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Posts posted by jjbrwesq

  1. Vulture's wings don't bother me as much as I thought they would. And he looks great on a flight stand.

    So if everyone hates this Spidey so much that should mean it should be easy for me to get my hands on a second one of his web shooters right? :-P

  2. So far every Toys R Us in the Los Angeles area I've been to has had them in stock.

    I've personally picked up the last Klaw set in Porter Ranch, Van Nuys and Burbank, but there are tons of Thor and Cap to be found and at least a few Hulks.

    I'm checking Woodland Hills and Thousand Oaks tomorrow (mainly cause I haven't found a Hulk I'm happy with (every one I've seen so far the muscle detailing is applied skewed heavily towards his right side) but if I wind up with any extras after my minimate friends get their pick of them, I'll happily forward them to anyone on here who needs them for cost plus shipping.

    Man...I dunno why, but I'm super excited to have a Klaw minimate. He's pretty awesome.

  3. Haven't had a red Daredevil since the Target exclusive wave a few years ago, but all the other figures on there were released in the last year or so (oldest seem to be Spidey/Venom re-releases) or are forthcoming. I figure we'll get both Dynamo and some other Iron Man comic characters alongside the release of the 50 movie figures, and DD will possibly be a Toys R Us Exclusive. In line with the recent updates of Silver Surfer and Captain America only available via that outlet.

    Crimson Dynamo would be awesome! If only we could get a Soviet Super Soldiers boxed set to go with him with Darkstar, Vanguard, Titanium Man and Transforming Ursa Major!

    An Ursa Major would make me a pee little.

    Also, am I the only one that now desperately wishes you could pose mates like Norman Osborn is posed on that poster?

  4. I'm wondering how well the blue of the mask of the very first Captain America figure matches the Cap figure that comes in the Heroes box set.

    I really don't like the wierd half mask that most of the Caps come with, but I think that the Heroes Cap has the best body/colors so I was hoping the first mask would look okay on him.

    If anyone could throw a pic up that would be awesome!

  5. So after some much fortunate ebay shoppage and copious amounts of free Comic-Con mates :-) , I've managed to get my mitts on pretty much every C3 / DC mate except for the Holy Trio of sets (flash, justice lord supes, and the javelin). The Flash is being redone and I won't pay $200 for the javelin. I may or may not get Superman eventually.

    BUUUUUUUT...I just realized I totally forgot about the Batcopter.

    Now I think the 'mate with it is ugly as heck, but after the disappointing batcave, the Batwing, Batmobile, and Batglider all ruled all and even the Batcycle was kinda fun.

    But I have to admit, the design of the Batcopter leaves me a little leary. Is it worth hunting down? Does it stay together okay? Is it cool in person? The review on mini'central seem pretty positive but i'd like to get some other opinions too.

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