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Posts posted by Valo487

  1. If 66 is "All New, All Different" are there new characters/concepts that people are really excited to see? I don't mean in terms of new versions of characters we like, I mean versions you actually want on their own merit. I swear I'm not trying to troll on "All New, All Different" but when all the new titles were revealed, I couldn't believe how indifferent I felt. When I saw Superior Iron Man, Falcon-Cap and female Thor, I instantly wanted to see them as 'mates. Nothing from "ANAD" had the same effect. I don't even recall where most of the characters landed post-Crisis, that's how much it fell flat for me.

    I would call it "All New, All Lesser" but I don't like the abbreviation....

  2. It is truly amazing to me that of all the Deadpool 'mates that have been made, there is still a demand for a basic version of the character. That alone should speak volumes as to why this wave is being made, whether some are as excited about it as others or not. Personally, I like it overall, though I wish there had been a bit more variety in the versions of Wade chosen, though there are apparently alternate looks yet to be revealed. We really need Stryfe at some point, this may not have been the wave for him, but soon. We're on our 6th Cable I think, and his archenemy is still MIA?

  3. We just got a Hydra Trooper armybuilder in Wave 54 (Hydra Elite) so I don't see them putting an alt head in the Hydra Bob pack. Its possible but I wouldn't expect it.

    If I were them, I absolutely would, anything to encourage multiple sales. My concern is more the availability issues I've been noticing lately.

  4. I'm convinced they make up the rules for the movies and TV as they go along, the only concrete rule is "No Batman."

    A friend and I were talking about Gotham, and what we would have done differently while still not featuring Batman, and we came up with either a Robin or Nightwing show. You can still feature Batman characters without rewriting their origins, and you can have actual costumes. Plus it looks like the movies are going to toss the character out altogether, so it wouldn't be a repeat like it will be with The Flash.

  5. The points you guys are making are valid, and I certainly think that's the show they want to make, the problem I have with it is that they do everything they possibly can to bring in every element of the Batman universe, without having Batman himself. I think they are not committing to their own premise. Or, if you want to look at it from a marketing standpoint, they are compromising themselves to draw viewers because their premise isn't registering as well as they had hoped. If you want to see a different take on the same idea, read Gotham Central. It's way better than this show has been so far, while barely featuring Batman at all. I really wish they had gone that route, instead of taking the early years approach.

  6. (Girls, girls. You're both pretty.)

    I just want the show to be consistent. I'm fine with change so long as it makes sense and happens organically.

    This episode seemed like it would have been a great opportunity to show off Bruce's budding detective skills rather than a penchant for blowing holes in things. But I guess explosions however stupid are more riveting than anything cerebral. (Not that the pass code was all that difficult to guess.)

    I understand the desire to include the death of his parents, it's the fundamental moment of his life, but I think a lot of the issues I have with the show could be resolved if they had jumped forward in time and Bruce was now a teenager. It would be more believable to me that he is slowly beginning the journey he's going to go on. But I think the reason they're not doing that, is they want you to realize you're never ever going to get Batman.

  7. The problem I have is that it's just not very good. It has nothing to do with Nolan's movies, I would be on board to see something that resembled Burton's movies, I think the problem is the concept and the execution are just off, you have to let go of so much of what you commonly think of as the Batman world to not get bogged down in all the changes, but the tone of the show seems to still be a work in progress and they've already had a year to figure it out. I don't ever feel like there is an endgame that they are building towards, I feel like they are trying to find something that will stick.

  8. I think Man-Thing and Squirrel Girl will do very well, because they'll have appeal even to people who don't buy the animated versions. Personally, I don't need any of the animated versions save for 2099, who I think passes as either. But I want to support 'mates, and I think they're really well done. But the new characters will be very in demand I suspect.

  9. The comics and the show don't seem to be slowing down, so I would hope that would be a good sign for these. I would like to see a few more zombies start showing up in assortments, I know there are a lot of characters people want to see, but I feel like zombies have more impulse-buy appeal. Plus I want to have a massive zombie army....

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