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Posts posted by Kostisfire

  1. 2 hours ago, NerdyTrev said:

    Well we know that Karl Urban has been cast as Skurge, but is casting closed? Is there a sliver of a chance that they just haven't castes Amora yet? It seems pretty stupid of them to include and almost always silent character without his "voice" and also cast a brilliant actor to play him. I smell character rewriting!!


    I'm just hoping for a potential Masters of Evil. It just seems really difficult when they keep killing off their villains, however. I also want another Enchantress minimate. Call me greedy but if we're finally getting her, why settle for one?


    As I said, we don't know if she will be in the film. Probably not as filming has already begun. Sure do hope they're keeping something under wraps, though.

    I wouldn't hold my breath. They showed Surtur and Fenris in the SDCC concept art, but no Amora. And besides, it makes little sense to add her to an already overstuffed film. Skurge is most probably going to be Hela's henchman, to play on the "Death's Executioner" thing.

     Apart from that, DC already came out with their own Enchantress, which might prompt some to scream that Marvel is copying DC. I mean, if you look at the Doc Strange comments, the but that bargains are convinced Strange stole his origin and Inception's visuals, when Doc was doing all that in the 70s.

     Plus, there's another rumour that the Eternals are in this due to another piece of SDCC CA, so the film is already overcrowded.

  2. 45 minutes ago, DSTZach said:

    Like I said, I'm a newbie, having never found a Strange book interesting before, so the new series is very enjoyable, at least the first few issues I've read. But then, I've never read God Butcher, having felt the same way about Thor. But I recently checked out some Moon Knight, Black Panther and now Thor books I'm working my way through.

    It's not a bad book, and the characterization has improved, but it was very lazy of Aaron to just copy and paste his work from God of Thunder. But, the October solicits look pretty good, what with bringing Pandemonium, Nightmare and the like back.

     As for the other two, MK's current book is one of the best out there. Black Panther is good, but most hardcore D hate it. The reason is because again, it portrays T'Challa as pretty much an idiot and an unfit ruler, coupled with a revolution story we've seen many times.

     For my money, I'd check out Priest's Panther, Moench's Moon Knight and the early Ditko stuff for Doctor Strange. From then on, I'd just make my wave to Huston's and Ellis' MK, Liss' Black Panther and all of Strange's second ongoing.

     As a side ore, one of the best current Marvel books is without a foubt Carnage. It's a homage to Tomb of Dracula and 70s Marvel Horror, and it's just a wild ride. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, MisterPL said:

    I've never been a huge Deadpool fan but I'm addicted to the 'mates for some reason. I'm usually a one-of-each collector but having that extra Marvel NOW Deadpool gives me an extra Wade to put inside that Phonics-Killer Iron Deadpool so I can display the X-Men First Class 'pool separately.


    And I agree with stack32; this assortment includes a truly terrific Spider-Man. Best tampos I've seen on this character's costume in a long time. Good job, AA. I may display this guy and put another extra Spidey under that Cableware.

     No kidding. This wave never piqued my interest (big a Deadpool fan as I am, I don't need each and every one of his costumes), but I might have to hunt down that Spider-Man. My dream costume was always red and black with blue highlights, so it's great to see the Torment mate essentially get an update. Now if we could just get a great Spider-Man book again... 

    Re Doctor Strange: The current book is utter trash, so you're better off waiting for the inevitable relaunch. The first 10 issues or so were Aaron's God Butcher arc, just shorter and with different characters. Besides that, the characterization of Stephen was awful, and we're back at "Strange doesn't have his magic, whatever shall he do?!". If you're a newbie it ain't bad, but for longtime Strange fans, well, yeah... You're better off trying your luck with the sister title, but that's gonna get canned after 6 issues, most probably.

  4. 2 minutes ago, BuffaloDelorean said:

    That sounds pretty good, but I don't think Carnage is really important enough to the Marvel Universe to get his own wave when we can't get one for Ghost Rider, or even Hulk.

    Of course not, I'm not saying any of these are even remotely possible (maybe Maximum if marketed as a Spider-Man wave), but hey, this is the wish list thread.

  5. 1 hour ago, stack32 said:

    Are there major versions of Carnage that we don't have a good minimate of? Besides throwing in a few supporting characters from Maximum Carnage I'm having a hard time figuring out what a wave would look like.

     Carnage himself doesn't need a new mate, but there are tons of characters associated with him that could make for some great ones. Maximum Carnage is a B-Comic Classic, and if you threw the usual big names in there, we could get some good ol' C-List villains.

    1 hour ago, BuffaloDelorean said:

    I think we've had enough good Carnage 'mates recently, personally.

    I wouldn't mind a new Clayton Crain Carnage, but yeah, he's pretty much covered. 

     Anyway, here's how I'd do a couple of Carnage waves:

    Maximum Carnage (LCS):

    Shriek/ Straightjacket Cletus with extra "patient" parts

    Demongoblin/ Black Cat

    Doppelganger with Spider-Man parts/ McFarlane Venom, Semi Bulked-Up

    Carrion/ Deathlok

    Minimum/Superior Carnage (TRU):

    Superior Carnage/ Wizard (Modern)

    Scarlet Spider (Kaine)/ Carnage (Clayton Crain)

    Carnage (ANAD):

    Human Cletus with "Predator" head/ Man-Wolf with Captain Jameson parts

    Darkhold Dwarf/ Eddie Brock (Soldier)

    Victoria Montesi/ Carnage with Merged Darkholder parts

    Darkholder with Brother Gregori parts/ Toxin (Brock)

     Now, good as these are, they're filled with C, D Listers and the like, so great or not, they're not feasible. So, I could see something like this becoming a real wave:

    History of Carnage (LCS):

    Shriek/ Straightjacket Cletus (a more serious expression this time) with parts for human Cletus (Maximum/ANAD Carnage Pack)

    Toxin (Mulligan)/ Black Cat (Carnage Vs. Venom Pack)

    Scarlet Spider (Kaine)/ Agent Venom with Brock-as-Toxin parts (Minimum/ANAD Carnage Pack)

    Darkholder with Brother Gregori parts/ Man-Wolf with Captain Jameson parts (ANAD Carnage Pack)

    TRU Tie-In:

    Superior Carnage/ Modern Wizard (Superior Carnage)

    Carrion/ Spider-Man with Doppelganger parts (Maximum Carnage)

     Now, I think the last one contains enough well known, cool looking characters and the like to be feasible. Granted, it's still not as an easy sell (I'm looking at that Man-Wolf pack...) as, say, a Maximum Carnage wave with Captain America, Spider-Man and Venom, but it could be done. At least IMO...


  6.  I still want the 2008 looks for the GotG, plus, the Guardians 3K team. 







     In other news, this is gonna sound nuts, but... I'd love a Carnage Wave based on various parts of the character's history. At first glance, that might sound as the worst idea ever, but depending on the execution, Carnage could make for some great waves. The current ongoing is one of the best books Marvel is putting out. It's one part Alien, one part Aliens, and it works as a modern Tomb of Dracula. I'd surely recommend it.


  7. 18 minutes ago, Dannii said:

    But I also keep them in ziplock bags, but it doesn't seem to do them any good... :( 
    If my Professor X's floating chair turns to copper it will look so damn ugly!! 

    Yeah, it varies from mate to mate with mine as well. Just plain ol' luck I guess.

  8. 45 minutes ago, Dannii said:

    My Rich Raider Nova has lost all its gold paint as well... now it's just copper and that gold detail on its armor is just brown/dark green :(

    Same goes for me. I repainted it, but it's not the same (we could use an updated Rich now that he's getting a solo again). My "solution" for newer figs with gold/silver paint, is to just keep them in ziplock bags. Not an ideal case, but it'll do.

  9. New wishlist thread, sweet! Personally, I'd go with:

    Modern/Post-Secret Invasion Mockingbird/ Madame Masque

    Ultimate Black Cat/ ANAD Crystal (dat new haircut...)

    Black & Gold Wasp/ Classic Spider-Woman 

    Uncanny X-Men Magik/ Updated Polaris

     I'd also like to see some like Typhoid Mary, Misty Knight and Collen Wing, but they'd fit better in a Daredevil wave.



  10. 39 minutes ago, CortherX said:

    when you say "less detailed" and show pics of Captain America or Hawkeye and the only difference i see is an additional line on each cheek, i think we're getting a little nit picky. the animated Hawkeye would not be my go to if i had only one to choose, but it's still a good looking mate and fits in just fine with the others. maybe they are a bit more simple, but that Crossbones is sweet, Taskmaster is Sweet, Venom is on my DFoSM display, and all of the movie GotG mates have been replaced by their animated versions... so i'm not complaining.

    As I said, "it all comes down to preference". Personally speaking, the differences are a whole lot more than just "an additional line on each cheek". If you think they fit in, sure, go ahead, nobody's forcing you to keep them separate. I'm using IM3 War Machine as my go-to War Machine, for example. 

     BUT(!), as far as I'm concerned, Animated mates simply aren't up to par with the comic line. Therefore, Animated 2099 does not count as an update of the comic version in my book. It's essentially a different costume, considering it's missing key ingredients of the original design. Same goes for other Animated mates. Less detailed hairpieces, less muscle definition, less sculpted parts, less realistic expressions, etc, etc. You might not notice them or consider them a big deal, but I, and others, do.

     Either way, I don't see what the fuss is all about. Some us simply don't consider the Animated mates peers of the regular, comic based ones. Some of you folks like them and add them to your displays. Fair enough, nobody's forcing anyone to do anything. "Different strokes for different folks" as they say.

  11. 12 minutes ago, BuffaloDelorean said:

    I can definitely understand that for classic properties, but things like Arrow and Firefly seem like a poor fit for the style. I also think they're overpriced but that's a different matter.

    I wasn't trying to compare the two. It isn't in any way the same situation, I was just mentioning that his words mirrored my thoughts.

     Yeah, I find it kinda left-field as well, but I think people who loved those toys back then, and also love Firefly, may buy them. As for overpriced, well, everything's climbing up in price nowadays.

     Sorry for the Animated thing, they were my thoughts on the subject, I wasn't implying that you were comparing them. I should've clarified better, but yeah, it was my view on it. 

  12. 1 minute ago, BuffaloDelorean said:

    Unrelated, but this was my thinking about the ReAction figures.

    Well, it's totally diiferent IMO. ReAction is purely nostalgia fueled, as they're essentially Kenner versions (ala the old Star Wars toys) of new (and old) licenses. To a young person who never grew up with those, they're nothing but badly made action figures, but to the old guard, they're a trip to the past. Nostalgia is a powerful drug. Just look at Stranger Things (twas excellent BTW). 

     Animated Mates are a whole different case. They're less detailed versions that don't really fit with our collections so far. You'd never mix ReAction figs with Neca or Hot Toys action figures (unless you have say, a shelf dedicated to "Escape from New York" and display the 1/6th fig alongside the ReAction Snake), so it's not the same "dillema" we're facing with Animated stuff. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, stack32 said:

    Then I'll go ahead and say it: Animated figures have no place in a regular display.

    Joking aside, the pictures make the point quite clear. It's not "wrong" to mix them in but if you do you're choosing to overlook a significant style difference. Which is is fine, it's just annoying to see people say we don't "need" a comic version of a character because DST made an animated version.

     Yup, I gotta agree. Animated 2099 is good enough, but... I'd take a new one. Fast... I don't have a "problem" with them, but, I don't consider the animated versions the very same thing. It's all about preference, but it's just the comic version for me. Animated Man-Thing is good enough, but as I said before, I'm not mixing Animated Hawkeye with my comic mates...

  14. Just now, BuffaloDelorean said:

    It must be hard to be a collector.

     If there's one thing I've learned, it's too get rid of the completionist mentality, and just pick and choose. Now, if you have the budget for it, sure, go nuts, but if you have limited funds, it's better to just buy the things you really want. From my experience, I've found comic book collecting to be much easier. That, and were it not for the cost, 1/6th scale. Personally speaking, due to their high prices, I can set limits to myself, whereas with minimates, considering the relatively low selling point, I get a bit too "trigger happy"...

  15. Just now, BuffaloDelorean said:

    Yeah, I definitely see where you're coming from. In Canada, you can only get minimates at an LCS.

     Here, you can get mates only... from the net... Thanks goodness for Luke, really. BBTS is my back-up plan though. Their prices are fair, and their shipping ain't that expensive.

  16. 1 hour ago, DSTZach said:

    Itsy Bitsy aside, I will never understand that flat-out rejection of Animated-style MInimates as "too cartoony." If you can read Squirrel Girl alongside other Marvel Comics, I don't see why minor differences in the face are less acceptable. Besides, I would not expect a David Finch Squirrel Girl any time soon.

     Personally speaking, it's mostly about the faces. Masked characters, like Spider-Man, don't have that problem. But the ones that are "normal" folks, don't really blend in, IMO always. I mean, if you compare the Animated & Comic versions of a certain character, you'll see major differences.


     Miles could fit in with other comics mates, but still, there's a noticeable difference between the first TRU release and his most recent animated one.


     Again, the detailing is more simplistic, the face is less detailed, there are noticeable differences. Same goes for these:




     Sure, they are very different costumes, but due to the nature of the animated version's design, the face is far less detailed.


     I won't say that Animated figures have no place in a regular display, but I also can't say that they all work. Animated Taskmaster works perfectly as a modern Taskmaster. Man-Thing works pretty good as a comic accurate Man-Thing. But in the meantime, I'd never use Animated Hawkeye or Ultron in my display. It all comes down to preference, really. I just buy the Animated stuff that I think would work with my mates and skip the rest. Problem is, they're waaaaay too elusive for me. Heck, I'm still hunting for that Taskmaster set. Not to mention Power Princess, Nighthawk and Man-Thing...

    PS: Any chance you could tell us who's in Gotham Series 4?

  17.  Gotta echo the sentiments, this was a rather weak showing. No new 4-Packs shown, no hint for the next Marvel Wave, no word on Indie Mates, no new Ghostbusters stuff, no new licenses besides the Iron Giant, no new TMNT stuff, just things we already knew about. Yes, we got Animated 3, but come on. Chibi Spider-Man? The same animated Spider-Man with a jetpack? Captain America: Parts re-use? I would've been excited for Hyperion, but the animated style just doesn't mesh well with the comic stuff, especially when unmasked characters are concerned. Noir is the only fig I'm kinda interested in... 

  18. 7 hours ago, BuffaloDelorean said:

    To be fair, it's a much more accurate representation of animated Spider-Man 2099, who has more recessed arm blades and no cape. I am biased since I have no love for the character, but I'd much rather get something else from the new Now! than his new look.

    Yeah, well, thing is, this is only our second 2099. He was one of the first mates ever, and due to its time, the first one is nowhere near a "good" mate now. If we're gonna get Deadpool's daughter and another OML, I think a new 2099, ANAD or not, wouldn't be an unessecary figure to get.

  19. 39 minutes ago, stack32 said:

    I definitely agree on that last part, unfortunately we seem to be the only ones who think so. I think it's more likely that DST finds a way to put the UK Spidey in a wave.

    It's a well made mate, but come on, it's not an accurate representation of 2099. No arm blades & no cape. Also, I'm a fan of the uber muscle detailing (see TRU Bullseye, Dark Avengers Sentry, etc), so I'm not fond of the animated one's minimal details. As I said, it's passable, but we need a new one. If the classic costume is "covered", I'll take the new one.

  20. 3 minutes ago, stack32 said:

    At first I hated it too. Then I hated it more. Hasbro can keep it.

     Eh, it grew on me. I dropped the book cause it was just like the previous vol (though it has improved from what I'm hearing, and I'm thinking of adding it again), but the costume grew on me. And hey, it sounds as if DST is not gonna revisit classic 2099 anytime soon, so I'll take this one. I just want a proper updated 2099, with arm blades, muscle detailing and the like. The animated one is passable, but it's not that great.

  21. 1 hour ago, youbastards said:

    Here you go Kostis!   :thumbsup:

    Shane, is the MMMV bugged?  I'm starting to get the impression that Hasbro is listening to this forum in hopes to steal some business.  

     Yeah, I saw that yesterday. Before I zoomed in, my first thought was "dangit, Hasbro beat DST again!", but then I clicked on it and... yeah, I'll uh, I'll pass on this one. The body looks as if it's gonna break if the winds blows too hard, and that hood is atrocious. It looks like a dollar store knock-off, not an official fig. I'm severely dissapointed. I don't collect 3.75" stuff, but I would've gotten that if it was good enough. Their 6" ANAD Spidey 2099 tempts me, but this one... not so much...

    11 minutes ago, BuffaloDelorean said:

    Pff, if the MMMV were really bugged he'd be in a suit.

    Is Hasbro planning on releasing any tiger figures?

     Man's got a point...

    Yo, Hasbro, if you're listenin', I'm in the marker for some dapper, white costumed anti-heroes, if you know what I'm sayin'...

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