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Posts posted by ElGallo21

  1. I hope that I am correct in guessing that my santa is Homestar17. Thank You very much for the incredible gift!


    Wow, way to ASSuME incorrectly confused.gif I guess I'm more Inspector Clouseau than Sherlock Holmes. I just figured sit was Homestar17 since that was the last post prior to mine. As if the gifts themselves weren't enough clues, all I really had to do was look at the return address on the package to know that it came Luke. Am I correct now?

    Well, it is an awesome gift. Turok alone would have been enough but those OMFG figs are also a lot of fun!

    My Secret Santa gift arrived yesterday, shipped from Luke's with a note from Luke that there was no hint included.

    I got a full set of Walking Dead Wave 6, the Clerks B&W boxset, and the Pulp Fiction Vince & Mia Boxset!

    Later, I received a very nice PM from ElGallo21 apologizing for the delay.

    Thanks a lot, ElGallo21, and thanks again to Nessex for organizing the whole thing again this year!!! smile.png

    I'm glad you liked Youbastars and again I am very sorry for the delay.

  2. Work and relatives have been really good about keeping me away from the 'verse since christmas. And to top that off, I have been without a my cellphone for the past week. I finally borrowed a camera to take pictures of my awesome gift. So here you go:

    wave 59 Bobby and Sentinel; Best of Grey Hulk and Iron Man; an 8bit Super Man sticker; a pack of Gold OMFG figures; and Best of all this AMAZING Turok Custom!

    some closer shots:

    And some action shots:

    I hope that I am correct in guessing that my santa is Homestar17. Thank You very much for the incredible gift!

  3. I just received my Secret Santa gift today, and must say.....Totally love it all!!

    I didn't see any sort of clue as to who my Santa could be, except for the address.

    I'd like to thank my Secret Santa so very much.

    For my guess, the only person I could come up with was ElGallo21.

    Sorry sir, but t'was not I. Wait a minute... are you telling me that some one else is running around with my address? ohmy.pngohmy.pngohmy.png

  4. Wonderful idea! I love to see something like dr baghead's or mnemosis' breakdown.

    I think a good way to get around the branding issue would be to offer a strictly parts/ accessories calendar.

    Would be great if any of this were geared to us adult/older collectors and offered as a Luke's toy store exclusive.

  5. TUROK!

    Whippersnappers don't even remember Valiant Comics. C'mon Solar, Man of the Atom, Turok the Dinosaur Hunter, and Magnus the Mother Sniffing Robot Fighter

    If Wikipedia is correct Valiant doesn't own those characters anymore. That's too bad; I'd definitely be in for Magnus and a bunch of robots.

    Dammit... should have kept reading before I got my hopes up...

    I'm still looking forward to getting Valiant mates

  6. First AOA Dazzler and now Age of X Dazzler.... Damn.

    I, for one, would love to see much more of Dazzler so I'm going to need to go ahead and make:


    xtreme xmen

    agent of shield



    uncanny xmen blue & gold

    mojoworld rebel

    eve of destruction

    And any other dazzler variant you may think of!

    That is all.

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