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Jatta Pake

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Posts posted by Jatta Pake

  1. I started this as a new thread to kill the rumor that the Speed Racer Minimates will be 2.5" tall. From Brandon:

    ----- Original Message -----

    From: "Jatta Pake" <>

    To: <>

    Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 6:12 PM

    Subject: Speed Racer Minimates are 2.5" ?

    Rumors are incorrect. The Speed Racer Minimates will be ONLY 2 inches.

    Confirmed from AA.

    - Brandon

    > Brandon - Hi! Rumors are swirling that the new Speed Racer Minimates will

    > be 2.5 inches tall, like the Lord of the Rings Minimates. This is because

    > AFX is advertising them at that size on their pre-order website. Can you

    > confirm or deny this? I think a lot of people are waiting to pre-order

    > based upon the size of the Speed Racer Minimates.

  2. I think there is something magical about the 2" size. The 2.5" and 3" size just seem too chunky and blocky. I think AA went with the 2.5" size for the LOTR because 1.5" hobbits would have been just too small. In retrospect, I believe it would have made it to wave three and beyond with a 2" Aaragorn and 1.5" Frodo.

    I truly hope 2" stays the standard. And I'd swear the Speed Racer protos look 2".

  3. I never believed I would ever collect toys. I laughed at the 40 year old virgin. I stopped reading comic books 20 years ago. I was a work-a-day professional with adult responsibilities and problems.

    Then I walked into a Tower Records store in November 2004. I saw a small two-pack of Rhino and Gray Hulk on the bottom shelf near the magazines. I was immediately struck by a wave of nostolgia. Oh what a simpler time it was back when I read comic books!

    I bought the two pack and popped it open in my car outside the store. The smooth gray plastic and tiny moveable limbs brought a smile to my face. I resisted the immediate and powerful urge to buy more.

    That evening I noodled around with the two characters and set them next to my computer. By the morning I had decided I would "only get the main characters" like Spider-man and Wolverine.

    I bought every character at the store next day. It didn't satisfy my urge to get more. The next three months I learned how to use Ebay and started buying like crazy.

    Funny ideas I had when I first started collecting: I thought the Giant Sized X-men set were 3" minimates (why else would it be called giant size?!?!)

    I thought the DC Minimates were Legos so I passed them by for weeks until I finally examined the package. I still remember the thrill when I realized they were actual DC Minimates. NO WAY! I could have Spider-man fight Superman?!?!?!

    My obsession has caused me to by DVDs of comics and learn web-design.

    The 2" Minimates are plastic crack and I'm a full blown addict.

  4. I picked one up but haven't opened it yet.

    Be sure to watch for a Minimates vs. Stikfas soon at MMHQ. I know Kirby and Fujis have thrown down on this topic (actually waiting for a full rebuttal from Kirby - hint hint :P )

    I hope I can throw some gasoline on the proverbial fire. :)

  5. I finally got my post up today.

    Nothing like having a wisdom tooth pulled from your head. :)

    I fear that tooth was the source of all my powers. What if MMHQ goes down hill from here?


    So, you want to see a disgusting picture? Click on the link below to see a gross out picture of my 'power tooth'.

    Juvenile? Yes!

    Disgusting? Yes.

    Did I chase my wife around with it yesterday? Yes!

    Why would I keep it? Who knows? I'm still on so many painkillers I'm loopy!


    You've been warned people.

  6. Anything that relieves some of the financial burden is okay with me, Ady!

    I am voting yes because I know first hand how it costs to run a site.

    Hmm, I guess this isn't the best time to ask for a raise then...

    Fortunately we did well this year, and I can offer you a generous 3.5% increase to your base salary. Unfortunately your base salary is zero so this bumps you up to ... well ... zero. But let me stress to you that this is indeed "market" pay for our industry. I can assure you that the other Minimate sites out there could never hope to match our level of compensation. Some of them are struggling. I've even heard rumors that MMC might be doing lay-offs. The market is really tight right now. But rest assured that MMHQ is on solid financial footing. Keep up the good work and you may earn a 1% salary bonus around the holidays.

  7. I am voting yes because I know first hand how it costs to run a site.

    Many visitors to MMHQ see ads from a number of places. I have been experimenting with different options to defray costs but I've had no success.

    I was unaware of the AFX program so I'm going to look into it. I'd like any ads on MMHQ to be topical and Minimate/toy related.

    I don't think users should begrudge a site's decision to take any advertising it can get. It may not feel good to put ads on your site but the hosting/bandwidth of a site is such a money sink-hole.

    Plus, I have to admit I found some vendors after seeing their ads on a site. It helped me purchase some hard to find Minimates.

    Good luck Ady! Any monies made are very certainly well deserved. You've put a tremendous amount of blood sweat and tears into the forum. Same with Danny on MMC.

  8. The orders for the March Previews were due April 22 (or around that date). I'm making a lot of assumptions based upon how retailers act.

    Plus one of the first posts I ever made on the first aa forum announced the impending arrival of a wave (can't remember which one but it was around 1/05.) People on the boards called me crazy because it was too soon after another wave, but I was right.

    I think these waves are the last at the "old" factory. Wave 2 SF was supposed to be but they ran into production issues.

    So DC doesn't affect this wave as they are being cranked out of the new factory. And to get these to retailers by SDCC they'd need to give themselves about a month cusion.

    Pure speculation but I've got a tradition of calling waves to uphold. :)

  9. I'm still saying wave 12 will be here on the West Coast this week. Local comic shops had to have their orders in by 4/22.

    I saw the Luke Cage at WWLA and I actually liked it. I initially hated it from the online pics but it looks great in real life. I think it captures the character perfectly. Now it remains to be seen if I feel the same after I see the figure.

    I'm thinking wave 12 box art pics will hit the web this week - let's say Thurs morning. Just a hunch - I don't have any inside info.

  10. My list is what I expect, not exactly what I want. I think Marvel will push DST to hammer out more Spider-man minimates for the movie. I think hobgoblin is in the movie so he gets a minimate.

    I'm torn on the MJ/Peter Parker set. I think they could redo these as better figures and I think DST wants to. But we may get something like a JJJameson/Photography Spider-man instead. Mark my words - wave 14 will be Spidey.

    I am also eating crow because I thought wave 12 would be here yesterday. I am going to say next week for sure. No later.

  11. Wave 14 - Spider-man Wave: January 2007

    Aunt May/Iron Spider-man 2 pack

    Mysterio/Hobgoblin 2 pack

    Mary Jane/Peter Parker 2 pack

    Mary Jane/Chase Lab Coat Peter Parker 2 pack

    Wave 15: Avengers: February 2007

    Thor/Loki 2 pack

    Modern Armor Iron Man/Kang 2 pack

    Wasp/Ant Man 2 pack

    Wasp/Chase Henry Pym 2 pack

    Wave 16 - Villians: June 2007

    New Baron Zemo/Klaw 2 pack

    Abomination/Blob 2 pack

    Kraven the Hunter/Scorpion 2 pack

    Klaw/Chase Classic Zemo 2 pack

    Wave 17 - Classic Xmen: July 2007

    Angel/Blue Beast 2 pack

    Marvel Girl/Havok 2 pack

    Gambit/Toad 2 pack

    Angel/Chase Human Form Beast 2 pack

    Wave 18 - Avengers: November 2007

    Scarlet Witch/Vision 2 pack

    Wonder Man/Hawkeye 2 pack

    Quicksilver/Ultron 2 pack

    Scarlet Witch/Chase Phasing Vision 2 pack

    Wave 19: Defenders: December 2007

    Dr. Strange


    ... I need to finish this list ...

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