lots of Kicks. I didn't feel like Flash at all.

Another thematic problem -- using "Power" to "buy" super-villians makes sense, but why do you need it to buy, say, a batarang or Arkham Asylum? They were going for simplicity, which normally is fine, but in this case they lost a big thematic connection.

I also suspect that the game has a built-in runaway leader problem. The big point value cards are also highly effective cards. So, unlike Dominion, where big point cards are dead and will slow down the player who gets off to an early start, in DC Comics, the player who gets that first big villain card will not only be ahead in points, but will have a more powerful deck than the others.

I'm sorry to rain on Luke's enthusiasm for the game, and hey, if you enjoy it, more power to you! But what I saw was a lot of wasted potential. They could have done some really great things with that license but instead they just recycled a bunch of ideas from other deck builders (mostly Ascension). It struck me as a very lazy design. Completely disappointing.

Yet another negative take:

I got to demo this at gencon, and while I liked the theme, I felt like it had a few problems.

The combination of only 1 currency, plus not having a fixed set of cards to buy (there's 5 cards available to buy at any one time, and refill from a random pool, ala ascension) made it feel like just buying the most expensive card every turn was the clear choice. And since you defeat villains with the same currency, there's actually no choice when you come down to it. Can I defeat a super villain? no? then buy the most expensive card.

The weakness cards in the deck also felt like they detracted. Unlike a game like dominion or tanto cuore, where those filler cards are worth points at the end of the game, the weakness cards literally do nothing. They're just dead cards with no value at all.

The demo game I played also suffered from everyone having cards that tore apart other people's hands, which lead to several turns of nothing going on, with people not buying anything or defeating anything, which leads into another problem.

As far as I know, there's one win condition. Having the most points after defeating the last super villain. If you don't defeat at least one, you can count yourself out of winning the game, or placing anywhere near the top.

And with so much hand destruction, and no alternate way to win, games can just drag on for far longer than they should take. It reminded me of dominion where I watch a player run through their entire deck to, in the end, buy maybe one card. But it took that player 5 minutes to buy that one card instead of a few seconds.

The theme is nice. Many players during the demo seemed to like being their favorite super hero. But I just don't see lasting appeal to this game. At best, it might be a good gateway game to get new fans into the deck-building genre.

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