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Everything posted by cylonchaney

  1. That show always bugged me. Ooooh the Daleks are coming. Ok, just find some uneven ground or a hill and they'll never get to you. LOL. However, if they ever make one of the guy with the really long scarf from when I was a kid, I'd buy that. I think the actor's name was Tom Baker? The only Doctor Who I ever liked.
  2. Are you kidding me? He's holding a perfectly good turkey retrieval device. No problem at all.
  3. For those saying they don't receive the espectrum, this may not be your problem but mine always ends up in the spam folder of my yahoo mail account. The result is I end up reading the cool news here first. Oh well. Oh ya, and I'm looking forward to these mates. I'll have to see if I can de-customize my custom evil Spock now.
  4. If they release the vipers they'll need to come with a pilot. Maybe it's Starbuck.
  5. I'll be buying at least 2 of each of these. This news has made my day!
  6. There is an episode, I think it might be from season 3, where it is revealed that I thought that was really cool.
  7. I got my order last week. Came well packed and undamaged all the way to Canada.
  8. I've got about 40 including the classics.
  9. When I saw this I was reminded of a Married with Children where Al Bundy describes his perfect woman as having three hooters. One on the back ... for dancing. LOL When DC Wave 8 comes out grab yourself an extra Saalak and make a custom 4-armed Kirk.
  10. They're not on this week's shipping list: From Mad Scientists's Mike Tyson 2 mini-zombies product page: Preorder Item: We are currently accepting preorders for this item. Estimated Availability Date: 11/21/2007
  11. Case #2 arrived today. I think they're sold out again. This one is #296
  12. That doesn't appear to be a problem if Wave 1 is an indicator. I pre-ordered a case and could not get all my mates because they were short-shipped. The shops in my city seem to have burned through them pretty quickly.
  13. The scoop on Magneto: Nice custom though.
  14. Not me. I only took one grain and passed the rest on.
  15. Ok, looks like 370. Could be 270 though. It's hand written and hard to read. I interested to see what number the second one will be. I wish I'd gotten a case of the classics too. I've got one of each plus a couple of extras but wish I had more.
  16. If I ever win a sizable lottery I'm going to offer Diamond a contract to guarantee the sales of a classic line. I want classic BSG and vehicles so bad!!!!
  17. They're probably not sequential because mine was 2601 I think. I don't know for sure. It's packed away with my unopened collection. I've got about a dozen on display already and will open the second case when it comes.
  18. Stuckakid has the case of 12 available for about $60. I just got one in the mail last week and have another on order but they weren't yet out of stock.
  19. Yes! Maybe I can make a custom "Classic Apollo" to play with my classic Cylons.
  20. I am wth you on this bro....its an odd little thing I do to...gotta be facing the same way as the mask is....even when I am playing sometimes I'll pull it off just to check and see lol! Jeff of the Minis You guys aren't actually trying to tell me there are people out there who would have a misaligned face under the mask are you? That's just so wrong it gives me the shivers! I think the better question would be who here does not do this?
  21. Thanks so much! I built one for work and one for home today. I even went into the office just to use the color printer today. I've got Pike and Vina posed on the better of the two at home and will be taking the other one to work tomorrow morning. If only I could actually transport the mates back and forth after. Does anyone have an idea of something I can use as a console for Scotty to beam the others? Thanks again.
  22. I now have around 200 mates. I've opened most of them but not all. I've never had breakage though two with arms that pop off much too easily. I've been lucky I guess.
  23. Believe me I have that concern. I ordered 8 Rocky Box sets not including those I ordered for friends and I want my 8 hair pieces. It's going to look bad asking for 8 hair pieces! Edited this is only about Rocky Hair Peices. They didn't seem too worried when I emailed. I asked them to send me two and promised to buy a second set if they did. I got two and bought a second set. Everyone is happy! Also, they sent a nice letter apologizing about the missing hair piece and a 10% off your next order thingy. I thought that was pretty cool.
  24. Throw in Bele and Lokai (the half-black-half-white guys) with one as the variant and you got yourself an all alien wave. That would be cool!
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