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Posts posted by DSTZach

  1. I await these results with joy and trepidation.

    I hope you're not just going to sit on the sidelines and wait to see who the rest of us picked. Even though you work for DST you are still a member of this forum and thus eligible to vote. I await your list of choices Mr.Oat. Your picks will be kept strictly confidential.

    I wouldn't want to skew the results. But thank you.

  2. @ Zach - it's the proto's for the never produced 2nd wave of StreetFighter/DarkStalkers.

    Damn i would have loved to have had that Blanka minimate. At least we'll be getting Felicia though :thumbsup:

    Aww, I'm sorry, man. Yeah, here's hoping we get to revisit those someday.

  3. bhm hesitates but still goes for the easy shot .....I of course would love a Zach Oat minimate :biggrin:

    bhm waits in anticipation for Frostie response from ZO

    Don't try to get me involved in this thread! I don't want to feed into anything. I already worry I've set up too high expectations.

    ...Maybe they'll make me a pirate. *dreams*

  4. @ Zach: Is the white on the lower half of Super Skrull's stretch base suppose to represent his ability to turn invisible? If that was the intent on the prototype, to your knowledge will this feature make it to the final product?

    As far as I know, that is the plan!

    Is Chris Redfield really going to come packed with the Joker's big pop gun (minus the "bang" flag) as an accessory?

    Unless he uses a giant revolver in the game, I'm going to assume that was a last-minute New York substitute for his usual gun, which was probably left on the floor of the San Diego Convention Center.

  5. Xforce: treads

    Trarantula: regular

    MvC: Short?

    These three things are not interchangeable. :(

    Well, if they were all the same, you wouldn't need to interchange them!

    Zach, can you confirm if the spinning hammer that Thor will be coming with will be translucent at all?

    Yes, pretty sure. Not positive about translucent brown vs. straight clear, but yes.

    I can only speak for myself, but was only inquiring about the girl's feet. Are they smaller/shorter, Zach?

    They certainly look that way in the NYCC shots, I'll try to confirm.

  6. Wait wait wait....are we really concerned about the size of Shulkie and not the size of MODOK?!?!?! In the picture, he doesn't have standard size Minimate arms and legs!!!!

    (I'm sure he will when he comes out, but still....)

    Turtle's right -- scaling is off. We did not use SMALLER arms and legs for MODOK.

    From NYCC:


    Shulkie and Felicia:


    Nomad's awesome MvC3xNYCC gallery:

  7. What date do these ship? Zach?

    Also curious on the Vehicles wave 3 with Kitt and Halo boxset 4 shipping date :biggrin:

    It LOOKS like they ship 1/18? Not sure why I had an earlier date. Apologies.

    Minimates Vehicles Series 3 SHOULD be 1/25. Ditto SPM KITT.

    Halo might be a ways off at this point, we went back and retooled some new parts.

  8. "Reviving lines that were thought defunct"

    MY guesses (hopes)

    Doctor Who


    DC Comics

    Star Trek

    C'mon Zach, tell me if even ONE of them is correct!!

    Nope, can't do it. You people are extrapolating machines.

    Actually, Zach, I'd love to hear your wishlist on vehicles!!

    The General Lee, of course, but also CHiPs, A-Team, Blue Thunder and Herbie the Love Bug.

  9. I hope MODOK and Wesker aren't shortpacked like Dormammu.

    Wesker is the opposite of shortpacked. He and Doom are the regular figures in both the TRU and specialty assortments.

    MODOK might be less common, since he's the TRU exclusive. I believe they're currently sending TRU fewer of those than they do of the big guns. But Dormammu was specialty exclusive, so there were fewer of him to begin with.

  10. i don't think she is smaller than chun-li or x-23. I'm pretty sure it's just the perspective making her look a little smaller.

    There's definitely some scaling issues in Photoshop, but it may be a necessity of the Minimate body that she's a millimeter shorter than Chun-Li (who has a skirt piece) and Felicia (who has a tail). You can't really put in a spacer to give her height without giving her a giant belt or a bulky torso piece.

  11. Are these all the finalized actual figures or will there still be some slight changes? Overall they look great, but some things just seem a little off here and there.

    Any time you see pictures on white (or blue) like this, they're pictures of prototypes, and therefore are not final. They may not fit together just right, coloring may not be final, and we may not show all of their accessories. For instance, I believe MODOK's jet base will be translucent, and that this Thor comes with a spinning hammer.

  12. Wheres Zach, we need answers

    What's going on?

    Oh, yeah. No, don't expect to see anything at Toy Fair -- go by the clock.

    And while I can say no more, I would base expectations on what we've actually produced, not on what we showed once. Two or three years ago. Or thereabouts.

  13. Sorry... bringing back an old thread, but got a question maybe Zach can answer.

    Will 2012 finally bring us a First Class Beast to round this set off?


    I'm with this as well. I would love to see an updated First Class Beast without the duck feet. Would be great to see new Hulk style feet for Beast. However, just stick him in randomly ala Wave 31 Angel.

    I think someone has already Asked DST, but it never hurts to ask again. Just be perfectly clear you mean comic-style, because more movie Minimates ain't happening. We only have limited windows for those figures.

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