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Posts posted by TBT!

  1. Just put one of every Spidey variant out on display. I'm sure you'll still have to leave some out, but. . .

    haha.. or perhaps just 324 copies of Riot Spidey and simple tell anyone it's an objet d’art?

    I suspect wave 2 spidey and black spidey will make the cut and probably no more. ( sorry Chuck.)

    Iron Man is another dilemma I have a lot of armor variants and am torn about displaying them all.


  2. So I'm finally getting around to putting up my minimate display cases in the new house. My dilemma is that I have 3 cases and each holds 108 minimates BUT I have thousands of minimates to chose from.

    So I'd like your thoughts on who makes the cut?

    Right now I'm thinking my favourite version of marvel characters filling 2 cases with one case for an assortment of other lines?


  3. Found these in store yesterday for $3.98, picked up one of each set and a few stragglers from other waves that were on sale. I only took one set, so if anyone in the Portland area is looking for these try Janzen Beach.

    They also had some of the tomb raider series, but all the exclusives were gone.

    Have to say I really like this wave, the only disappointment is that it looks like my Wolverine has a different left and right hand claw sculpt. Anyone else have this issue?


  4. Pepper as always been a favourite of mine, IMO where there is Tony there should always be Pepper. ( cheesy to say it but she is the Robin to his Batman).

    Rescue is such a great idea, it's iron man without the testosterone who is designed to help people without weapons & perfect for Peppers personality.

    Sadly I avoided TRU during the xmas crush and will probably miss out on owning one until I chase hr down. :(


  5. I think you're in it. Page 1 makes a lot of IDs, and WD Magazine issue 3 had a bunch, too. Sorry I haven't been posting control art regularly, I believe the art for Series 3 onward IDs the source art.

    Series 5's Geek Zombie is an easy one. His shirt used to have a message on it, about a video game. Abraham got him early on.

    Cosmic encounter is a boardgame & a pretty fun one with the right group of people.


  6. I recently picked up a 3ds XL, I had a longish trip coming up and wanted something to play while I was away, was looking at getting a Vita then realised there weren't many (any!) games coming out for it.

    Then I saw the new Zelda and fell in love with it, I also realised there is huge backlog of cheap DS titles to play and ended up with a 3ds.

    So most of my videogame time lately has been playing Zelda or an old DS game called 'orcs and elves', which is a turn based old skool dungeon delver that's super simple but far more fun than it should be.


  7. Well, technically, that's the price for the Minimates and a brand-new $20 DVD. biggrin.png But I feel for you guys. Still, It looks like fun, I look forward to watching it.

    And, for what it's worth, that's also the average going price for the original Hulkbuster on e Bay.

    Conspiracy theory no.345

    "Chuck knew exactly what he was doing making the Hulk buster hard to find, just so he could re-release it with a DVD later & have Zach claim that's the gonig rate for just the minimate, making people flock out to buy the DVDs... Boy does Chuck know how to play the Long game!"


    /<deadpan face>

  8. Just out of interest, how many updates have you guys received?

    I have a couple of things I've kickstarted. One for a boardgame sent out update #41 today and is still on course for a revised (because of the amount of stretch goals) but very close to the original delivery date.

    I've been very impressed with them and it's fun to see the project taking shape and the various stages of production it's going through.

    I don't think it's fair to blame Kickstarter for a specific projects lack of follow through... there are so many examples of great kickstarter projects that don't have the issues you guys seem to be having.


    p.s. No I didn't back agent 88...more on a gut feeling than anything else.

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