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Posts posted by JIrish780

  1. I hope to be able to make this scene soon:


    Let's see... there's a total of 36 characters on that image. Counting the C3 releases of Flash and Martian Manhunter (two characters I'll likely never find considering DCD's reluctance to offer them again after having been made for the C3 line, but that's another complaint for another thread)... 18 of them, minimum, will have been 'mated by years end. Exactly half. Maybe not the same costumes in all cases, but still made. These are:

    DC: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, Green Arrow, Steel, Red Tornado, Blue Beetle

    Marvel: Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Wonder Man, She-Hulk

    Not an even split, but given DST's preference for Spidey and Wolvie, I'm not surprised. Also, four of the opponent pairings (Supes/Thor, Bats/Cap, J'onn/Wonder Man and Aquaman/Shulkie) will be ready to go.

    So, Reideen, you're not that far off!

  2. And with She-Hulk to go with my Wanda, I'm now the happiest Minimate fan alive right now. I don't even care about the parts reuse, it's Shulkie for cryin' out loud! A minimate I've waited for who knows how long now!

    I'm not at all disappointed we didn't get Vision and Hawkeye. You know how often Phasing Vision is requested, and that needs the room for a varient. And Hawkeye's best possible partner to be packaged with? Baron Zemo, his fellow Thunderbolts leader. And if DST wants to focus on giving us as many well-known Avengers as possible, that means keeping villains low. So I fully expect all three of those characters to be featured together down the line, probably along with the likes of Wasp, Black Panther, Ms. Marvel, Hercules, Yellowjacket, Black Knight, Photon, heck, even Sersi or Moondragon might be possible now after this!

    Now I'm going to start planning my all-time Avengers vs. JLA display. :biggrin:

  3. As the necessary parts for Hawkeye are already in the pipe with Green Arrow coming, I'll be really surprised if he's not in the mix tomorrow. That said, a "logical" pairing for tomorrow would be Yellowjacket and Wasp, considering both are considered classic Avengers and both are current in the comics right now. I'd love a Vision mate, but he's been out of the picture in the comics for almost two years now.

    In any case, this looks like a great wave, and I'll be thrilled with whoever turns up.

    Well, technically, you're right, since the Vision that's appearing in Young Avengers is considered a new entity.

    Anyhow, if you'll pardon the use of my Caps Lock... GRAND SLAM!!! GRAND SLAM!!!! My all-time favorite female Avenger is finally here! This is a HUGE step forward for my collection! I cannot wait for this wave to be released, now. Thank you, DST!

  4. I'd like to see:

    Flash Rogues- The Top, Mirrir Master, Captain Cold, Heatwave, Captain Boomerang, The Pied Piper.

    I would have put Professor Zoom,Zoom, Weather Wizard, Gorilla grodd, and The trickster, but I think they'll Probably make a regular series , so I just put a few guys in there that might not get the series treatment...........long story short.........I want all of them. :teehee:

    Somebody put this guy in charge!

    Seriously... I could see splitting the Titans into a group of boxes, with 5 heroes and one baddie each...

    Titans Silver Age: Wonder Girl (Donna), Speedy (Roy), Kid Flash (Wally), Aqualad, The Herald, Mad Mod

    Titans Bronze Age: Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven, Starfire, Terra, Brother Blood

    Titans Modern Age: Robin (Tim), Wonder Girl (Cassie), Jericho, Ravager, Kid Devil, Plasmus

  5. I really hope these finally hit stores, it's a cruel joke to offer me a shot at owning my favorite Street Fighter (Guile) and Darkstalkers (Talbain) characters in Minimate form and then just taking it away!

    Stay strong, my brother. My favorite Capcom character hasn't even had so much as a prototype displayed yet. Hopefully something will happen sooner than later.

  6. *crying tears of joy*

    Loki... it's really him! How perfect is this, the very first villain to be associated with the Avengers is now in the wave dedicated to them! This month may well become the single greatest month for announcements in Minimate history, between these and the arrival of 2" Star Trek. I am so very happy right now. This wave is now one run short of that grand slam I was rambling about yesterday.

  7. Speaking for myself as someone who only came to Minimates late in 2004 (IIRC), I thrived on some of the re-releases through Target. They helped me cheeply get the missing characters I would have probably otherwise payed out the ear for.

    That said, if DCD does varients, give me the ones that make sense from a story perspective, not an artist's one. And, I will echo Mr. PL's wish for the gift set re-releases, those will be a huge asset to newcomers, especially at the rate these are coming out! By mid-2008, you could concievably have enough of a character backlog for multiple box sets on Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, JLA, JSA, and perhaps even more beyond that if they so choose.

  8. Although I do echo the sentiment about the lack of villains, in the case of Mary Marvel, I can live with it. Mary Marvel on her own probably won't sell like Black Adam would. In fact, dollars to donuts, we'll in time see a 2 pack of Black Adam and Isis.

    My pick of the wave, though, has to be Red Tornado. Excellent job, DCD.

    My nit-pick of the wave, though, is Hawkgirl. I'd have preferred Kendra instead of... well, however you spell the Silver Age version's name. But I'll still happily take both Hawkpeople.

  9. He looks very, very well done, I especially love the detail on the chest piece... but one minimate alone does not make an entire wave. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited, but in baseball terms, this is a run to second base from home. The other minis they reveal later on in the week will tell me if this wave is a grand slam. Still, it's a great sign!

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