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Posts posted by Kostisfire

  1. Odin:check

    New hawkeye:check

    Another different armor for tony: check

    Another Spidey suit: check

    The mighty boxset gets an 8 from me only for Spidey. I found his suit in fear itself blant,I would have preferred ms marvel but since all the other mates are so awesome it is a must buy for me.

    4 overly sculpted,badass looking,characters who are b or c list to be made characters:check(except from thing who is an a lister):check

    I give this set a 9.5 because I love sculpted pieces and we are getting character which I don't think will appear again so they have another chance for a Minimate transformation(odin's brother-the serpent or sin,she is b list the best at my book,never really liked her,I preferred the regular skull). The only reason I gave it a 9.5 is that I don't like sin like a character so I would have preffered another one like the absorbing man or hulk. Thus this is a must buy too. For me at least.Either way I haven't bought them yet so I can't come to a final conclusion but I tend to give scores to them when I see every proto fig so I can decide better what to buy and what not.

  2. Hello everyone,how are you doing? I hope you are just fine.

    I joined this site last year's July and from then I've been really enjoying myself. Anyway I want to change my name so it matches my CBM and YouTube account. So,the question is,how do I do that? Please answer and take care;)!

  3. Happy birthday Bob!

    Here is a birthday song we say here in Greece:

    We all wish you to live bob,

    For many years to come,

    Big to become with white hair on your head,

    Knowledge to give whenever you go,

    So everyone will say that you are the wisest of all!!!

    It's the best transition I could do :)

  4. Holidays are over school has started so i think this is the right time to post the first batch of my christmas customs(little late but it's better late than never) Alright,lets not waste any time,here we go:

    arkham city

    better look at each figure:



    Now we are moving on to 2000ad


    shot of trooper's

    here we have

    shot of their

    that's all,hope you liked them.I have duke nukem and isaac clarke from ds2 in the making as well as johny alpha and some others who wait to be painted.

  5. Well I have photoshop cs5 the whole package and adobe after effects cs5 but I haven't gotten to grips with them yet since I pirated them, but I could help with the script(I'm thinking of starting a Minimate show on YouTube around summer,I'm gathering my equipment right now,cameras,Lego for backgrounds that kind of stuff). So if you like send me a pm regarding what you need me to do, I'd be more than happy to help!

  6. When I went to purchase wave 28 my pre paid card expired and I needed to create a new one. That's how I lost the 30 dollar price for the whole wave. Sometime later I decided to hunt down deadpool. I ended paying around 50 euros for him and him only. Since then I learned my lesson so I buy everything I want ASAP.

  7. Star wars is being released in 3d so I think that the things we are gonna see are:

    1)dc because of the new 52 and with marvel's success dc is gonna jump on the wagon

    2)Lotr because of the hobbit

    3)star wars or Lucas movie products in general cause the sw are being released and it has been stated before that the only thing holding sw mates back is Lucas.

    I would add battle beasts but I think these will be revealed in comic con due to the countdown which has hit the web.

  8. Another thing I remembered: when I asked DST at their fb page a couple of weeks ago about star trek I mentioned star wars minimates and my lack of faith at them becoming minimates. Chuck or Zach replied "never underestimate the power of the Minimate side" was that a nod? I know I'm just dreaming but hey,we can always hope for a better tomorrow,can't we?

  9. Properties that will never exist, EVER! Star Wars, GI Joe, Transformers, Indiana Jones. Those are all Hasbro in house (or as far as Star Wars goes, Hasbro has the distribution rights) and Hasbro has stated they don't want to play ball, so those are NEVER going to happen.

    Why do we do this to ourselves? This isn't fun, it's pathetic.

    Oh, you know it's fun to

    . But, yeah, we'll probably never see those lines as Minimates. GI Joe and Transformers are Hasbro all the way. The other two are more questionable, but still not likely.

    BRB, I think either Chuck or Zach has said that no more Playstation 'mates are planned, so I wouldn't hold my breath for Kratos.

    My guessing:

    1) I have no idea what to think about turning it up to 11. This year already looks pretty good, so I guess this summer and fall will be a nice Minipalooza.

    2) With all the Capcom love recently, I wouldn't be surprised to see SF make a return to complement the MvC line. Trek could easily make a come back, just ditch the TOS/movie/new series line-up and go for themed waves, i.e., all TNG, all DS9, etc. LOTR could be interesting to make a comeback in anticipation of the Hobbit and would be good outlet for the mini-minimates we saw a while back. DC is more of the impossible dream, but it's still one that I

    won't let go of.

    3) Overhaul? Battle Beasts comes to mind. That hasn't clicked just yet for me (or retailers either apparently). Although MAX is one of my favorite lines, I think it could be bigger and better and more story-oriented like Calico Jack.

    4) HELLBOY and the BPRD!!! Sigh. The Hobbit would be cool, especially with the mini-Minimates. Otherwise, DST has really gone out there with choices, and I have absolutely no idea what else is even a possibility. When you look at the selection of Minimates, you realize anything is possible. I'd positively love to get a Marx Brothers boxset.

    I wasn't talking about the sony line but for the unproduced line. The kratos art was not for Sony but for another line. But one thing I hope for is dc.The time is now with the new 52.

  10. Wait,a line that was thought defunct was the line with kratos whose control art we saw a couple of months ago. Also we were never told the name of the line and the only games kratos has appeared are:gow,a golf game,mk and soul calibur. Oh and lbp. My guess is it is gow. Rumors for gow 4 have been hitting the web for a long time. Also a reliable source has revealed that ps4 and the new Xbox will be revealed in e3 2012. Either way,I have no doubt that everything we see will be mind blowing!!!

    But as far as new lines go I would l love gi joe,transformers and star wars but I think dc is more possible to happen than hasbro properties.

  11. Wait,a line that was thought defunct was the line with kratos whose control art we saw a couple of months ago. Also we were never told the name of the line and the only games kratos has appeared are:gow,a golf game,mk and soul calibur. Oh and lbp. My guess is it is gow. Rumors for gow 4 have been hitting the web for a long time. Also a reliable source has revealed that ps4 and the new Xbox will be revealed in e3 2012. Either way,I have no doubt that everything we see will be mind blowing!!!

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