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Posts posted by Kostisfire

  1. From ToyArk(Mezco): 


     They have some Mezitz, but there's nothing new there. The heroes are from that New52 pack from 2013 or so, Mad Love Joker & Batman Returns Batmobile & Batman from last year's SDCC. So the 2016 releases/reveals (Reurns, SKWAD) were the last. I'll take that as a good sign...

  2. 4 minutes ago, fwoosheyman said:

    Does anyone get excited for vinimates?

    Very little chatter here about them and they are collecting dust at local TRU's.

     Well, from a quick look around, ForbiddenPlanet is sold out from GB, Predator & Alien Vinis, and BBTS completely out of Alice ones. Dunno how they're doing in general, but I don't think they're a failure. And the DC ones will sell much better I presume.

  3. 9 minutes ago, stack32 said:

    When it comes to licensing I'm not sure it's a good idea to try and apply logic. I'll believe DC minimates are coming back when I have them in my hands.

    Also, it's pretty funny that no one seems too interested in DC vinimates themselves. Probably not the reaction DST is looking for.

     Eh, in that case, why even go into all the trouble if Vinis are all that we'll get? What's the difference with the Pops! that are already selling like hotcakes, have every license imaginable and are pretty much a phenomenon? I will admit nothing is ever certain, but considering every line that started with Vinis already has or will get mates, and the added fact of Vinis being Pops! 2.0 in a market that's been oversaturated with vinyl figs since then, it's a logical assumption. Granted, my excitement is getting the better of me, I'll admit that little bit.

     Well, it's only natural. The DC line was much more detailed compared to Marvel at the time, and it came to an end very early on. It's the one license that people have been clamoring for more than Star Wars. So when you see that DST now has the whole DC package (comics, games, movies, shows) and is producing Vinis, your first thought is 100% gonna be "where the hell are my mates?!". Granted these do look pretty darn great, and I can see myself buying my faves (Batman, Deathstroke, Wonder Woman, JonCon, etc).

  4. Comic Supes

    Movie WW

    CW Flash

    Injustice 2 Bats

     Damn, this is the whole package. I remember those rumors that it wasn't a case of DC not wanting more 'mates, but there was something in the way, some other company having the license for such collectibles. That was a bit after the Nu52 launched, and DC Collectibles (which replaced DC Direct) did a sort of "AskDCC" thing on their FB page. A couple of folks did ask for 'mates, for about 2 or 3 months, and that was their response, more or less. Most people assumed it was Mezco and their Mez-itz, which I think have been cancelled as a line, since they didn't show anything in their preview video alongside the One:12 stuff.

     Now, considering DST is starting with the Vinyl stuff, it's pretty clear they snagged that from Mezco. What's noteworthy, is that they have all the licenses. Marvel began with comics, expanded with flicks during the MCU (now only MCU flicks, no Fox ones), and has given us animated and Netflix products in recent times, although Agents of SHIELD & any video games (admittedly, Marvel hasn't produced a good Video Game in years, so it's a moot point) are missing. That means that DC has faith in the brand, otherwise they'd start with just the movie or CW stuff.

     Considering every Vinimate license so far has gotten or will get mates, and that DST's found success with Gotham, plus the variety of divisions they can pull from, makes me think DC Minimates are pretty much a given. I mean, why give a company known for minifigures all the licenses, but restrict them with just static block-esque figures that will more or less be in competition with the massively popular Funko Pops? DC already has Pops! of everything, so it makes little sense to give another company the "go", just for a variation of the same product. They'd be in competition with themselves.

     I'm not an expert or have any info from inside the toy world, but from an outsider's standpoint, it makes the most logical sense.Mezco's vinyl line fails, they hold onto the rights for a while, and as soon as new releases stop, DST comes out with Vinimates based on every aspect of DC entertainment? I doubt Vinis are all we'll get, considering all the other lines that started that way, and are getting MM releases now. Gotham was a test, and since results were positive and their Mezco contract was probably ending (the first Mez-itz came out around 2011 or so), plus with the DC Direct Bad Blood out of the way, the road was open.

     Question is, what will the waves look like? A model like Marvel's, with standalone waves based either on comics or flicks, or will the VG & TV-Shows be added? Will it be a general mix, say a comic 2-Pack, a movie 2-Pack and so on and so forth? I imagine it'll be something like Marvel's, but I wonder if each one of them will be a "different line". Say, they come out with a REBIRTH/All-Stars wave, and that's DC: Comic Wave: 01. Then they come out with a wave based on Injustice, and that's DC: Games: 01 and so on and so forth. It's a bit complicated, but it's appealing to me.

     Yeah, yeah, I realize I'm bumbling and running ahead, but come on, don't tell me that this isn't a "WTF?" moment for you either. DC mates are most probably coming back, and with a bang no less. Comics, games, movies, who would've thought? Two years back DC Mates were thought of as next to impossible, and even last year, with the Gotham license, it still didn't look as bright. But now? Well, we're getting Vinis, and Minis have followed them since they came out so...

    PS: I wonder whether Vertigo is included. Hellblazer, Preacher, Fables, etc, etc

    PS2: What's next? Doctor Who...?

  5.  It's worth noting that this Superman is based on the Rebirth design that debuted when Rebirth started. If it's any indication, they'll probably start with those costumes, be it Vinimates or Minimates. What I find rather interesting, is that they've got the license for Movies, Comics, Games & Shows all at once. I think DC Minimates aren't a dream anymore...

  6.  Zach did say they acquired a VG (I think) license that'd start with Vinimates and expand towards Minimates. It was when the PotC & DT lines were revealed. I doubt the VG license is Arkham (in that case everyone and their mother would go bonkers over it), but I think something's brewing here...

     Imagine if DST managed to snag the vinyl thing from Mezco, but can't produce any minimates. Now that'd be the ultimate "noooo" moment.

    PS: There's also that license expansion, that most assumed was Alien Covenant, but it was never confirmed. 

  7. Curses+foiled+again+_b1a9523d047b102ce85

     I, uh, I'm out of ideas. Only Nintendo remains, but most the franchises are getting new games. What is an evergreen franchise, without new games in 2016/2017, with colorful characters in it (some being recognizable)?

    PS: I don't know whether NR likes MGS, I just figured that you were dropping a hint, since GI Joe & MGS can be similar at times.

  8.  I... don't see the confusion. Zach said this:

    16 hours ago, DSTZach said:

    I think the video game license MIGHT appeal to you, Nervous. Fingers crossed.

     He's talking about Nervous. I follow him on Flickr, and the majority of his customs are related to MotU, Indie Heroes & GI Joe. Here's the link, 'cause they're all damn brilliant (especially the Indie Heroes & the Charitymates from a while back) and deserve to be seen (they're also in his CustomsThread here, so go take a look): Flickr Page

     Anyway, cross reference that with all the other clues from Zach (not MK or AC, evergreen franchise with no new game in 2016 or 2017), and MGS fits the bill, as it's similar to GI Joe, and to it could be deemed as something NervousRex might enjoy, purely from a hypothetical standpoint. It could, say, be Elder Scrolls, as it's got a fantasy setting which could have a connection with MotU, but I think MGS has bigger chances. Or it could be something totally different, who knows? At first I had my money on MK, then on AC, and now on MGS. We'll see I guess.


  9. >Nervous is into GI Joe.

    >GI Joe features a wide variety of charactes in millitary esque outfits, and deals with the themes of patriotism, terrorism, politics and good ol'balls-to-the-wall action (also there are giant robots if you count the Transformers crossovers).

    >The VG license is an evergreen franchise.

    >MGS is an evergreen franchise that's the most like GIJOE.

    >Therefore, the VG license is MGS.


     I have arrived at a certain conclusion.

    >Case: Cracked.

    >The cat: Out of the bag.

    >Me: Done.

     I fabulously exit the thread.



    Kidding aside though, the one license Nervous guessed is God of War (I went back to the speculation post and scoured for posts... oh some on, it's not that creepy in context...), but Zach said "you might enjoy", hence it's something he's basing on the things Nervous likes in general. Most of his customs are Golden Age characters, pulp heroes and as mentioned before, GI Joe. So the first thing that I thought of that fit all the clues is MGS. We'll see though, I guess.


  10.  Zach said that the VG license is evergreen, that it hasn't had a new game in 2016, and would not have one in 2017. So RE is out on account of RE7.

    On 30/10/2016 at 6:37 AM, DSTZach said:

    It's not a new game (2016/2017), but it is a big, evergreen franchise.

     At least that's how I took it. Maybe he meant that it's not a new IP. Either way, Mortal Kombat and Assassin's Creed have been shot down already.

  11.  IIRC, the VG license is top secret, and wouldn't be unveiled for qite a while. Likewise, I'm not expecting the next comic wave to show up. Maybe Ragnarok, if we're lucky. And TBH, Ragnarok has the potential to be a great wave. If it also gets a TRU tie-in, it'll really help with the lack of Thor characters (even if they're in MCU form). I'm expecting something like this:

    Thor/ Valkyrie

    Hulk/ Executioner

    Loki/ Hela

    Odin/ Doctor Strange

     And hopefully the Warriors 3 & Sif at TRU. Grandmaster & Surtur would've been cool as well, but I don't see them being made. Grandmaster could've fit into the LCS wave, but I don't see DST passing on a Doctor Strange, especially with all the tooling they've already done. At least he'll have the yellow gloves, so there's that.

  12. 4 hours ago, The Scarlet Spider said:

    So this will be borderline relevant info for this thread...

    I watched Prometheus the other day, it's the first alien movie I have ever watched. I thought it was prettyyy good. It definitely had me invested as far as story and everything. Kostis, you'll be happy to know I thought Fassbender was good at making me dislike him in this movie, haha. As far as minimates go do you think we're gonna get covenant mates? Is covenant a continuation of Prometheus? Can we get 3" or 4" engineer mates? 

     Prometheus was... interesting. Good ideas, bad execution... Definitely not the best foray into the Alien world, but eh, it works. Just make sure you see Alin & Aliens some time. As for Covenant, Zach mentioned a "license extension" so it could be.

     PS: I was so excited about this line, but they all came out too fast. I missed the first two waves and now I don't see the point of getting back in. Which is a shame, since it's great.

  13. 5 hours ago, BuffaloDelorean said:

    I'm hoping 76 will be released this year to help balance out the three movie waves.

     Well, even if it is, it'll be released close to December or so... At least the Wolverine Wave is ace. And, TBH, I'm kinda curious about the Ragnarok Wave. Hela looked very comic accurate in the Concept Art, and there are a lot of Thor villains that are supposedly in this flick.

  14. Just now, BuffaloDelorean said:

    I think Zach referenced 74 being Ragnarok (or at least not comic-based), which surprised me because of the timeframe. At least it makes 75 being something special a bit more likely.

     Huh, that's a tad weird. Well, Ragnarok for ToyFair and 75 for SDCC it is then. Maybe 76 at NYCC (with a 2018 release date most probably).

  15. 20 minutes ago, MisterPL said:


    There seems to be an unwillingness to even try on DST's part. I guess they don't want to rock the boat (no pun intended). They got away with making a glider and don't want to use it as a precedent. They're probably afraid Marvel won't ever let them do another "vehicle" like it again.


    I'd love to see a bike, too, maybe as part of a Greatest Hits assortment featuring Ghost Rider, Doctor Strange, She-Huk, Spider-Woman, and Wasp.

     Well, I don't blame them. Creating bad blood over a static bike ain't worth it.

    13 minutes ago, BuffaloDelorean said:

    I suppose precedent might help them, in that case, but DST seemed like they didn't want to push their luck on that issue.

    Six waves sounds about right. I'm really we hoping we get some new information at ToyFair. Ideally, that 75 will be another "fan's choice" wave (though maybe it's too soon after the similarly themed 69), along with a vague idea of 76.

     We'll probably see some control art of 74. Whether that is a CB Wave or Ragnarok, I don't now, though I'm leaning on the former, considering Thor comes out in November.

  16. 8 minutes ago, BuffaloDelorean said:

    A street heroes wave would be really cool, and different from what we've been getting lately. Personally, though, I'd rather see some more classic looks and updates to outdated minimates (yellow Daredevil, classic Power Man and Iron Fist...).

    More generally, though, I hope we get a reveal or some hints for upcoming LCS comic waves. Maybe I'm just impatient, but it feels like it's been a while since we learned about the Wolverine wave.

    ToyFair is about 2 weeks away, so maybe we'll see some control art for the next LCS wave, though it could very well be Ragnarok. In 2016 we got 7 waves, and in 2015 4 (due to 64 & 65 being released late). So far, 3 have been confirmed, and Ragnarok is a sure lock, so there should be about one or two more to be announced, tops. 

    Just now, MisterPL said:


    They allow silver surfboards and Goblin gliders. I'm betting that if DST designed a stand that looked like Ghost Rider's bike – with no working parts so it wasn't stepping on the toes of Mattel and Hasbro – it wouldn't be a problem.


    Mez-itz had a similar issue when they offered their Batmobile which is why they offered it with non-rolling wheels. It's merely an accessory. A very nice accessory. NOT a vehicle.

     I guess we'll see when/if they make another GR. I'd certainly love a bike.

  17. 46 minutes ago, Zylek said:

    Congrats on getting your question published, sounds like a promising wave to me!

     Far from a confirmation, but for Chuck to even give a "could work" answer, it's a big "hint". I just hope MK is included there. It'd be the perfect opportunity.

    25 minutes ago, MiniMCMotu said:

    MCU waves are great and the completest in me loves the verity of characters.  However, I think that if you make a movie wave, you need to go to extreme other side with comic titles/non-movie waves.  Minimates is long over due for a Ghost Rider set, maybe even a deluxe pack with GR with bike, Classic Rider with bike, and Vengeance with bike.  This might be out side the box thinking, but this could keep the dedicated collectors happy after getting the same Cap and Iron-Man (just painted a little different) year after year. 

     Sadly a GR bike can't happen, as it's a vehicle, and the Marvel license doesn't allow them. A straight-up GR Wave wouldn't sell that good, but a Supernatural/Doctor Strange one certainly would IMO. 

  18.  From the recent AskDST:

    Kostis F.
    Hey there! As we all know, the Netflix Marvel Shows are in full swing, and recently, Marvel’s EiC Axel Alonso said that going into 2017, the street level characters (Daredevil, Punisher, Moon Knight, Misty Knight, etc.) will get more focus than ever. So, with Defenders and Iron Fist (plus maybe Punisher) also hitting in 2017, I was wondering what are the chances of you doing a “Marvel Knights” wave. I was thinking something like this:


    ANAD Daredevil/ NOW! 2.0 Bullseye

    ANAD Misty Knight (as she appears in the Sam Wilson book)/ Ghost Rider (Reyes)

    ANAD Luke Cage/ ANAD Iron Fist (Power Man & IronFist Outfits)

    Armored/Balaclava Punisher (w/th extra t-shirt parts)/ Mr. Knight (w/th extra Khonshu head)


    Ghost Rider (Blaze & Ketch Parts)/ NOW! 2.0 Elektra

    Thanks for reading!

    DSTChuck: We have been talking about a wave like this of late, so I think something like it could be very possible in the future.


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