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Posts posted by PrinceCuseCuse

  1. Set photos are starting to come out! I really hope we get a movie box set, or possibly a tie in wave? Maybe with characters linked to Widow or that just fit the movie. A new comic Widow, Taskmaster, Red Guardian, Yelena, a new Hawkeye, Winter Soldier, um....

  2. 2 hours ago, TENIME_art said:

    I mean...unless there's new characters that are more than just civilians (not discounting the need for civilian 'Mates, especially MCU), I already have my ideal versions of those characters.

    I'm hoping we get a more comic accurate Zemo, but also, we should definitely be getting new looks for Sam and Bucky. The rest of the shows, I'd buy the sets if they released them, but Falcon and Winter Soldier is the show I'm looking forward to the most. I saw some dope fan art that had Sam in a Captain America costume and Buck looking like US Agent and I'm all for both of those things.

  3. Walgreens, on paper, should be a great retail option. Because every city has so many of them. I'm pretty sure there's 7 or 8 in my hometown, but the distribution to the stores is terrible and really hurts the line.

    @nandoninny That's a great idea! I think had there been some sort of exclusive Minimate given out for Endgame, DST would be able to get more people interested in the line! I can't tell you how people I see that collect other Marvel figures that don't know what Minimates are but are immediately interested upon seeing them.

    Also, why aren't Minimates more prominent on Amazon? Considering Amazon has taken over the world, getting items up on there just seems like smart business.

  4. I'll be honest, I've never read the X-Factor books, but I just really enjoy the design of the figures and suits. Especially Madrox and Havok! I bought the wave, an extra Havok and Cyclops set, and 2 of the Madrox packs. I'd love to see Luke get army builder two packs. Hasbro started doing army builder packs and I'd really enjoy it if DST continued this! Hydra, AIM, random guards like the Civil War waves would all make great 2 packs.

  5. I dunno that it's confirmed yet, but rumor is Zemo and Sharon Carter are returning for Falcon and Winter Soldier. And now I really hope we get a 4 pack. Falcon with his new post-Endgame look, Winter Soldier in whatever new look he'll be sporting a better Sharon Carter, and a Zemo. Likelihood is probably slim. But since these shows will be tied directly to the movies and feature actual costumes, I'm optimistic!

  6. I got the wave today and overall, I'm actually pretty satisfied. I have a few minor complaints, but overall, I like em!

    1. Thor doesn't have the scar over his right eye.

    2. War Machine, Iron Man, and Black Widow all use the same heads that came with the 4 pack. 

    And 3. Hulk should have glasses.

    Other than that, solid wave! Still wish we would've gotten their more prominent looks but it is what it is.

  7. 3 hours ago, stack32 said:

    In a sense you probably already have some. It actually might be kind of cool though. I'm sure there's a few things I would buy.

    Oh yeah! Definitely, but Hot Toys, for example, did those concept art versions of Cap and Tony for the Marvel Studios 10 year anniversary, those would be dope to have as Mates. Or the Infinity War concept art for Cap where he wears the US Agent. I'm sure there's other cool stuff that I could find looking through my books, but that's the first one that comes to mind.


    2 hours ago, Trekker 42 said:

    If you’ve got Raging Hulk from Ultron you do have one. He was gray in the concept art but not in the movie. 

    Good point! (Also, it was really dumb as to why he wasn't grey in the movie. Because "audiences wouldn't get it." I feel it wouldn't need to be explained. They should've done it.)

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