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Posts posted by Valo487

  1. I might be interested in something like you guys are describing, but I’m pretty sure if DST did something like this, they’d just end up making new versions of the main characters, and I’ve got enough MCU Iron Man, Cap, Thor and Hulk ‘mates. I am bummed we’ll likely never receive the Warriors Three now, but I doubt this line would change that either. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, thereasonsy said:

    For Jessica Jones Spider-Woman I just switched the hair piece and she fits in better.

    Thank you, aside from the hair I feel like any change would be minute at best. I don’t think many ‘mates NEED a redo, but I will say this: I don’t want to see another Vision unless it’s the white version. I’m truly bewildered by how many versions of the green look have been released without ever getting the white one, if for no reason than a change of pace. I’d still like to see a bulked up comic style Abomination, and I guess you could consider a comic style Jackal a redo, the animated one is more cartoonish than I’d like. 

  3.  Considering this information is going to be on the packaging for items that are going to be on shelves well before the movie comes out, I am sorry for anyone who doesn’t want to be spoiled but I don’t see how you expect to avoid this information. 

  4. If people buy one more two pack than they would have to build Quake, then the Build a Minimate concept was a success. The point is not to give you free ‘mates, it’s to encourage casual buyers or non-completists to buy more. Ever since Marvel Legends introduced the concept it never ceases to amaze me how many people don’t realize that. 

  5.  I think part of the problem is the character and also the use of the character, and by use of the character I mean Marvel can’t seem to decide if they want him to be a protagonist or antagonist, he’s always blurring the lines between the two and while that can make for a very interesting character, the way they tend to do it makes him seem more like a plot device than a character. Seems like he’s used however the particular writer wants to use him. And as for the character himself, he’s not evil enough to be a villain, but he’s such a prick that it’s hard to really like him. Personally, I like how much he antagonizes the heroes because I think it makes for interesting interaction, but it’s hard I think for the average reader to embrace him when he comes off like a person you would hate in real life. 

  6. Considering that for the last several years I’m having to debate people on why we do we need redos of every character because there hasn’t been one for a while or because they can’t swap a hairpiece themselves, the people complaining about buying ‘mates they don’t need will get absolutely no sympathy from me. I mean not even a drop. 

  7. I’ve always been a big Namor fan, but I really don’t like him being part of the X-Men now. At all. It’s like when they said Falcon was a mutant, it seemed to serve no purpose other than tying everything to the X-Men. But that being said, unless they’re going to just remake a previous look, that’s the only really distinctive territory they haven’t covered for him that I can think of, unless you count “has a beard now” as a unique look. 

  8.  I would encourage anyone who isn’t seeing the buy one, get one tag to ask at the register, about half of the Walgreens I have been to trying to catch up on ‘mates I was missing did not have the tag out but they ring up on sale anyway. It applies to the Marvel movie and animated ones as well. 

  9. I’m struggling to think of anything that could be done to improve on Archangel and 90’s Ice-Man. Pretty much all the Jim Lee X-Men were spot on to my eyes, although Beast was a bit gangly. I know they’re very rare, but I’m not sure how different they’d be if remade. 

  10. It's a bit of a bummer that we're not getting a proper Iron Fist, but that's pretty consistent for Marvel on Netflix.  That is one habit I would be glad to see them break, where it takes an entire season for a character to look like they are supposed to look. The quality of the shows is still awesome, but it's becoming an annoying trope instead of a payoff. 

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