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Posts posted by minimadman

  1. Henry Cavill is great casting. I was stoked a few years ago when he was the leading the pack to play Superman in what would become Superman Returns. The villain needs to be someone that Superman can go toe to toe with all out destruction. I think Snyder is the right guy.

  2. As someone who has lived in the south for the better part of their life I can not honestly say I have seen anyone fly a confederate flag with out it being a racist symbol. Anyone that has used the old states rights argument has done so as a cop out and to hide their true purpose.

  3. Same here, I have both systems and will always recommend the 360 over a PS3 for games that are available on both, however I feel that the PS3 is a better value with the Blu-ray player.

    It will be interesting to see if Microsoft switches to Blu-Ray drives for the next iteration of the XBox console.

    That would be funny considering that Sony owns that technology.

  4. I think that they're just trying to give good TV....... or the Seahawks got tired of hearing how fast they were going to be put out of the Playoffs.

    EDIT: I guess it turns out to be the latter.


    1. Classic Heroic Age Boxset Captain America

    2. Classic Heroic Age Boxset Thor,

    3. Hulkbuster Iron Man


    1. TRU Wave 8 Thing

    2. Spider-Man Friend and Foes Boxset Battle Ravaged Spider-Man

    3. Spider-Man Friend and Foes Boxset Vulture

    [*]BEST ACCESSORY (top 3 choices)

    1. Captain America Through The Ages Boxset Ice block

    2. New Captain America glove with shield rig on it

    3. Halo Plasma Sword

    [*]WORST ACCESORY (top 3 choices)




    [*]BEST ACCESSORIZED MINIMATE (top 3 choices)

    1. M.A.X. Policeman

    2. M.A.X. Special Forces

    3. First Appearance Cable

    [*]BEST WAVE OR BOXED SET (top 1 choice)

    1. Classic Heroic Age Boxset

    2. Captain America Through The Ages

    3. Halo Series 1

    [*]WORST WAVE OR BOXED SET (top 1 choice)

    1. Spider-Man Friend and Foes Boxset (this is a worst because of the terrible QC)

    2. Marvel Wave 35 (see above)

    3. TRU Iron Man 2 (ditto)

    [*]BIGGEST SLEEPER- "didn't see that one coming" - unexpectedly good, an unsung hero (top 3 choices)

    1. Elite Heroes

    2. Multiple Man

    3. TRU Wave 8 Atlantean Soldier

    [*]BEST VARIANT- not just a labeled variant, but an alternate version of a previously released figure (top 1


    1. Classic Heroic Age Boxset Thor

    2. Captain America Through The Ages Frozen Cap

    3. Classic Heroic Age Captain America

    [*]WORST VARIANT- not just a labeled variant, but an alternate version of a previously released figure (top 1 choice)

    1. Spider-Man Friend and Foes Boxset Battle Ravaged Spider-Man

    2. Spider-Man Friend and Foes Boxset Dr. Octopus

    3. The Wave 31 Angel debacle

    [*]SEXIEST MINIMATE (top 3 female and top 3 male characters)

    As always I will abstain from this one based on previously stated arguments citing the silliness of the category

    [*]BIGGEST PAIN IN THE ASS TO OBTAIN- That one particular minimate you went through hell to obtain in 2010 (top 1 choice)

    For me nothing, I guess others would say Classic Angel from the aforementioned Angel debacle.

    [*]BEST FACIAL EXPRESSION- That particular minimate face you thought was hilarious or just darn right perfect for thar certain character (top 3 choices)

    1. Captain America Through The Ages Frozen Cap

    2. Captain America Through The Ages WWII Cap

    3. TRU Ghostbuster Wave 4 Slime Blower Ray

    [*]BEST HAIRPIECE (top 3 choices)

    1. TRU Wave 8 Sue Storm

    2. TRU Ghostbusters Wave 3 Egon

    3. Rachel Grey (rat tail FTW)

    [*]BEST MINIMATE VEHICLE (top 1 choice)

    Halo Warthog

    [*]MINIMATE IN MOST NEED OF AN UPDATE- any mate from your collection that is in desperate need of a cosmetic overhaul/update (top 3 choices)

    1. Classic Daredevil

    2. Kingpin

    3. Dr. Octopus

  6. Pretty sure neither of mine have built-in wifi, since I have the older models. I really wish they did, since the PS3 is on the other side of the house from my modem.

    All PS3 models have built in WIFI my friend. I have both and the only reason to have a 360 is if you are into Halo. The PS3 is a monster of awesomeness. I love that it plays Blurays and not to mention that the online multiplayer is free where the 360 is $59.99 a year. I can not even remember the last time I turned on my 360 since Netflix came to the PS3. For the money that you are spending the PS3 is the better deal.

  7. In the last few years I have had 2 HTC phones back when they used to run the old Windows Mobile, an iPhone 3G (jailbroken), and currently use an iPhone 4 with iOS 4 (Jailbroken). I liked the HTC phones I had but the iPhone is by far the best smartphone I have ever seen. I'm not sure there is anything it can not do.

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