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Posts posted by ImABarRoomHero

  1. Icon Heroes is the company making the Thundertank exclusive.

    Oh, and it looks like it is going to be Thundercats Minimates for the AFX exclusive! The official Thundercats facebook page has just revealed a Jaga Thundercats minimate!!!! So excited.


    Snap! Not a Thundercat fan myself, but just about everyone I know is going to lose their minds.

  2. I'll pay for a Winter Soldier loose legend :biggrin:

    If one shows up at my LCS it's yours dude man.

    I've been building up so much trade that I bought everything I've wanted, so every shift I've been bringing home like 5 or 6 Legends from the huge lot that they bought. As cool as they are, really thinking about eBaying it in favor for some Hot Toys....

  3. All though I would love to see new DC mates, I accept their fate entirely. At this point I would love to see refocus on other franchises. Seeing as we now have Walking Dead, I would go crazy for an Image set. Or continue with my "Give me Jurassic Park or give me death!" campaign. For now though, I agree with wallet can't even handle what's out now.

  4. I don't think that we are ever going to see DC minimates again, sorry man. DC seems like the kind of company where they aren't going to go back on something even if it's a bad idea to everyone else around them. However, I wouldn't be surprised if DC Collectibles decided to make their own block figure rival. With spherical parts instead of squared.

    Just think of DC mates as refugees, toys without a nation. Now it's our duty to go out and save them all, give them a home, make them important. Who knows, maybe one day they'll realize "Hey, remember minimates? Maybe we shouldn't have got rid of them! We also shouldn't have rebooted the series!"Then DC will make a time machine and all will be well.

  5. Cool idea man, almost started one of these myself. Not to sound like a douche or anything, but although I'm not one of the bigger names on the boards I really appreciate being able to talk to you dudes about toys and what not. Literally the one thing that's keeping me happy these days is the same thing that kept me happy as a kid, just toys. Been out of work since November, rapidly losing money, my marriage is on the rocks due to the fact I can't find work and I've just been really bummed. However, keeping up with news on mates is an excellent therapy in between rebuilding my life. So, again, thanks guys!

    Also, since this is a chat....sorta.....anyone hockey fans? If so, what team? I'm a Penguins and Crosby fan, feel free to hate :biggrin: .

  6. Alpha flight is the afx set. You can cross it out from the tru list.

    HOW do you know this? O_o

    In the 10th anniversary interview brought alpha flight as an example which could be splitter in a 4 pack and in 1 or 2 two packs. We already have two characters in a 2pack. If it was the tru box set then they wouldn't know which to put in the 2pack so it is already planned. Anyway the tru poll goes up this week at tru.

    That is still speculating man, certainly not even close to set in stone.

  7. If anyone has any extra's of Kang, New Hawkeye or Grim Reaper and are wanting to get rid of them let me know :biggrin: . Unfortunately I don't have any cash, but I do have some decent trades in my sig and a lot of credit built up at my LCS, would be willing to pickup some stuff for trade...REALLY WANTING THESE MATES!

  8. Whilst I've got a captive audience...are X-factor comics worth anything ,say a run of 1-100 ? All VF+ at least.

    ....sorry needed to ask,forgive me!

    If I were to guess without looking at them I'd say you could get about 50-$75 or so at a comic shop since you have the full run or close to double on eBay. There are a few important issues towards the start of the series, including first Apocalypse and Death Angel.

  9. There are three Mojos that I'm aware of. There's this guy, Mojo II, and Ultimate Mojo. If you're talking about a short fat man in a suit, that's Ultimate Mojo. If you're talking about a tall thin yellowskinned dude, that's Mojo II, who usurped Mojo for a while as ruler of the Mojoverse. However, if you want the leader of the spineless ones, the original entrepreneur of reality TV, the master of Spiral and creator of Longshot, and the one true undisputed king of creepy, then THIS is the mate for you.

    The Mojo I was referring to was the white guy in the blue and yellow costume. Evidently Marvel recropped the image later in the day to reveal a Mojo with whom I'm more familiar. He'll be getting one of my votes. That's a 'mate I'd like to see DST tackle.

    Now I just need to decide on another...

    You're confused with Longshot....the guy he is holding, he will be released with Wave 47.

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