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Posts posted by Glomit

  1. Holy crap! That \'negatory good buddy stuff\' REALLY got me! :tongue: :lol:

    Some basic info...

    -The older the wave, the harder to find ( I guess that\'s obvious to everyone now. :lol: )

    -Nice, STRONG plastic.

    -Great play value!

    -Just plain SWEET

    That's all I can think up now, but I\'m sure there\'s more to be said.


  2. Okay, so I'm in a bit of a fix. I've spent the past 2 weeks making my very first decals (which I think are pretty cool :thumbsup: ) and now I'm spending a frustrating weekend trying do print them off. I'm not actually saying there's a problem with my printer, it's just that the fine detailing that I put into my decals is lost. So I just wanted to know: does anyone know how to print out decals without getting a pixelated result?

    Thanks in advance! :)


  3. I think that Starbuck is a figment of Lee's imagination, the fact that he's the only one that picked her ship up, and she kept drifting on and off of the radar etc.


    Dude, I swear to God, my dad was thinking EXACTLY the same thing!

    About the Cylons, I find it strange that the whole the-Cylon's-back-glows-red-when-doing-it idea just seems lost. I mean, when Foster and Anders were making out, there wasn't any back glowingness. So maybe they are Cylons or maybe they're not. Who knows? :wacko:

    But yeah, there has to be more to it than that. It just all felt a bit sudden.


  4. Hey, guys! I just got back and I thought I'd say thanks! One of the comic shops in the U-District, The Dreaming, sold me 45 comics for $12 US! I got some X-3 MM at Golden Age (the Pike Street Market is SWEET), and a GR/Daredevil pack at a Target on the way back.

    Thanks for all the useful tips, you guys! They most definitely came in handy.


  5. I just wanted to express my thanks to everyone here who makes this a community.

    Everyone's so kind to one another (for the most part), always willing to help out, knows how to give constructive criticism without criticising.

    I belong to a handful of other message boards, and everyone is so vile & disgusting to everyone else. Don't you dare ask a question, because they'll treat you like an idiot who should know this by now. Don't express interest in anything because they'll tell you to kill yourself for liking it (just happened to me, swear to god). Don't share your customs or artwork you spent weeks and your heart & soul on, because they'll pick every, tiny, little imperfection out, and tell you there's something wrong with it, and no matter how much you're happy with it, it's bad, and pretty much always will be.

    Thank you, Minimate Multiverse.

    Thank you. :thumbsup:

    (Why do I feel like I've made a Thread like this here before?) :confused:

    I know how you feel (from an observer's point of view ;) ). I was a lurker at a LEGO site for a long time, and just reading the posts of members there made them look so arrogant. Members lived in fear of being suspended from the site because they mispelled a word, it was ludicrous! :down: The mods just totally abused their power, trying to act like demi-gods or something. And they didn't even have smileys. ;) I feel extremely comfortable here!

    So yes, thank you Minimate Multiverse!


  6. Goblin LOOKS COOL!! Sandman looks a little average.. do we get some sand add on pieces?

    Maybe he's just plain ol' Flint Marko? But yes, Goblin is fantastic (though still no glider)!



    look at gree goblins feet on both pics. the one with the mask has a glider under his feet!!! i can't believe we get his sword!!! wooot!!!!

    I was, ummm, just testing to see if you were paying attention... you passed. :tongue: No, sorry. I wasn't paying attention.


  7. Yeah, the Halo figs would sell insanely fast. King Kong (the game) would be sweet, since it could do tons *ahem* Max King Kong *ahem*. I myself like all the Jedi Outcast stuff, Kyle Katarn, Jan ors, etc.

    POKEMON!!! :banana: Just kidding


    There's an Avatar game??!!


  8. Nice one! :thumbsup: That, honest-to-God, has to be one of the coolest sets LEGO has made in a long time. I went to the LEGO site and it's labelled as 'exclusive'. It would have been nice if this had been a LEGO line, the sort of line that bulids a cityesqe thing if you buy and connect them all. Sort of like some McDonald's toys. :tongue:


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