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Posts posted by The_Donster

  1. Yeah, I think Mezco and NECA keep their productions too low to keep up with demand. Anyone who knows me well enough, knows I'd love to see more DC Mates. Between the C3 stuff and helping out members I got sucked into the Minimate line. So I was one of the sadden few that miss this line. I don't know the particulars, I just wish DST could make it happen.

  2. I've got a Leaf, works great once you determine where to mount it. thumbsup.gif

    Yeah, I ran into that a bit with the GE antennas. There is a area that is just a waste of space in our living room that I'd like to move and mount our flatscreen on, but I'm a little concerned about reception. Although it wasn't any better where the it sits currently either. Did you put it in a particular spot or height? I'm going to try and call them tomorrow and find out which one to get. I'm thinking the middle of the road one should work just fine. As long as it gets the PBS and CBS channels we should be okay.

  3. Yeah, I remember being similarly shocked when trying to find a Deathstroke for my son for the holidays. Definitely makes me regret not picking up the last few waves of the DC Mates and being years behind on the current stuff. I got lucky and someone hooked me up. Out of all of the minifigures I've gave him, Deathstroke is still in one piece. Good luck in finding a replacement.

  4. We cut the cord more a less 3 years ago and are down to basic cable. Which was working great until Comcast decided to make us start using a DTA Box to watch them. Now we're back to the crappy video quality that made us turn in the DVR boxes once we upgraded to HDpinch.gif So to those using HD Antennas, which one did you go with? I tried one of the GE antennas Target sells, but I didn't get the best results. I've had a few people recommend just regular rabbit ears, but I'm not sure those are enough. So I'm considering a MOHU Leaf antenna. Has anyone used them? This is more for my mrs. than me, I'm happy with Netflix, Amazon and Hulu. Although I am being kind to Hulu, which I find to be the buggiest app out there.

  5. No, you aren't losing your mind Trekker, I've had the same issues. But it also feels a bit uneven on that regard too. One minute you are having your ass handed to you and the next you are unstoppable. I'm in the free play and the goons are giving me more grief than the boss fights, Deathstroke included. Yeah, Rocksteady made the previous games Nessex and this is someone new. Don't get me wrong, it is a fun game and I'm enjoying the voice actors work. Both Batman and Joker sound like Conroy(and a little Bale) and Hamill. It definitely has a unfinished feel to it. I'm really hoping that the DLC's make up for it. Otherwise they've left a lot of unanswered questions.

  6. So was this buggy for anyone else? This was the funkiest game I've ran across in a long time. I had fun and the story is very good, but the issues were distracting. I'm on free play at the moment. Seems like thugs appear and disappear or I have to restart from my last saved quite a bit. I do agree that the figures look great. I just have to save up my pennies to pick them up.

  7. Anyone else as excited as I am for the new GTA hitting tomorrow?

    I'm pretty much hearing nothing but good things about it.


    GTA V does look fantastic. One of those games where you just get so adsorbed in it and don't want to put it down, but I have way too much on my plate video game wise. I have this horrible habit of starting and not finishing games, as well as getting into a series only to put off playing the sequel for way too long. I still have to beat Silent Hill, and Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, games that I recently put off in favor of the amazing Pikmin 3. I bought Killer Is Dead, but am refusing to play it until I beat other games first. I also want to pick up Pokemon White, which I never got, in anticipation for X&Y, and the Wonderful 101 looks amazing. Hell, I haven't beat any of the old GTAs, and there are tons of sandbox games I haven't played yet as I got my PS3 a few years into it's lifespan.

    I'm also a bit hesitant to pick up an AAA game that will probably have lots of DLC at launch, since a "complete edition" is inevitable. Metal Gear Rising, Killer Is Dead and The Wonderful 101 are all games I don't mind buying at launch, as those companies are a bit on the smaller side and don't tend to make as much money, same went for Pikmin 3 as I wanted show my support for that series, but I really doubt Rockstar or GTA is in that much need for my support.

    >Arguably, it's maybe a really big add on for the third. It uses the same map and all the same assets, specifically customization parts, but on the things it does use it also adds a lot of new ones to the list, but then the actual gameplay and everything is so very above and beyond and insane and fun it's miles better than the Third. It's like if Saint's Row 3 ate Crackdown and that really good Spider-Man 2 movie game and added elemental superpowers. I played for 5 and 1/2 hours last night, did maybe 5 missions to advance the main story (which was took maybe an hour or so) and didn't even realize much time had passed at all. I played it all co-op too with a friend of mine and man it's so much fun. Anyone who liked Saint's Row the Third NEEDS to buy 4. Everyone else who never played a Saint's Row game also needs to buy this. People who don't like Saint's Row? Man, are you people just wrong entirely

    The only other game I'm buying between now and when the Xbox One comes out is Batman Arkham Origins, but I consider Saint's Row 4 the perfect send off to this console generation.

    This is all assuming you don't mind being Overpowered sometimes and smashing the crap out of things with no real rhyme or reason. It's serious nonsense, but I love it.

    I've heard a lot of people praise SR 2 over 3, how does 4 stand in relation to that?

    That's what I waited for with IV. That and the price to drop and sadly I haven't played it yet. My backlog is nuts and I think the problem is I've been spending too much in story involved games.

  8. I'm curious if anyone played the Star Trek game? Saw this was on clearance and was wondering if it was a blind buy or not?

    General consensus is that it's absolutely horrendous, godaawful, painful, and a disgrace to its name.

    But I guess you can decide for yourself.

    That's basically what I've heard too. Guess it a pass unless it goes below $10. I'm really hoping that the Star Wars Battleground lives up to its hype. Makes me kind of wish there was a pod racer game on the consoles.

  9. See, now I didn't want to see either one of those Tenime. Although I did want to see Mera finally get released in regular form. I also would have loved to see Granny Goodness finally be offered and would have loved to see the Teen Titans group too Karamazov. What is blowing my mind is the amount of hostility some of the MOTU collectors are showing towards the DCU one's on Facebook. One guy in particular is just giving them a black eyes with his puffy chest comments to DCU folks. While it is sad they'll probably charge a arm and a leg to finish the final 12 figures I'm trying to remain positive on the fact we had a pretty good run. Unfortunately if they go that route I'm out. There are plenty of other lines that are a bit more that produce a better quality figure for that amount of money.

  10. Apologies for the rant. Most who know me know I don't usually do this, but If it is going through it is going on without me. This year kind of left a bitter taste in my mouth and Matty's business model is starting to grind on the nerves. I can understand asking folks to blind buy the first year, but for 3 years straight? C'mon, roll with the times and make announcement on who is in the sub. It looks a little Batman heavy this year, which I'm a fan of. As far as Doomsday? I like the containment suit version. I kind of feel if they had flip flopped them they'd have a better response since so many people want a new Doomsday. Unlike Mallah, I think it is a wasted figure and not much retooling involved. Still, if it goes through I'll have to cherry pick from month to month. Nothing is blowing my socks off.

  11. Don't get me wrong. I want the sub to go through too. Unfortunately I'm also tired of the figure selections. This year was particularly bad and I just can't keep jumping blindly into this line. Every board I belong to has been clammoring for a Mera figure and we still haven't seen her. So far there is nothing I can't live without and that is sad for someone who's collected the line from day 1.

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