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Everything posted by The_Donster

  1. I feel like that when it comes to Reach Shanester Of course I have a stack of games that I got in the mail yesterday from the EA Stores sale: Battlefied 1 & 2, Mass Effect 2, Deathly Hallows-Part I(This one is more for my wife than me and probable why she got me a Kinect/360 Console ) and I should have Dead Space in the mail in a few days. Have a coupon from them and might end up picking up the 2nd one down the line. Regardless I'm going to be a bit busy once I get to playing these games
  2. Caved in and moved the new console downstairs so that I could set up the Kinect. Like Neo, I don't say this often, but I was wrong. This is really fun stuff. Granted, I'm just playing Kinect Adventures at the moment and basically exercising, still, having a blast I also followed Neo's advice and got a little usb flash drive. Quick question though, am I supposed to pick my hard drive or the flash drive when starting up a game? Halo Reach keeps asking me that when I go to play multi-player. Now it is second nature for me to take it out of the console upstairs or vice versa to play games. Of course I have had to download a lot of my add-ons back on the new and old console for some reason
  3. Just found out about this and apparently EA is having a 50% off sale. Just click on the link and pick your console. I picked up 5 games and with shipping it came up just short of $17.00 for each game. Even though a couple of them were in the $20-25 range originally. Anyway, I thought I would pass on the savings before the sale ends in a couple of hours.
  4. Bit the bullet and bought the Noble Team, along with some GOW2 bundles the other night. Halo is still safe to play with Lex around, but like Neo, I tend to play the other stuff when everyone is asleep. As far as Sarah from Chuck? I don't find her that hot. Both my wife and I find the actress Ellie to be much hotter(SHUTTUP PERVS ). Still, in spite of this, I will pick up the game when the Game of the Year Edition hits stores.
  5. Arkham City and Gears of War 3 are high on my list. Too bad both have been pushed back until the fall. On the bright side that gives me some time to play catch up on my existing games
  6. See, but I think that is the point of the newer movies. We're seeing Bond early in his career, where he is still a blunt instrument and not the polished spy he becomes. I love the old Bonds, but it became more about the stunts and gadgets and not about a good spy-action movie. These remind me of the early Connery Bond films, which I plan to get on BD eventually. Right now I'm waiting for a better release to Quantum of Solace BD, like they did for Casino Royale.
  7. Finally played Reach multi-player my new 360 and I love how quiet it was Got my ass handed to me a few times, but I'm finally getting used to the flatscreen.
  8. Caught the highlights of the game and it looked like a pretty intense game. Hopefully if the Hawks make it to the Bowl they don't choke again.
  9. I'm thinking I have to get this game. Time to check with my buddy and see if they sell this at the Microsoft Store? Went and disconnected everything to move the small entertainment stand back onto a small table last night. So I played a little Reach multi-player last few nights. It is a bizarre feeling going from a 13 year old machine to a flatscreen. The first night I thought I was going to Last night not so much. Has anyone picked up the Noble maps and played them? Wondering if it is worth the 800 credits they are asking for
  10. Some of my buddies have said the same thing I definitely think there needs to be some restructuring in the Live stuff and needing to be a Gold Member to access things. Why there isn't some sort of discount for GM is beyond me and some of the app's are a bit redundant. I used to access Netflix via my 360, but now I do it through my BD player. I'm sure that will change once I take my extra one downstairs though Still, I'd pick the 360 over the PS3.
  11. Sounds like a time to upgrade to the new model then Karamazov
  12. I'm a 360 guy myself, but as others have pointed out, there are advantages to both. Both have built in wi-fi and can stream Netflix, but PS3 does have the built in BD player. Both also have exclusives to their consoles, PS3(Uncharted, God of War) and 360(Halo, Gears of War). Hopefully Neolego can stop in and chime in, since he has both. I'm going to stick with my 360 for the time being, sorry I couldn't be more help.
  13. I have the iPhone 3GS and really love it. I was real close to buying the HTC Android and went with it instead.
  14. Sent a reply to your pm Pickle AFT has a nice compare and contrast review of the DCU vs DCD RB Wave. Like I've said elsewhere(and probable here), why is this wave being wasted on the DCU line? Why not just put it with the GL and call it good? I realize they are gearing up for the movie, but it doesn't even hit theaters until the summer
  15. Still haven't had a chance to get online lately. I was hoping with the wife on vacation I'd have more opportunity, but no such luck so far. I haven't even hooked up the new console yet Still, if anyone wants to send me a friends request, go ahead and do so.
  16. That is definitely one I have to check out. I've been hearing a lot of buzz on ME2 and Red Death Redemption on AOTS. So I guess I'll add those onto my next games to buy list.
  17. I was actually talking about Lex in a business suit TENIME, thanks Pickle Oh, and yes, in my area the Wal Mart's are clearancing them out at $30. Hell, if I know other stores, they are marking it down even more. Seems to be a store to store difference with both Wally's and Target during this time
  18. Well my son surprised me and picked up the new 360-Kinect bundle for Christmas. Pretty smart for a almost 18 month old given he had mom do the foot work for him too Anyway, haven't hooked it up yet, since I don't want to do the cleaning required to set it up downstairs. I'm considering just moving my old player downstairs and hooking it up to that. Does anyone know if I can run my Live account off of 2 360's or not? With the flatscreen upstairs, I'd prefer using that one for the new console.
  19. Jeff, are you asking after which movie do you start watching the Clone Wars Animated Series? While I'd love to say after Attack of the Clones, I can't. My advice would be to watch the movies in order and then catch the animated movie and then series. I'm actually considering giving the animated series another try once my Netflix que goes down.
  20. Speaking of Lex, where's my power suit Lex? That is one that just seems like a no brainer with little retooling. Same goes with a Bruce Wayne, since both could use the body from The Question basically.
  21. Looking forward to him too, but think the Mera excuse is a little sad on Matty's part. Sorry toy companies, but every once in awhile you have to do a new 100% sculpt. Especially if you are constantly asking fans to put their money where their mouth is with your lines Also, isn't a little too late to get on the GL:BK bandwagon? I know the movie is coming out, but why not put this in with the GL line?
  22. Still haven't gotten back online. Decided to wrap up Walking Dead last night instead of Force Unleashed. I did renew my Live though, so I'm covered for another year. Was giving a hard hint on the new 360 a few nights ago to the wife, which she immediately picked up on With us getting a new tv, I don't see me getting this anytime soon though
  23. Yeah, the posing seems to be a lot of collectors complaints. While it might be great for the MOC people, it sucks for the openers. That problem you described is what I noticed on one of the Hourman that didn't have any issues. Not looking forward to dealing with this once I open mine up
  24. Congrat's on the bonus GH7. I was just about to post this when I saw you beat me to it. Like you, I couldn't pass up that price and my wife was being generous Honestly though, she tried getting me to pick it up at TRU when we first saw it, but I couldn't pull the trigger. Which is odd, since I did for the variant on BBTS. Might wait until after the holidays to have that sent or just have it sit in my pile of loot a little longer. Its nice to know I have something saved up for a rainy day
  25. How was the paint app HP? Bought the set the other day and couldn't find one that didn't have a few paint or knee issues. Make sure you check out your right knee. I saw one that was pretty bent up. While I love the line, I am tired of the posing and q/c issues. You'd think with 15 waves under their belt they'd have improved on that by now. On the bright side, I've got my WM Wave and can chill until Wave 15 and the GL Waves start hitting
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