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Posts posted by boyd

  1. I'd support that - a mini-reunion of Evolution, with Batista and Orton as HHH's flunkies again. Then have them feud with Bryan & the returning Punk over the future of the company. Better yet - have Reigns side with Bryan & Punk, while the rest of the Shield stick with HHH.

    Man, there's dozens of ideas that would make this year's Wrestlemania look better than Orton vs. Batista. Including giving Batista his own sidekick in a raccoon costume.

    Hell, make the New Age Outlaws HHH's Jerry Brisco and Pat Patterson, and have his transformation into Vince become complete.

  2. Bam! My Birthday Elephant strikes first! Which is good because my birthday is this week.


    I got a package from my Birthday Elephant last Friday, containing all sorts of birthday goodies. Lots of peanut butter candy goodness - M&Ms, Reeces Pieces and Reeces Hearts - and lots of Minimate goodness, including a Through the Ages Hulk set, an extra scorpion and a Sun Queen. But my favorite part was a repainted Battle Beast snake in cool icy blue. This snow serpent was nicely redone - love the color choices and the dry brushing. No one ever makes the customizer a custom, so I appreciate the snake greatly.


    As for who my Birthday Elephant is, I say it's Fatcow, because I recognized the snake from his customs thread. Thanks!

  3. You're very welcome! There was a moment when I saw it was you that I went "Oh, crap! There's no way this'll be secret or hard-to-guess!" (Mostly because we've had several trades, tho not recently.)

    Actually, it was my wife who cracked the case. She looked at the card, noticed it was Hello Kitty, saw your handwriting and said my Secret Santa was female. Then that lightbulb went off over my head, I checked the return address and knew it was you.

  4. Secret Santa found me yesterday with the following great gifts:


    That's a Venom Through the Ages set, a Creature/Dr. Reed set, loose Luke Cage and Thing (about to re-enact a lost issue of Marvel Two-In-One), and bunches of candy! And a Madman trade paperback, which has put all sorts of custom ideas in my head. All this, and a very nice Hello Kitty card thanking me for sharing all the customs I've made, which is very nice considering I haven't publicly posted a new custom in over a year.

    Thank you for the presents, Homestar. I love them. Especially because my kids don't want any of the candy. :)

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