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Posts posted by nandoninny

  1. ordered two sets.  one of my favorite comic moments was in x-cutioner's song where he had the one man congo line going.

    i had actually written to DST about making an army builder pack out of this figure for shows and what not.  cool to see my idea was deemed viable enough for someone to attempt.


  2. ah man, i'd love a 80's ninja turtle vs bruce lee set.

    yeah, i'm shocked the 80's turtle line didn't get preorders needed.......... minimates are perfect for martial arts!!

    the street fighter ones are still my favorites (capcom vs marvel included).  

  3. 21 minutes ago, MJtheJuiceman26 said:

    Via twitter:




    satan's war boner?!?!

    that is a great handle!!

    i was just in arlington last weekend and i was so tempted to go to every walgreens we passed....glad i didn't piss off my wife for nothing.

    and since i'm in houston i expect we'll be around the same time.  thanks for posting!

  4. 37 minutes ago, luke314pi said:

    Ok after having seen the movie, I would love to make a sticker kit right now, but I am way too busy to do it. However, I can include a few designs with my next Luke Crate later this summer. If you would be interested in stickers, please take the following poll (and note that I only included characters that could be made using stickers, so for example Korg is not included):

    voted!  thanks! 

  5. 22 minutes ago, Heinous said:

    I really was hoping we'd get a Rescue. 

    hell yeah.  but again, there was a lot of potential figures that could have come from this movie.  my hope would be for her to show up in the future.  some of the outfits we can get in later movies.   i really wish there were a wave II of this though.  i'll just focus on/worry about getting wave 1 for now though.

  6. 10 hours ago, DSTZach said:

    These Minimates were done well before February. 

    I don't think we have ever been shown what happens in the final scenes of a movie that far ahead. Maybe told, but rarely shown.

    I am not required to interact with anyone here. Sorry if my responses seem avoid-ery, I am not avoiding anything. 

    i've always wondered if being behind the scenes ruined the experiences for you guys.  these films have been such a freaking joy to watch over the past 11 years.   Do you still get surprised when you see the films?  

    i've always been impressed and i appreciate your interaction with the fans and the askdst columns (even though most of the 'questions' just seem to be people's wish lists).  so i personally want to thank you for that.  i know it takes time away from other things.  i can imagine some comments can be discouraging.  it reminds me of one writer's advice which said 'never read the reviews'.

  7. 13 minutes ago, MisterPL said:

    We're moving into an era of crowdfunded collectibles.

    I really wanted a Sail Barge so I backed it last year by pre-ordering one for $500 plus $30 shipping. Even though it only needed 5,000 orders it managed to get 8,810. Many of those orders came from retailers but most came from collectors and speculators. Regardless, this is not an item you're going to find on the shelves of Target or Walmart anytime soon.

    The toy industry has been a volatile business since before Marvel dumped Toy Biz. The market has changed, as has the retail landscape. The way manufacturers get their product to end consumers has to change as well.

    Diamond is fortunate to have its own distribution network, one that has essentially allowed for crowdfunding long before the term was coined. If they can't get enough orders from their network of existing retailers, they should take full advantage of their online store and offer pre-orders there as well, complete with a goal for a minimum number of orders. 

    But the bottom line is to put your money where your mouth is up front instead of waiting until you see the product collecting dust on a peg.

    i crowdfunded agent 88 just for the minimates.......big fucking mistake.  i just wanted all those exclusives and they never happened.  i was really hoping DST would make it up to the backers but nope.  i don't blame them but i find it a little insulting that they let digger claim he'd make them and then have him back out.    they should have laid out the terms with him before letting him use their name.  i know he's the man behind the original line but according to him the line was stolen out from under him.

  8. 2 hours ago, Captain Paco said:

    Just this morning found Captain Marvel MiniMates at one of my local Walgreens.  I got a complete set, only wish I had a second set to open.

    Now I hope I find Endgame MIniMates VERY SOON!

    sorry man, didn't know these weren't everywhere yet.  if you need another set i could help you out.  they're all over the place here (Houston) and i'll be going to walgreens looking for endgame anyways.  let me know if you want me to grab you a set.

  9. Personally, if they do end up going to older movies (which is pretty much zero chance but since we're dreaming) I'd love to see a final armor WHIPLASH, the missing asgardians (warriors 3?) and the creatures from Infinity War that attack wakanda at the end there.  that would be cool.  then the ENDGAME character/costumes that got passed up.  that could be a few lines in itself. 

  10. 46 minutes ago, Captain Paco said:

    I just got my box sets from Luke.  I already have them on display and only wish I had the Walgreen's sets to add to them.

    I had a hard time getting the shoulder parts off of Hulk but finally got them to pop off.  I have not seen the movie, but I wanted an Iron Man in the Quantum Suit so I popped the gun off of the War Machine and used an Iron Man mask from the IW Iron Man.  I have it displayed off to the side of my other that are official.  I could customize Thor and Captain America if I wanted to, along with Captain Marvel all in Quantum Suits but will hold out hope I get the Walgreen's sets.

    years ago i made an agreement with my LCS to always have any Marvel minimates ordered for me.  they're a big shop (6 locations) so its never been a problem.  for some reason they didn't order any of these.  I expressed my disappointment to them.  first time they let me down........  :(  they say they've ordered them for me now

    i should have ordered from Luke........

    i can't wait to see the movie tomorrow and then hunt for some minimates!

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