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Posts posted by b00sted

  1. Shit man, I am so jealous of you right now.. I am in the triple digits on ebay for just one of them gold vorins :(

    I am not going to be that pestering ahole but let me know if you decide to part ways, would rather give someone here my cash than some random dude on bay with a history of selling Gucci bags lol

  2. Man, I'd like to read the back story for how mates were first made by Digger and his evolution before selling off the company. Digger, you can tell you are an artist inside and out, keep up the good work and I am sure if you made your exclusive available for direct sale they would indeed sell quickly. I'd be more worried about all the Senior board members being able to buy one as 88 left to sell seems like a small number.

    But $18.00 I think is reasonable for the 88 minimate, but where exactly can we order these in a few days? Can we buy more than one?

    you can see some of the past of Minimates here..and there are 2 other interviews with Digger on the blog too

    Jeff of the Minis

    thanks for this! being a noobie it is good to know this shit ;)

  3. to go mildly off topic the "comic book limited vorin" is not for you to buy a stack to get, it is for your comic book store to want to buy a stack to sell and get the figures to sell as a exclusive to draw in clients into the shops. I am a noobie around here and respect all you old timers and still got to learn my ways so I honestly dont mean any disrespect by anything at all as well.

  4. Is it weird that even though I am still on the hunt for the gold vorin I am excited for NYCC already? maybe I can convince my wife I can go since it is only 5hrs away...

    anyways I know it was a feebie but anyone that is BB crazed like myself another autographed item popped up on the bay and thought I would share since I nabbed one already!

  5. And sorry if I upset or offended anyone, I can be a sarcastic ahole sometimes and I know that does not translate well over the interwebs, to sum it up yes gold vorin is going on my hit list but no I am not in fetal position in the corner crying myself to sleep (yet). Oh and sorry to any of the staff that thought I was accusing them of snagging some for themselves yet again that was me just being a smart ass that did not translate well to text :X

  6. So, b00. Just curious, but if someone hypothetically had one of these, how much would you be willing to pay? Ballpark figure. I just wish to gauge the level of your insanity devotion.

    Well for minimate board I actually got something to trade finally (as soon as seller ships it).. I was able to snag up a Agent 88 minimate so I am hoping once that arrives I can trade that out for a gold vorin ;) But in a lil over two weeks is my 30th Birthday so as a gift to myself hell or high water I will get a gold vorin and to answer your question vaguely as I can.. the one that went for 75$ on ebay if I saw it first I would not of thought twice about buying it..

    And most ppl end up calling me b00 or b00stie I am good with either.. or my real name is John ;)

    "Please sir, dont you want to give my daddy a Gold Vorin?"


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