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Mysterious Stranger

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Posts posted by Mysterious Stranger

  1. Looks like a new Spider-man box set maybe. Spider-sense Ben Reilly, Peter Parker, MJ, Chameleon. Haven't seen those revealed anywhere yet. And a couple other new ones that I don't recall hearing about either. Jack-O-Lantern and that black portal Spidey.

    That Predator wave looks sick! Bro-hands in action! Can't wait for it to come out!

  2. However you may feel about it, DST has done a great job giving us all the main characters from the MCU. The only ones we really need are supporting players like Balder, Hogun, the Collector, etc. I think anything they did now would likely be rehashes or "Greatest Hits" with maybe a new version of the main characters sprinkled in.

    Having said that though, I would jump at the chance to get some of the ones we missed out on. If they can find a way to expand the MCU line without bogging it down with reissues and repaints of the main Avengers I think it would sell. But we all know DST doesn't like to go backwards like this.


  3. The 4th quarter holiday season will most likely what makes or breaks them, at least for the short term. If they can get decent sales numbers and their profit up I think they'll be able to get through next year. But make no mistake, there will be store closings. Maybe not widespread, at least at first, but they HAVE to cut their overhead down if they want to be profitable. Poor performing stores will be shuttered and I'd look for separate TRU and BRU stores to combine in some locations.

  4. The kind of bankruptcy they are likely looking at is debt protection. It allows them to keep getting product, and prevents suppliers from collecting older debt while they attempt to restructure their debt through financing.  Its basically the court coming in to keep creditors at bay for a time while they figure out what to do. It in no way means they are going out of business, but you can probably expect under performing stores to close as they work through it. Companies emerge from bankruptcy protection all the time. Others switch from protection to liquidation. Just depends on how successful they are at refinancing and restructuring.

    And they could refinance their debt without bankruptcy protection. My company has done work in this field so its certainly possible this is just a temporary situation. If they have a solid plan.

  5. I forgot about the Kenner inspired stuff. I love the Xenos but other than the Covenant ones there isn't that much difference, visually, between them. So getting some of the wild Kenner designs would definitely spice up that side of the line. And if it leads to Kenner Predators, well then all the better.

    BUT I don't want Kenner Xenos at the expense of Ferro and Bishop. I don't think that will happen though.

  6. The Mega Bloks Technodrome was listed at $250 initially. I think I got it for about $50 less than retail after rewards points and coupons. Then it dropped to like $100 at the holidays and I weeped a bit. Its a fantastic set, not just for Minimates but the Mega Bloks figures too. I had to get all the Classic versions to go with the 'drome.

  7. Kingdom Hearts is still on the way. Black Panther box set was just solicited (according to BBTS). Marvel Wave 75 has been shown. Walgreens is taking more exclusives beyond the animated line. So no I don't think Minimates is going away any time soon. They may be scaling back but I don't think the line is dead.

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