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khonshu knight

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Posts posted by khonshu knight

  1. I would burn a spy for some "Burn Notice" Minimates, or any action figures of that show.

    Seconded. I would be happy with a box set of Fiona, Mike's mom,, Jesse and Sam. Put Michael in a vehicle set with his car (possibly a repaint of KITT would work) and we'ld be set.

    I would also like mates of the new Hawaii 5-O, the US version of Being Human, Chuck, The Pretender (Jarod, Sydney, Mrs. Parker and Gibbs), Firefly and classic Power Rangers.

    And, of course, Smallville. But I think there are whole threads devoted to why that will not work ;)

    Ohh, I can see it!

    Michael with Brennen

    Sam with Anson (also available Chuck Finley variant)

    Jesse with Carla

    Fiona with Madeline

    4-Pack Mission

    Michael(dark suit), Fiona(dress), Agent Pearce, and Vaughn.

    Add to the list Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Dexter, Sherlock, and Legend of the Seeker.

  2. I hope the release more of the worthy later on.

    This is what I don't get about DST, they release figures based on an event months after it passed. Same thing with the Curse of the Mutants set, I bet they would have had more sales if they released them in the same time the event was happening, not months after when most of the interest in some characters is already gone.

    Not to mention the event wasn't that good anyways.

  3. Those are out!? Well figures since we're a few weeks behind here. I just saw a Beta Ray/Armor Thor set a few weeks ago but nothing else from that wave. I regret not getting it only for Beta Ray.

  4. I'm up for it if it means that I could get retail figures easier, but I'm not a big fan of exclusive content.

    I know Mattel and other toy companies have it, Hasbro has it with the G.I.Joe club and the Transformers club, but other than that I think it caters to this exclusivity theme that's pretty much impossible to do with a line like Minimates. I mean, if they do a subscription only Kang (who uses a basic mold), what's to stop people from making their own custom Kang?

    One of the things that make Minimates so great is the fact that anyone with some spare time can make a custom, unlike the Transformers or G.I.Joe customs that require extensive hours. Besides, Mattel is doing that because their sales stink.

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