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Posts posted by TBT!

  1. On 10/24/2016 at 5:55 AM, bigvis497 said:

    Who are these "people?" That's the problem with making blanket statements like this. Who are these people who changed their mind for the purpose of complaining? Names. I've always preferred the non-articulated figures for smaller characters and I've always said as much. I haven't changed my stance.

    Calm your britches there, no one was specifically talking about you, despite what you might think, you're not as important or central to this topic as you believe you are. ;)

    Was it a Blanket statement yes, intentionally so. I honestly didn't expect to ruffle feathers with that comment, it was simply a damned if they do or damned if they don't response, sharing my sympathy for Zach as some of us who've been fans of Rocket for many years were pretty vocal about wanting a proper minimate Rocket & disappointment at the pack-in version.


  2. Have to say this is probably the most infuriating line of minimates to me (I'm not going to share my thoughts on the blind bags here as that's a whole other story.).

    I'm assuming these are not going to be available online as the idea of exclusives to that store is to drive foot traffic who pick up other stuff while looking for exclusives, so we can prob forget that idea.

    Last weekend I went to 7 different Walgreens near (and not so near) me, I only found a couple of straggler Thor/Thanos or Starlord packs.
    My area seems to be heavily populated with MiniMate collectors ( I'm not even going to blame scalpers), so anything that comes in gets cherry picked pretty quickly, leaving maybe one or two of the unpopular packs that sit for months, that I'm assuming stop any sort of restock. 

    Advocating picking up extras to 'help people out' as the solution to the quirky distribution IMO just skews things & makes it worse. 
    If I you're picking up extras for someone else in a heavily trafficed area then it just means that you're stopping local collectors from getting those sets.
    It's no wonder the stores have no idea about distribution if people here are redistributing for them.

    Yeah, I know this is a little bit ranty but it's this sort of nonsense that has turned me from being a (from the start) completest to picking up just one or two packs if I really want the characters occasional buyer, it's just not worth the effort to me any longer.



  3. So I was stuck indoors yesterday and made a minimate head... I'll do the torso next and then probably the crotch, hands, feet and the arms/legs last. 
    That way I know all the sizes of sockets and will learn a lot about the tolerances of the joints as I go.

    The idea is to build parts that work well together but also work perfectly with real minimate parts. I am finding that there is a lot of variety in minimate joint sizing, using a 2009 FCDB minimate my head joint has perfect minimate snap on and off, most other torsos I tried are also good but there are some ( SF2 minimates for example) that it won't even fit into the neck. I can see me making a couple of variants that fit the fatter neck stumps better or perhaps a head that's something like .25mm smaller so that it can be painted and still fit hair/helmets etc.

    Is there a diagram/drawing out there somewhere with all the minimate dimensions from DST/AA?


  4. 10 hours ago, pk13 said:

    You're going to make a set of Hobo Avengers, aren't you?

    Who said I didn't already? ;)

    1 hour ago, luke314pi said:

    I never finished mine. I scaled the joints exactly, but they didn't function right when I printed them. I tried many different adjustments, but they never worked. Then the printer broke, and I gave up. 

    I wonder if that's a friction/materials thing?

    I was sort of amazed at how far the tech has come, mine prints like a charm and was pretty much ready to go out of the box. 
    Care to share the files you have, If I can fix it I'll share back? 


  5. Does anyone out there have a 3d modeled minimate template? 

    I recently picked up a 3d printer and have started to look at all of the custom potential it brings. Obviously a base minimate would be a good place to start & was wondering if anyone had already done the ground work and built a good basic minimate template that they'd be willing to share & I could use as a base to start from?

    Feel free to respond here or shoot me a PM.


  6. 10 hours ago, CortherX said:

    oh great, i didn't realize i had competition! i'm in ne, myself. not sure if you've come out this way. i've seen all the previous waves so far, so i'm hoping these'll pop up!

    As far as I know there are at least 3-4 serious minimate collectors in NE Portland alone, and a whole lot more city wide. Add in those who come down from Washington to Jantzen beach TRU and you'll prob start to understand why you can never find anything.

    I've not seen anything newer than the wave with the Black/Yellow Ironman in town.


  7. With respect to you Tim ,I'm not wanting to pour gasoline on dying embers but Valo487 started this thread ....slightly digressed into 'Brotherhood' territory in response to a couple of rogue off-topic comments & then gets both barrels from stack32 !

    Check out Valo's remark/post prior to the 'flame on' post . No disrespect meant stack32 but please get some perspective ......being lured away from the topic is a test of the topic's integrity ohmy.pngblink.png

    BTW I (me not us) derailed the 59 bad & I submitted an unreserved apology .....but f*ck me cool the fuck down .

    Not sure what you are expecting to achieve with this post? Starting it by saying you don't want to pour gasoline on a fire then doing it anyway implies either stupidity or mischief & I don't think you're stupid Rob.

    I don't care about 'He started it, he made it worse' the post was a friendly warning to everyone in here that things were starting to get a bit out of shape and the thread should have get back on track. Did I lock the thread... Nope, did I threaten to ban anyone... Nope, did I even name specific members... Nope.

    Not seeing any reason for me to "cool the fuck down", just someone who should know better making more drama for the sake of it.

    I really don't get why some of you assume that we moderate for any other reason than to keep the place civil & relatively organised.

    Are we perfect? - nope. Would the place go to crap if we didn't do it - no idea, but feel free to make your own forums elsewhere if you think we do such a bad job.

    Yes this post is longer than expected, I'm tired it's been a long day in the real world for me and frankly I don't need those of you who should know better poking the bear.


  8. I think you're wrong Matt ,I really do biggrin.png

    Whilst we have some superb minimates coming through in all lines, there have been some.... what shall I say.... poor examples due to tampos etc.

    Regards 'new' buyers getting multiple duplicates & the potential consequences ......I agree again.

    You see ( hopefully ) that I for one agree with you totally .

    If that means I am one of a minority or ,heaven forbid , the majority......... matters little to me.

    Matt, please forgive the fact that I picked up on your post rather than the umpteen others (from other members) lately but I'm beginning to fill my own posts with disclaimers, pre-apologies & niceties just in case somebody gets upset with my agreement or dissent .

    Tim & I for a big example have always had our huge little differences & his comment about things getting fiesty is typical of this.

    On the one hand he is absolutely right & it's creeping in all over the place here, maybe I'm part of the problem .....LMK dry.png .

    On the other hand he & I disagree on the spelling of 'feisty' devil.gif

    I'm happy to discuss this with anybody via PMs or in a 'feisty thread' because I believe it's important ......if a gobby bastard like me is starting to feel like he's treading on eggshells ,what chance the newer/quieter members ??

    I suspect you may be over thinking things a little Rob. The "fiesty" comment was just an observation on how strongly people feel about this topic, no moderation or other intent behind it.

    Despite strong opinions no one has made personal attacks or resulted to name calling, so my inner Moderator is pretty happy.

    As Shane said elsewhere, we're not here to stop folks speaking their minds, as long as it's within the rules and respectful to others.


    P.s. Opps! it's not that I can't spell it's more I can't type, it's corrected now ;)

  9. I had hoped that someone might want to look at some of the figures biggrin.png

    Never mind laugh.png

    Just saw this thread, looking down the list I'm always interested in seeing pix of the great escape ones and am more than happy to give you the excuse to show off your Machinen Krieger Kubicks, which I know you're esp fond of.

    As a side note, the one kubrick set I covet and kick myself for not buying when it was still reasonably cheap was the clear 30 piece pantone set. A thing of beauty as toy or otherwise IMO.


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