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Posts posted by Gregio

  1. Hey Zach, I forgot to ask you during the Toy Fair. How the TMNT license works with the comics Turtles? You´ll launch the 'Mirage' Boxset but the IDW versions make part of the deal? The Turtles themselves doesn´t change so much in terms of visual but there´s a lot of interesting designs in the IDW comics that would be very cool in minimates form! Like Alopex, General Kraang, Foot Clan Leo and a lot of cool mutants!

  2. Could it be the Muir Island Team? We could have Forge, Banshee and Guido as the new characters and a Polaris re-do. Maybe the figures could come with extra heads to make Legion, Syrin, Moira and Madrox or even Amanda Sefton. They fought the Reavers, wich would be great in minimate form!


  3. I started to make thing like this to my minimates too! I don´t know the right name in english (since I´m Brazilian) but I´m using a type of foam that´s harder and plain, here we call it Depron Foam (you can googled it in english). It´s easy to cut and it don´t make crumbles when you cut it.

    The best part is that you can make the bricks, grooves and "damages" on the wall just "drawing" them with a pencil or a pen cap.

    I made a castle ruin to use with the Invaders attacking Red Skull and the Hydra and I´m making now a street corner and a rooftop diorama. All the wall and structures are finished. Just have to paint all the pieces, glued them and it´s done!

  4. That's the curse of working with what you like! Maybe we can drown our sorrows with a couple of beers!

    I'll not attend the SDCC this year because the flight tickets are very expensive here in Brazil (thank you World Cup!) but I'll say Hi in NYTF!

    We talked about minimates every business meeting we have with Diamond but only the TWD license don't have international issues for now. But we're always trying!

    Now, as a collector, I always has been more attached in the comic books universe and always get figures from there. Always get some marvel minimates but only in a couple years I transform the minimates in my "main collection" (even thinking in sell some Marvel Universe figures to buy their mates counterpart).

    I never liked movie toylines but Aliens minimates was the first movie line that really catch my attention, neither the Neca figures get me! It's a new start in my collection and that's why I'm so happy with the line but upset with the schedule. But that's ok, I can wait a little more!

  5. We didn't show them to the public at NYTF 2013, just retailers, because they weren't ready, and were a long ways off. We even had them in a silver box you could only see into when the light was on. I do not believe any photos leaked.

    And who says I'm not in the NYTF? I saw them in person and even talked to you! wink.png Since I work in a import/collectibles company in my country, I go every year to NY and sometimes to the SDCC so I see not only the products that are the company's interests but my personal interests too!

    But my point is: the license is confirmed since the Toy Fair in 2013 and the first products to be released was just 1 year and 5 months after (now 1 year and 7 month) It's a long wait.

    In the Diamond Retail System actually the Dump Case has its release date scheduled to June, and marked just as "Hasn't Shipped" and now in the new Art Asylum Release Date, its marked to September.

    As a collector (since the company I work don't deal with the minimates lines) this is kind of frustrating. I was really excited with the line specially the second movie figures (curiously, the first ones showed). Not only the boxset from AlienS don't have any news or release date scheduled but the first product confirmed (the dump case) suffers a delay of a couple months.

  6. Oh man! Really????? That´s terrible!!!!

    I´m waiting for this figures since I saw them in the NYTF in 2013. More than a year after the license was confirmed and nothing in stores...

    Now we have to wait more??? It´s kind of disappointing, I was really excited that the line would be launched this week...

  7. I´m with you, guys! Hellboy would be awesome specially the comic book universe.

    I really would like to see figures as Rocket pack Hellboy, Hellboy as Anung un Rama, Baba Yaga, Gruagach, Hecate as a Iron Maiden... even a Wild Hunt members army dump!

    You have different hellboy options enough to make some boxsets with him in them!

  8. I agree with you MisterPL.

    I don't know about the dump case but I'm thinking it has everything to be better than the previous dumps. Just because the "main monster" is in there, not only regular soldiers as in the IM, Thor and Captain America cases.

    Obviously the "more conservative" collectors maybe prefer the boxsets but the dump cases will perfectly complement the boxsets. NECA show us that a lot of different Aliens and Marines always sell well.

    The only perhaps about the Queen is the tooling. Maybe she needs a lot of new parts and this can be a problem...

    But I'm really excited with the line and have faith in DST!!!

  9. I would love to see a Predator line! Specially if we had some comic book related figures!

    With our without Predator I'm planning to get a complete Dump Case for me. I'm still waiting for the second film boxset! Even with the first film being great I'm waiting for some marines and a even more badass Ripley to fight some xenomorphs!!!

  10. It's always great to see old chracters get new figures! Specially Spider-Man villains. In any collection these characters always become harder to get and/or expensive.

    For that ones that started to collect minimates later, it's a great chance to get old characters and the new parts certainly grow up in the old collectors eyes.

    I got a lot of friends in my country that started to collect in the last two years, and they're really excited with this pack!!! We already preordered 12 packs! Even with less people than pack, It's better to get a few spare packs to any new collector than to let the chance the get these figures escape!

  11. I have the previous boxset and the cannonball/shatterstar pack. X-Force was my favorite comics in the 90s so I´m thinking in buy it for the nostalgic feeling. If we get the rest of the team so I certainly will need to buy it!

  12. Man, what is with the hate-on for B&W figures?

    Go-Hastings just love of now they have 851 sets of the 2012 SDCC B&W exclusive .......... . It might be a mistake but it seems an odd number to get wrong ?

    I got no pleasure in stating the above ..... but if it's accurate somebody needs to wake up & smell the roses dry.png

    I think that the B&W works terribly fine with the TWD figures! If DST launchs more characters in this style it could be a good option to everyone that lost some now rare figures. With a good cast of characters, these figures can grow as a "comic accurate" collection without problem.

  13. DOFP is a must have!!!

    TWD I pass. I got the series 1 just now and have luck finding Shane and Glenn packs in an auction that ended incredible low!

    But I think that the Black & White figures is a great idea if more packs are made. This boxset make a perfect couple with the BW Dale from the beginning of the story. If more figures get this style it can be a good alternative collection directly from the comic pages!

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