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Posts posted by AdyCarter

  1. Weird, they knock 5 pounds off my subtotal when I go to check out.

    UK "tax" is pre included on prices, you're not a UK resident so you get exempted from paying it, hence the random reduction.

    If memory serves MP10 is like $300 on BBTS at the moment, from what I'm told there have been a hell of a lot of these sold to Americans today.

    I'm half expecting a mass cancellation/refund but its worth a gamble.

  2. Does that still work with free 2 day shipping with Amazon Prime?

    I somehow doubt it, its not "released" for 6 weeks yet anyway.

    Its the UK version of MP10, so its basically the Hasbro Version you guys got. Identical in everyway and at a price so insanely fecked up people have been buying a hell of a lot of them.

  3. I still maintain Zer0 is the worst character by far though, especially for solo play.

    I disagree with this, but acknowledge your opinion as yours.

    Im curious on how you handle him, last I used mine (before the CC/Bee funtime I resorted to) I was using the Sniping tree with L50 Legendary rifles and while the DPS I could put out was frankly insane he was something of a glass cannon and when solo I found the lack of vantage points coupled with volumes of enemies to be counter productive to sniping.

    With every other character I could solo TM without the Bee/CC combo, Zer0 I could not. Its not like the game was harder with Zer0, just he didnt seem to be able to plough through things with the level of ease the others could.

    In a group with others drawing fire Zer0 holds his own, but on my own I certainly found him lacking comparatively.

  4. Despite having done everything ever on BL2 on the PC (Soloing Hyperious was ... fun...) I've gone and got it again for the 360 to play with some friends.

    Sign of a good game when I buy it (and the season pass) twice!

    I still maintain Zer0 is the worst character by far though, especially for solo play.

  5. After a few years messing with things such as OnLive (cloud gaming, good if you have the broadband but has some... problems..) and using a ton of PC games through Steam I decided the other day to get a working 360 back.

    So if anyone feels like adding me, Im back on the 360 as AdyCarter

    Picked up AC3 with it too, looking forward to playing it

  6. It seems to be getting a *little* more OTT than it originally was.

    Its a script that has been in place for a little over 10 weeks now, we're using it it generate revenue to cover the hosting costs, contest prizes and mailing of said prizes.

    Its actually generating a rather tasty amount, so I'd loathe to kill it off unless it was *really* winding everyone up (considering it took 10 weeks for someone to mention it, I guess its not?)

    If people use AdBlock/NoScript etc its also a piece of cake to disable that way. If popular demand decrees I guess I could set up an alternate skin without it?

  7. I actually canceled my pledge hours after they crossed the goal line, as I was only willing to donate if there wasn't a chance they'd pull thru.

    That kind of defeats the entire purpose of Kickstarter, you only want to back things that won't get funded so you don't have to pay? Thats like stealing items from a charity shops so you can then go in and give them stuff and feel good.

    As for this Kickstarter in particular, yeah... like BHM I made my thoughts clear on the thread itself.

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