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Everything posted by AdyCarter

  1. I agree 100% with Danny. Also, plaase support Darktide.. It was/is an attempt to hit Mass Market, and if Mates cn succeed at Mass Market, life will be good.
  2. Hmmm... God only knows if I can center the forum header... I'd imagine I can.... I'll look into it
  3. Thanks for the input everyone... Heh its almost like a democracy. Anyways, if you look uptop you'll see we're carrying a little darktide add, its jsut a test for the placement and size. Feedback would be appreciated.
  4. I got one. Just the one, sole reason I got that was to support them at mass market. I seem to recall a lot of people been shocked (in a bad way) at the running time of the film, especially in light of its billing as a "mini-movie", as for been easy to find. No it was totally impossible as you couldnt buy it in the UK.
  5. Right, Im just going to throw this out there. Obviously this place costs to keep running, the financial backers of the board dont mind paying at all. Heck we love you all so much, and minimates even more thats why this place is here. However the thought of sponsorship/advertising has crossed my mind, most noticable something such as the AFX affiliate program, as its relevant to Minimates, I wouldnt even consider something like Google Ads as they tend to be pretty irrelevant. So my question to you all is would you mind if we carried a small banner ad at the top of the site? it wouldnt be a pop-up or anything stupid like that, just a small banner. (this is just me throwing an idea out there, I want your honest opinions, and it doesnt mean this is happening, I just figured I'd gauge public opinion before looking into anything)
  6. In the event that someone needs to discuss something off the boards, or we have violated copyright or violated someones interlectual property please address all queries to
  7. Its possible only people that visited during the move will have to... Anyways, everything apepars to be working, yay!
  8. Superb. It is done! (Apologies everyone will have to resign in I think) Job done boys and girls. Interesting note, In the past two weeks we have: Registered a domain Bought a server Set up a forum Bought a different server Moved server I'm tired now...
  9. Cool thats what I want to be happening. I cant "flick the switch" to make the board know this is until everyone is getting direct to here from the address. Last thing I want is for people to get lost in the transfer.
  10. Right, the DNS has started to propogate..... If I go to This Link I get taken to this thead. on the current live version of the site straight away without the forwarding kicking in. What I dont know however is what happens when OTHER people go to that address..... So if you could keep checking that link, and let me know when it brings you straight here it would be lovely.
  11. Its probably more a case of the factory been at full capacity. Dark Tide, Wave 12/13, DCD Wave 1-3, SF2 Wave 2, Speed Racer Wave 1, BSG Waves 1+2 and the BA Blanks probably left no space in the schedule to bang anything else out
  12. Its still possible the domain name changes might cause some problems. Heres a brief explanation of whats still to happen: Currently when you type in it consults a DNS server to see where the server is. It currently directs you to the old server, as soon as you go to the old server I've set it up to bounce you to here (the new server). I've updated the DNS to point to the new server but it can take up to 3 days for it to change everywhere (basically the change is sent round all ISPs), once the DNS points to the new server we're officially completely moved and the address bar will go back to showing not the holding address it shows currently. DNS is basically the webs address book.
  13. We're on our new server! Just have to wait for the domain name to follow us properly. I dont *think* we had any downtime!
  14. Lol guess what happened to all those 8bit home computer geeks.. what do we all do for a living now? And no.. pimping is just a sideline... dint' anyone tell ya it's hard out there for a pimp? T. Yup its kinda wierd how our geeky hobbys led to geeky jobs..
  15. I think I've found my project for whence we've moved server. Although they need some more frames really to animate smoothly.
  16. Intersting story... The company that makes Minimates used to have its own forum, the forum was also for discussion of their Trek figures. The Trek fans seemed to dislike Minimate Fans. That forum has been "down for an upgrade" for about 2 weeks now, so we started this place up instead. Heck, we all Love Trek Minimates
  17. Welcome! and dont worry, I know people with worse spelling!
  18. Hmmm those could come in handy for something I've been playing with...
  19. Things are progressing well.... If the site blinks in and out, or the address bar has weird stuff in it, dont worry. If anything REALLY odd happens, drop me a mail:
  20. We've got Kirbs!?! Huzzah The one man Totally Spies Mates Making Machine!
  21. New server is getting configured at the moment
  22. Amusingly if I ever IP ban someone, thats all they get to see. Admittedly the odds of me ever doing that are pretty slim.
  23. slightly more pressing things mate, but I will get to this.
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