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Posts posted by TBT!

  1. Shane is on an airplane right now but after talking to him at the show im expecting the majority of the MMV mates he has to be given away as contests or random drawings. A few have been put aside for folks like Ady without who there wouldn't be a multiverse.

    I think the general feeling it that these are special and as far as I know no one who was at the show has more than one or two at most, often turning down the chance to get more to make sure they get into the hands of as many of you guys as possible.

    Lets not bring down all of the positive energy from this awesome minimate and generous gesture from DST with bickering.


    P.s. Delta, thanks for working on the video. Im sure everyone is grateful for you doing this and is looking forward to seeing the panel.

  2. I dreamt I was being offered quail eggs and crab cakes throughout every dream I had last night...

    That was no dream. Two words... Psychic. Butler.

    It was truly great meeting everyone. I had an absolute blast!

    One word.... Twiglets!

    Sitting in the airport with a beer & eating twiglets when I read this. I may be on my way home but it was a great weekend hanging out with the guys.

    "Its not far, just 6 or so blocks south of here..."


  3. It's a Trap!

    Zach has a huge list of all the posts where folks have said negative things about DSTs products from the forums and after you identify yourself he's going to look you up on his list and ask if you said "Did you really say Riot spideyman didn't need to be made"? then pull out a baseball bat and make you rethink your posting habits.


  4. So, what will everyone be doing, exactly?

    My girl and I are heading into town for the day. We won't be doing the show, but we are meeting up with friends in the Hyatt lobby Saturday night. If there's going to be any chance of meeting some of you guys outside the show floor, give me a heads up, as I'd love the opportunity.

    Minimate Multiverse C2E2 Celebration!

    RSVP Here

    Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM

    Chicago's Essex Inn

    Event Details

    This year's C2E2 will feature the largest gathering of Minimate fans ever! In honor of this event, the Minimate Multiverse and Luke's Toy Store are sponsoring a small event on Saturday night at the Essex. There will be appetizers, a place to buy drinks, door prizes, and plenty of room to sit and chat. Customizers make sure to bring a list of the parts you need, as Luke will be bringing over 800 Minimate parts with for sale or trade!

    Please make sure to RSVP if you think you might be able to attend. We hope to see you there!

  5. I get to drink with Timbo and Beavis in the same place at the same time?!?! Not to mention a slough of other classic MMMV personalites? *Does the Happy Cappy dance*

    Cappy is going to be there? *does a shamefully inferior happy cappy dance* (Nothing beats the original, I've seen it!)

    I've met a lot of you guys before but this is shaping up to be the definitive & most epic meetup of all time!


  6. By the way, we are driving to Chicago, so if anyone would like to place an LTS order and have us bring it to the MMV gathering to save on shipping, let me know. smile.png

    Why do I get a mental image of you guys in a big old station wagon just like the Griswalds on summer vacation.


    p.s. Thinking of placing an order at the store for more of your super cheap Alpha Flight minimates, but only if you and Mrs Luke deliver them dressed as Snowbird and Sasquatch, You can decide who dresses as who! tongue.png

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